Reading teaches me the responsibility of growing up

A Friend Is Another Yourself
Bao Man(Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China)
My name is Bao Man. I’m 11 years old . I come from Shijiazhuang YouYi elementary school of HeBei
Province in People's Republic of China. To be graceful, I have the chance to exchange experience with
everybody face to face! I believe, no matter you are an adult or a child, the true friendship is each person's
dream. How can we find the true friendship? I read a touching fairy story, which makes me realize the
true meaning of friendship. Now I would like to share the story with you.
The name of the story is "A wandering Dog And A wandering Cat". It is written by a Chinese writer
Yang Hongying.The story goes like this: The Rose Country Club is a place where rich people and their
pets prefer. A dog and a cat often wander in the country club, because they have no homes and families.
They care about each other and look after each other. The life is poor but full of happiness . Afterwards,
an attractive Xi Shi dog falls in love with the wandering dog. But the Xi Shi dog's master always wants to
treat her as the tool to make money, so he tries every means to prevent the Xi Shi dog and the wandering
dog from being together. One day, in order to save the Xi Shi dog who will be sold in an ugly deal, the
clever cat succeeds in breaking away from the evil fellows. The Xi Shi dog and the wandering dog are
able to reunite happily. But unluckily, the cat is beaten to death. From then on, in front of the cat's grave
fresh flower never fade, and every evening the dog couple will sing to remember their most intimate and
faithful friend…
The story tells me :in order to own true friendship, you should be open, sincere and tolerant. Mum reads
together with me and gives me a pair of“magic glasses”. Mum says: One lens of the glasses is magnifying
and the other lens is narrowing. We should use “a magnifying lens” to look at the advantages of friends,
there is an old saying that: Get a drop of water while you need, give back the bubbling spring when you
have. Sometimes you should forgive the fault of others, because you should repay your friends kindness
who often help you. About shortcomings, we should use “a narrowing lens”, because there is an old
saying in China : no gold is pure, no man is perfect ! I think loving friends is like loving yourself. A friend
is another yourself!
In order to get true friendship, you should learn to share , especially when your friends are in trouble. A
friend in need is a friend indeed. You may win more cares by caring about others more. Friendship is like
a big cake .If every one only wants to eat it, of course, the cake will be smaller and smaller, However, if
everyone takes out the best materials to make it up while eating, the cake will be bigger and bigger ,more
and more delicious. Am I right?
Reading is joyful. I have learned a lot through reading. But it needs good ways to read ,just as a good
havest wants suitable management. Reading requires efficient methods. Through a lot of practice, I got
three good ways: the method of enlarging reading, intensive reading and making marks, copying and
making clipping. If I come across a good article, I will go to internet and search the related topic and then
I will classify them and keep them. While reading, I made some symbols, such as circles, dots, straight
lines and so on. I made some question marks on the difficult words, phrases and sentences, then I would
look them up in the dictionary or ask my teachers or parents for help. In this way, reading, thinking and
making marks happen at the same time,which made me read with my heart and soul. Up to now, I already
have had over twenty notebooks and I have designed over eighty pieces of newspaper for my class. Every
holiday , I even design a “self-made” book !That’s wonderful !
That’s the end to my story. At last, I want to say: Good books have no country boundary, neither do
knowledge . Dear friends , let’s enjoy the happiness of growing up in the reading world! I believe through
reading , everyone will become unique and everyone will become excellent!
Reading teaches me the responsibility of growing up
Zhou Xiansong(Shenzhen,Guangdong,China)
My name is Zhou Xiansong. I’m nine years old. I come from Donghai Primary School in ShenZhen city of China.
My topic is reading teaches me the responsibility of growing up.
First, I want to tell you a story about love and responsibility.
In the desert in Qinghai Province of China, the people are extremely short of water. The water is brought to the people by
the local army from a far away place. One day, an old cow was very thirsty. She broke her halter and ran to the road
where the water truck would pass by. As the water truck came near, the old cow rushed to the truck and stood in front of
it. She wouldn’t allow the truck to pass. The driver scolded the cow but the cow would not move. The owner of the old
cow came and beat her severely. The old weak cow was badly hurt and cried out mournfully. But she still didn’t get out
of the truck’s way. The soldier cried, and the driver cried too.
