Week 6 - Applications of Molecular Biology.doc



Week 6

Applications of Molecular


Area of Study 1

Molecules of life

Key knowledge

Applications of molecular biology in medicine including the design of drugs and in medical diagnosis.

Investigate the use of biotechnology

Key skills

Investigate and inquire scientifically

Apply biological understandings

Communicate biological information and understandings

Tasks this week relate to outcome 1.

Analyse and evaluate evidence from practical investigation related to biochemical processes

Relevant websites

see online biology course environment. Go to the

“Links” section. There is also a list of websites at the end of this week’s notes.

Glossary terms for Week 6 can be found here: http://quizlet.com/_gtpr



Read carefully through this Week’s work before completing the tasks.

This is Week 6. Most of the information you need for this week is in these notes. You will only need to read one section from the text book –

Biology VCE Units 3 and 4 by Thomson Nelson.

The Objectives

By the end of this week you should be able to:

Complete SAC 2 for outcome 1

Understand the importance of biotechnology in medicine

Apply your knowledge to new situations

Investigate the use of biotechnology

Complete a practice exam

Complete the following SAC (School Assessed Coursework) practical activity

Contact me as soon as possible if you are not able to complete this practical.

Please note the following important instructions:

Keep your SACs once returned, in case they are requested by VCAA.

You should make and keep copies of your SACs when completed

(particularly major ones) to protect against loss.

Read carefully through the rules of completion on the following page before starting your SAC.


SAC Rules for Completion

Please note the following conditions for the submission of

School Assessed Coursework (SACs):

SACs must be completed on time as indicated in the course book and SAC material

SACs received in time will be graded

SACs received after the due date will be assessed for satisfactory achievement of the associated outcome (or part thereof) – they will receive an NA for assessment, as the student has not fulfilled DECV assessment requirements. If an NA has been given the teacher will explain the consequence of the NA.

Lost, stolen or damaged SAC work is governed by VCAA policy. If this happens, contact your teacher.

A Declaration of Authenticity will be provided with SAC materials or in the course book.

You must sign this to verify that the conditions set by the teacher have been followed.

If the SAC is completed under supervision, your supervisor must sign the


Certificate , attesting that the work has been done under the correct conditions.

SACs will not be assessed until the Declaration of Authenticity and


Declaration (if required) have been received by the DECV.

When SACs are returned you must retain them until the results have been finalized. VCAA may request they be submitted for moderation or verification.

Only completing SACs (Units 3 and 4) will not allow you to demonstrate achievement of the unit outcome s. This is achieved by satisfactorily submitting all the weekly work as specified in the course-book.

If you have enrolled late or have received materials late please contact your teacher to establish a modified timetable. This timetable is to be followed subsequently in regards to

SAC submission. A Modified SAC Timetable will then be forwarded to you. It ensures you know the extension arrangements and must abide by them.

Once these extension arrangements are established they become your modified timetable. SACs will then be subject to the Rules for Completion based on your modified timetable. Students need to gain extensions prior to the SAC submission date.

The SAC timetable and/or conditions may be varied through the processes of Special

Provision. These processes are described in the “Student Guide to Distance VCE 2005’.

Applications are the responsibility of the student or supervisor to formally apply to Year 12

Student Coordinator. All applications must be accompanied by appropriate and current documentation

Please note: You may not resubmit work for re-grading of a SAC in Units 3 and 4. You are only able to resubmit work in order to demonstrate the achievement of an outcome to receive a satisfactory result for the Unit.



After doing the theory from Week 4 you should be familiar with some of the things that affect the activity of enzymes. If not, you should revise that work if you need to, particularly the sections from the text book before conducting this experiment.

Instructions for completing SAC activities

As this is part of your formal assessment it is to be done -

 under supervision (so ensure that your supervisor is available)

 within 80 – l00 minutes of class time. A standard practical report

(see page 0.6 at the start of this book) is to be completed by the next day

 and posted to the DECV b y the date given on page 0.2 unless you do the SAC at the DECV – in which case you will have until the following Friday to post the work.

 late enrolling students need to contact me (your teacher) to arrange alternative dates

 extensions are available to students with extenuating circumstances however these can only be granted by me (your DECV teacher)

 the authentication declaration sheet must be completed and sent in with the completed practical report.

Practical activity

Do the practical activity on the following pages and write a standard practical report in accordance with the requirements as outlined above and on page 0.8.

Practical work

It is likely that you will have to find and prepare materials for some practical exercises. If you think you might have problems performing a particular practical exercise, contact your Biology teacher as soon as possible.

Before beginning the prac make sure that you have completed the weekly work in Week 4 online.





The Action of the Enzyme Catalase : The enzyme catalase controls the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. The reaction is as follows:







O + O

2 catalase

Hydrogen peroxide (the substrate in the above equation) is continually formed by living cells as a by-product of various chemical reactions. It is toxic and if it were not immediately broken down into water and oxygen

(the products ) by the cells it would kill them. Catalase, which works in the neutral environment of cells in the liver, has an optimal pH of 7 (that is, it works best at a pH of 7).

In this activity a qualitative* assessment is made of the rate at which catalase in liver cells breaks down hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. *Qualitative (i.e., based on observation).

Please note

The activation energy is the energy required to start the reaction.

Figure 1

Catalase reduces the activation energy needed to kick-start a chemical reaction. This is why enzymes are so powerful. The enzyme is not altered by the reaction. You have hundreds of different enzymes in each of your cells.


In a fair test or experiment all conditions or variables , except the one being tested should be the same. If we test different types of cups to see which one retains the most heat when filled with 250ml of hot water, it will be the different types of cup that will be the variable. Notice that in the aim given below there are two factors being investigated.



To carry out an experiment to see how temperature and surface area separately affect the rate of activity of the enzyme catalase.


Make an educated guess about what outcomes you will expect in this experiment. Pay attention to the two parts of the aim in formulating your hypotheses.

Materials and Equipment

Six test tubes


Bunsen burner




Stirring rod

Test tube holder

Test tube rack

Fresh liver (cows or chicken) – cut 3 pieces each to be ½ cm cubes (½ cm 3


Fresh 3% hydrogen peroxide solution (may be purchased from chemist)

Knife to cut and grind up liver

Felt tipped pen to write onto text tube

Figure 2


Part A - The Effect of Temperature on Catalase Activity


1. Label three test tubes 1, 2 and 3. Pour Hydrogen peroxide solution to a depth of 2 cm into each of the three test tubes. See Figure 2 .

Warning: Hydrogen peroxide is toxic. Wash areas thoroughly with water if spills occur.

2. Label another three test tubes A, B and C.


Add a ½ cm 3

raw liver piece to test tube A . You may need to use a stirring rod to push the liver down into the test tube.

4. Cut up and grind a second raw liver piece and add the ground liver to test tube B .

5. Boil the third liver piece in boiling water for 2 minutes and then remove and cool. Add the boiled and cooled liver to test tube C .

6. Pour the hydrogen peroxide from test tube 1 into test tube A.

Pour the hydrogen peroxide from test tube 2 into test tube B.

Pour the hydrogen peroxide from test tube 3 into test tube C.

Carefully observe and record what happens in an appropriate table.

7. Qualitatively assess the rate of reaction using a scale:

0 = no reaction, + = slight reaction, ++ = mild reaction,

+++ = strong reaction (or make up your own scale), record your results in an appropriate form.


Provide your results in two tables and or graphs. One comparing

Temperature and one comparing Surface area with the control.


1. Which test tube represents the control? What is the purpose of it?

2. Name the two independent variables found in this experiment

3. Name the dependent variable found in this experiment.

4. What is the main function of catalase in body cells?

5. Catalase is an enzyme and enzymes are proteins. What happens to proteins at high temperatures?

6. How does the activity of the boiled liver compare with that observed for the whole raw liver? Give an explanation for any differences you observed.

7. How does the activity of the ground-up liver compare with that observed for the whole raw liver? Give an explanation for any differences you observed.



Define the term ‘activation energy’. Look at Figure 1 above.

How much energy is saved when catalase is used to help carry out the chemical reaction.


9. Was your hypothesis correct?

10. Referring to your results and the aim, what general conclusions can you draw from this experiment about catalase activity?

11. What are some possible causes of error in this experiment?

12. What improvements could you make to this experiment so that the results are more useful?

Part B - The Effect of pH On Catalase Activity

In Part A above you studied the effect of temperature and surface area on the activity of the enzyme catalase. Now you are to design an experiment to test the effect of pH on the activity of the enzyme catalase. You do not have to conduct your designed experiment (part B). You only have to supply the procedure you would use.

1. Write the procedure that you would use for your designed experiment for part B.

Standard Practical report

Write a standard practical report of Part A above and include your design for Part B at the end. (See pages 0.6 – 0.8 of this booklet for help).

SAC Assessment Criteria Sheet

Attach the SAC Assessment Criteria Sheet provided to your standard prac report.

Use it as a guide and reference as to what you need to cover in your report.

Authentication Declaration form

Complete the declaration form provided, and attach it to the report.

Very High




Very Low

Not shown


Name: ……………………………………… Student Id: ……………………….

Outcome Descriptors/Key

Knowledge & Skills

Week 6 SAC Assessment Sheet

VCE Biology Assessment Task: Unit 3 Outcome 1

Ex 6A - The Activity of an Enzyme.

Very High


Understanding, detailed and accurate


Thorough understanding, detailed and accurate


Mostly accurate


Some relevant discussion, understanding.

Some accuracy

Understanding of the theory of biochemical processes i.e. enzyme action.

Q 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7.

Understanding of aims and method.

Hypothesis, Q 1 & 2

Conclusion & Part B Q 1.

Collection and presentation of results.


Evaluation of procedures and results

Conclusion & Q 5 & 6

Application of theory to specified conditions

Conclusion & Q 4, 5 & 6

Complex understanding

Hypothesized relationship between the variables and the predicted results is clear and reasonable based on what has been studied.

Procedures are listed in clear steps.

Each step is numbered and is a complete sentence.

Professional looking and accurate representation of the data in tables and/or graphs. Graphs and tables are labelled and titled.

Comprehensive interpretation and evaluation.

Comprehensive, detailed and directly relevant

Thorough understanding

Hypothesized relationship between the variables and the predicted results is reasonable based on general knowledge and observations.

Procedures are listed in a logical order, steps are numbered but not in complete sentences.

Accurate representation of the data in tables and/or graphs. Graphs and tables are labelled and titled.

Well developed evaluation and interpretation.

Very detailed and relevant

Mostly accurate Some relevant discussion

Hypothesized relationship between the variables and the predicted results is reasonable based on general knowledge and observations.

Procedures are not listed in a logical order, steps are not numbered and not in complete sentences.

Accurate representation of the data in written form, but no graphs or tables are presented.

Relevant evaluation and interpretation.

Mostly detailed and related indirectly.

Hypothesized relationship between the variables and the predicted results has been stated, but appears to be based on flawed logic.

Procedures are listed but are not in a logical order or are difficult to follow.

Some knowledge and understanding of the results.

Some accuracy.

Some evaluation and interpretation.

Some knowledge of terms, concepts and relationships

Very Low

Some reference, little understanding.

Some parts incomplete and inaccurate

Some reference to but little or no discussion

Hypothesis has been stated but not relevant.

Procedures do not accurately list the steps of the experiment.

Results identified but incomplete and inaccurate.

Poor evaluation and interpretation.

Knowledge unclear and irrelevant









Overall SAC Grade:


Authentication Declaration for Outcome 1

This document must be posted or, if being sent by E-mail, scanned with your actual signature on it.

Student Declaration of Authentication of Coursework

Name of student: ---------------------------------------DECV Student No.


Return the signed Declaration to:

Name of Teacher: ----------------------------------------


The VCAA requires that the student sign a declaration at the time of submitting the completed common assessment task stating that all unacknowledged work is the student's own. The student must acknowledge all resources used. This will include text and source material used and the name(s) and status of the person(s) who provided assistance, and the type of assistance received. Accordingly, students must sign and return the declaration below when they submit the common assessment task to their teacher at the Distance Education Centre, Victoria. Without this completed declaration their work cannot be assessed.


NAME OF STUDY: -------------------------------------------------

NAME OF STUDENT: ---------------------------------------------


I declare that all unacknowledged work on Outcome 1 above is my own and that I have completed this

Outcome 1 practical in a period of not more than 100 minutes for the practical activity itself. The formal write up of the practical was completed by the next day.

Student's signature --------------------------------------- Date:-----------


I declare to the best of my knowledge the unacknowledged work signed for above is the work of the student identified. OR I cannot attest to the authenticity of the student’s work.

*Teacher's/Parent’s signature: ------------------------------------------------ Date -------

(* delete as appropriate)



Read carefully through this Week’s work before completing the tasks.

This is Week 6. Most of the information you need for this week is in these notes. You will only need to read one section from the text book –

Biology VCE Units 3 and 4 by Thomson Nelson.

Read the following information. Then answer questions below. Use your own

A4 paper or send work as MSWord document attached to an email.

Rational drug design

Courtesy of Nature of Biology by Jacaranda

Solving the influenza problem

If you have measles, or some other common infection as a child, then you are often protected from having a second bout of the disease. Your body builds up some immunity , a capacity to respond immediately if you come into contact with the causative agent again and no symptoms develop.

Why then over the years can a person have influenza many times?

Influenza viruses are continually changing into new strains. The proteins in their outer layer change continually. Our bodies learn to defend against one influenza virus, but the next time we are infected with an influenza virus it is different from the previous one and we develop influenza again, and again. An Australian development, an anti-flu drug – called Relenza , has reduced that problem. The scientists solved the problem by a technique called rational drug design .

The process essentially involves finding out how the infective agent works against a cell and using that information to design a drug that prevents the infective agent from being able to do what it does.

The active site is found

The two kinds of protein on the surface of the influenza virus have different roles in the infection of a cell. Haemagglutinin is active in gaining entry to a cell; neuraminidase allows the exit of new virus particles from a cell, freeing them to infect other cells. If either of these two steps could be interrupted then treatment for influenza might be possible. This was the dream of scientists working on the influenza virus.

Attempts to block entry to the flu virus failed so attention was turned to neuraminidase. Neuraminidase is an enzyme that varies in structure from strain to strain.


Modelling the shape of the active site

If a drug was to be designed to inhibit the active site of neuraminidase, the molecular structure of the site had to be worked out. This was done by computer modelling so that the active site’s exact shape and the spatial arrangements of the atoms surrounding it became known.

Designing an appropriate drug

Once the detailed structure of the active site was known, a molecule could be designed to fit and bind to the active site. An anti-flu drug was created.

This technique, in which the active site of a molecule is determined and a second molecule (the drug) is constructed to fit into that active site to inhibit the activity of the first molecule, is called rational drug design .

How does the designer drug work?

Without the anti-influenza drug

Normally an influenza virus enters a cell and takes control (see figure

6.1a–f). Many viral parts are rapidly produced. These parts are assembled and move to the surface of the cell and ‘bud’ out of the membrane prior to exit from the cell. The new virus stays on the surface of the cell until neuraminidase cuts the attachment between the cell and virus. The virus then infects another cell. Many viruses are produced within a host cell so that as infection proceeds, the host system is filled with millions of viruses and influenza symptoms appear.

Figure 6.1 Infection of a cell by influenza virus in the absence and presence of the anti-influenza drug


With the anti-influenza drug

The initial stages of infection of a cell by a virus are the same as described in the previous paragraph (see figure 6.1a–c). Remember that haemagglutinin proteins are responsible for the entry of a virus into a cell and the drug does not interfere with the action of that protein. If the antiinfluenza drug is present, it interacts with the active site of neuraminidase

(see figure 6.1g–i), and the virus is trapped at the surface of the cell.

Because the virus is prevented from infecting other cells, there is no massive increase in numbers of the virus as usually occurs and virus influenza symptoms fail to develop. The immune system acts in the usual way to remove the virus particles.



What is meant by ‘rational drug design’?

2. What problems did Australian scientists have to overcome before they designed the drug Relenza that was effective against the influenza virus?

Application question


Scientists aim to develop a drug against a particular virus that infects humans. The virus has a protein coat and different parts of the coat play different roles in the infective cycle. Some sites assist in the attachment of the virus to a host cell, others are important in the release from a host cell.

The structure is represented in the following diagram.

The virus reproduces by attaching itself to the surface of a host cell and injecting its DNA into the host cell. The viral DNA then uses the components of the host cell to reproduce its parts and hundreds of new viruses bud off from the host cell. Ultimately the host cell dies.


Design a drug that will be effective against the virus shown above. In your answer, outline the important aspects you would need to consider. Outline how your drug would prevent continuation of the cycle of reproduction of the virus particle. Use diagrams in your answer.


Before a drug is used for human treatment it is usually tested on animals. This is because results for animals often give some indication of how effective a drug may be in humans. In this case the virus under investigation (see above) also infects mice.

Design an experiment ( you don’t have to actually do it!), using mice, to test the effectiveness of the drug you have designed. You may wish to revise your understanding of how to carry out a controlled experiment –

See the interactive titled ‘A Fair Test’, found online in the biology course material. See also the background information to Week 4’s SAC experiment. Ring your teacher to get further help.

Key Summary Points

Early work in molecular biology involved investigating metabolic pathways and the roles played by proteins and enzymes.

Discovery of the structure of DNA in 1953 became a pivotal point for the current and ongoing developments that exist in molecular biology today.

Gene therapy is a procedure with the potential to correct some genetic defects.

• Gene therapy involves inserting a functional piece of DNA into the cells of an individual with a genetic defect.

Virus vectors are commonly used to carry DNA into other cells.

• Different genetic conditions can develop at different ages in individuals.

Tests exist to distinguish functional from non-functional segments of DNA in an individual.

In these tests, the DNA of one individual is often compared with the DNA of other family members.

If we understand the mechanism by which an infective organism or agent causes disease, we may be able to design a drug to prevent it occurring.

• One of the proteins, an enzyme, on the outer layer of the influenza virus has a non-variable active site that is important for the continuation of their life cycle.

Vaccinations contain antigens from disease-causing organisms that stimulate the immune system to develop antibodies for future protection from the disease.

It is difficult to make vaccines against some parasites because of the complexity of the life cycle and knowing which of their antigens are most important in their disease-causing capacity.



Practice Exam Questions Revision

This revision exercise contains questions from past exam papers and relates to the work you have covered so far. It has been provided to give you practice in doing the VCE mid year exam paper. The results will not play any part in your final

ENTER score. However, treat it as if it were a real exam so that you get the most out of it. Try to complete it in the set time.

This will be a surprise to you and you won’t have had time to study for it. Don’t worry! Just use it as a tool to highlight the areas that you need to spend time revising.

Make sure you are not interrupted while doing this exercise. Give yourself the following reading and writing time:

Reading Time: 5 minutes. Writing Time: 25 minutes

Multiple choice questions –

Circle the correct answer

Question 1

A prokaryotic cell contains;


a nucleus


a vacuole




endoplasmic reticulum

1 mark

Question 2

Many biological compounds are large molecules made of many smaller units joined together. Each of the units has the same basic structure. Such molecules are called polymers.

Biological polymers include


cellulose composed of glucose.


glycogen composed of glycerol.


starch composed of amino acids.


proteins composed of fatty acids.

1 mark

Question 3

In DNA, the number of


phosphate groups equals the number of nitrogen bases.


adenine nucleotides equals the number of cytosine nucleotides.


phosphate groups equals twice the number of sugar molecules.


guanine nucleotides equals the number of uracil nucleotides.


1 mark

Question 4

The base composition of the DNA of a particular bacterium was analysed. It was found that 18 per cent of the bases were adenine.

You could reasonably conclude that

A. the DNA comprised 18 per cent adenine–thymine pairs.

B. 32 per cent of the bases were cytosine.

C. the DNA comprised 32 per cent of cytosine–guanine pairs.

D. 36 per cent of the bases were thymine.

1 mark

Question 5

The plasma membrane of a cell


is inflexible due to the presence of protein molecules.


allows substances to pass through only by active transport.


contains cholesterol molecules which can act as cell receptors.


is relatively impermeable to large water soluble molecules due to the presence of the bilipid layer.

1 mark

Question 6

Enzymes are:

A. carbohydrates that have the ability to catalyse reactions.

B. proteins that speed up chemical reactions.

C. carbohydrates that are denatured at very high temperatures.

D. proteins that are used up in chemical reactions.

1 mark

Question 7

The rate of reaction of a typical human enzyme was compared with the rate of reaction of a typical enzyme taken from bacteria that live in hot springs. The rates of reaction were measured over the same range of temperatures. The data obtained is shown in the following figure.

It is reasonable to conclude that


typical human enzymes fail to act at temperatures above 50ºC.


the optimal temperature for enzymes for both organisms is about 37ºC.


a denatured bacterial enzyme would resume activity if re-incubated at



enzymes from bacteria that live in hot springs withstand temperatures up to 100ºC.


1 mark

Question 8

The following graph illustrates the effect of different concentrations of a substrate on the rate of a cellular reaction.

In this series of experiments, the amount of enzyme, the pH and the temperature remain constant.

The limiting factor at point X is the

A. pH.

B. temperature.

C. amount of enzyme.

D. substrate concentration.

1 mark

Question 9

Many plants naturally contain bitter-tasting chemicals called cyanogenic glycosides. In animals, these chemicals interfere with the electron transport stage of cellular respiration.

The effect on animals that eat these plants is

A. a decrease in ATP production.

B. an increase in energy storage.

C. a decrease in oxygen production.

D. an increased level of aerobic respiration.

1 mark

Questions 10, 11, 12 & 13

The following information applies to Questions 10 to 13 inclusive.

In the absence of oxygen, the respiration of glucose by many yeast species can be represented by glucose alcohol + carbon dioxide.

In the presence of oxygen, the respiration of these yeasts can be represented by glucose carbon dioxide + water and alcohol carbon dioxide + water

An experiment was carried out to investigate the rate of production of carbon dioxide by a particular species of yeast. Nitrogen gas was bubbled through a solution of glucose overnight to remove any oxygen from the solution. A suspension of the yeast was then added to the solution (Time 0

6.18 on the graph). Nitrogen was then bubbled through the glucose plus yeast solution for a particular time period. The nitrogen supply was then removed and oxygen bubbled through the mixture. Throughout the experiment, the rate of production of carbon dioxide was measured. The results obtained are shown in the following graph.

Question 10

The rate of production of carbon dioxide was greatest

A. between points M and N.

B. between points P and Q.

C. at point N.

D. at point Q. 1 mark

Question 11

The low rate of production of carbon dioxide at point P is most likely because

A. nitrogen killed all the yeast cells.

B. most of the glucose had been used.

C. the yeast culture was overcrowded.

D. harmful waste products killed all the yeast cells.

1 mark

Question 12

If oxygen had not been bubbled through the culture after point P, it is reasonable to assume that

A. the rate of production of carbon dioxide would have continued to fall.

B. the rate of production of carbon dioxide would have risen, but not as much as it did when oxygen was bubbled through.

C. the rate of production of carbon dioxide would have levelled off and remained at a value similar to that at point P.


D. there is insufficient data available to make a worthwhile prediction about what may have happened. 1 mark

Question 13

The concentration of alcohol in the culture would have been

A. greatest at point N.

B. greatest at point P.

C. greatest at point Q.

D. much the same throughout the experiment.

1 mark

Short Answer Section -

Write your answers in the space provided.

Question 1

The following figure shows a drawing of a Chlamydomonas cell with some features labelled.

A Chlamydomonas cell has a single large chloroplast containing a green pigment.

Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are two biochemical processes that are crucial for the maintenance of life on earth.

Photosynthesis takes place in two phases – a light-dependent phase and a light-independent phase.

One of the products of the reactions of the light-dependent phase takes no further part in the overall process and is sometimes referred to as a ‘waste’ product of photosynthesis. a. What is this waste product of photosynthesis?

1 mark

of glucose.


During the light-independent phase of photosynthesis, sugars are formed which are later used in respiration. b. Name the high-energy compound produced during cellular respiration

1 mark

During cellular respiration, cells vary in the amount of usable energy they produce per molecule of glucose used. c. i. Name the condition that determines how much of this high-energy compound is produced.

ii. Compare the relative amounts of high-energy compound produced under the altered condition.

1 + 1 = 2 marks

Question 2

A group of students designed a series of experiments to investigate factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis in plants. The plants were enclosed in clear plastic boxes and kept in the dark for ten minutes. The plants in their boxes were then exposed to light for ten minutes. The students measured the oxygen concentration in the air surrounding the plants.

The results of their experiments are shown in the following graph.

6.21 a.

i. Write a balanced chemical equation for the process of photosynthesis.

ii. By referring to your balanced equation, explain why the oxygen concentration in the air surrounding the plants can be used as a measure of the rate of photosynthesis.

2 + 1 = 3 marks b. Explain why the oxygen concentration in the air surrounding the plants decreased during the first 10 minutes of the experiment.

1 mark

Practice Exam Marks

Multiple Choice Section 13 marks

Short Answer Section 8 marks

21 marks Total marks



Internet sites relating to Biotechnology

Here are links to some biotechnology related web sites which you will find useful and informative.

Please note: Links to these sites are provided in good faith, but the DECV can give no assurance of the quality, accuracy or relevance of material on such sites.

Australian Government Departments and Agencies

CSIRO Gene Technology http://genetech.csiro.au

Biotechnology Australia http://ww.biotechnology.gov.au

National Health and Medical Research Council http://www.nhmrc.gov.au

General Information on the process of biotechnology

National Centre for Biotechnology Education (UK) http://www.ncbe.reading.ac.uk/

NSW Genetics Education Program http://www.genetics.com.au/

Information from the National Institute of Health (USA) http://www.accessexcellence.org/AE/AEPC/NIH/index.html

ABC Science - The Lab http://www.abc.net.au/science/slab/consconf/

Australian Academy of Science http://www.science.org.au/aashome.htm

The following site has useful information on diseases: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/encyclopedia.html

A medical encyclopaedia from the U.S. National Library of Medicine – great information and images.


Challenging Activity: Personal Reflection

Log on to the VCE Biology Course. Place your Personal Reflection in the

Biology Blog as outlined on 0.7 in the introduction of this book.

Challenging Activity: Mnemonic


Log on to the www.decvonline.vic.edu.au

check out the back of your DECV book for your login details if you have forgotten.

Click on the link to the Unit 3 Biology course.

Click on the button “Discussion Room”

Place your Mnemonic as a comment to the Discussion post titled Mnemonics

Week 6.

Make sure you check out the other Mnemonics left by your classmates and leave them a comment.

This week you should have submitted the following work to me.

Please tick the items you have sent, and keep this as your record.


Responses to Questions 1 - 13

Practice exam questions

Personal Reflection online / Mnemonic online

Don’t forget to drink plenty of water!


What, if anything needs to be improved, corrected, cleared up or presented better from the materials presented in this week? Your honesty is appreciated. Write your comments on the back of the cover sheet.



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Fix your student barcode label over this space.


STUDENT NUMBER ___________________

SCHOOL NAME _______________________

STUDENT NAME ______________________







Biology Unit 3





NOTE: Please write your number on each page of your work which is attached to this page.


Please check that you have attached:


Responses to Questions 1 - 3

Practice exam

Personal Reflection and Mnemonic online

I declare that, except where indicated, the attached SAC is solely the work of the student named above, and has been completed according to the following requirements:

Within 80 – l00 minutes of class time

It was completed under the supervision of the Supervisor named below.

Student's signature: ___________________________________ Date: ______________

Supervisor's signature: ________________________________ Date: ______________

Name of Supervisor: _______________________________________

Relationship to Student: ____________________________________

(Teacher, Employer, Parent, etc.)



Please provide the following information:

Were you able to complete the tasks in the time frame allocated?


Roughly how long did it take for you to complete this week of work?


Use this space for any queries or comments you have, (or maybe errors you’ve found).