Finally, the soldier said, “I have to will break the rules this time.”
He fetched half a bucket of water from the truck.. However, the old cow didn’t drink the water which she got by risking
her life. She stretched her neck and cried out. Soon a little cow came. The wounded old cow watched gently as the little
cow drank the water. The old cow licked the tears from the little cow’s eyes. The little cow also licked the old cow’s tears
as they fell. Then they turned around and walked away slowly.
From this moving story I see a different way of life. It is a hard life that I haven’t known or experienced. Now I
understand why my Mom is always giving me books as presents. She hopes that from these books I will learn that one
should take responsibility for his family and society.
My mom once gave me another novel to read. The book tells the story of Xu Sanguan who sells his blood. Why would
he sell his blood I asked my Mother? She explained and I then understood this shocking story. He earned money by
sacrificing his precious blood to support his family. Later I understood why my mom asked me to read this novel. She
wanted me to appreciate the happy life. So I began to help my mom with the chores around home and to help my
teachers at school.
Once I read in the newspaper that some poor children couldn’t afford to go to school. I decided to donate my money to
help them. I earned this money from filming advertisements. I can’t donate a lot of money but I am happy to give what I
I learned that even a child can take responsibility for others and care for them. As a child actor, I have taken part in
filming advertisements, TV series and films since I was 3 years old. Some people think I am very fortunate. However,
acting is a very toilsome career. Often I must act like the children who lived long ago. But I wasn’t sure how to represent
them correctly. So I began to read a lot of books. Reading can help me to have a deeper understanding of these roles.
I remember the time when I was acting and it suddenly came a downpour. It rained very hard when we were eating.
There was no place to get out of the rain. The rain quickly filled my soup bowl with water. These kinds of things often
happen to us when we are acting. Sometimes I feel very depressed and want to give up. But the sense of responsibility
always keeps me going.
Reading a good book just like having a conversation with a wise person. These books widen my perspective, increase my
knowledge, and enrich my life. I understand the duty of growing up. I know one will not gain the pleasure from bearing
responsibility unless, he has experienced the hardship of that responsibility.
Thank you for your time.I’ve enjoyed sharing my thoughts with you.
To Know India by reading adventure stories
Saawani J. Raje(India)
My Friends, I love to listen to stories. I am sure you like them too. When I was small, my grandmother used to tell me
stories of the great Indian epics Ramayana, Mahabharata and the animal stories of Panchatantra.
As I started reading, lands of fairies and elves, kings and Queens took place of all those stories of animals and birds.
As I further grew up, these worlds of fantasy were left far behind…Enid Blyton’s mysteries became my favorites…
When I was through with all the Famous Fives and Secret Sevens, I started looking for some more complex real life
adventures. Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie had already acquired a place in my parent’s bookshelves, but they did
not look very friendly as yet. So I started looking out for a friend, adventurous enough to interest me…I went from
bookshop to bookshop, searching for an adventure story …I even visited the old stores selling second hand books! And
in one such store, I met a book. In the book, I came across a riddle…
‘Old Man Hollow, pace to follow,People’s tree.Half ten, half again century.Rising sun,whence it’s done, can’t you
see?Between hands, below them stands,yours, it be.’
Would you like to solve this riddle with me?
I thought and I thought …But could not solve it…Then I met one genius. A genius, who, at the end of that adventure,
solved the riddle successfully, got the hidden treasure, too. There and then, I fell in love with the Hero of that Adventure
story. His name was Feluda.
Feluda is a young detective in his twenties. He solved the ‘Royal Bengal Mystery’ with the help of this riddle…
I read this book and was hooked to all his adventures …Now, Feluda has a prominent place in my bookshelf …and in my
He is a very normal Indian person. Perhaps only a few years older to me, he has the likes, dislikes, or thinking of a
normal person. He is just like you and me. Do you know that even he likes reading before going to bed, just like me?
This is what makes him so close to my heart, besides, of course, his mystery solving capabilities. you will not believe it;
he has solved 35 mysteries with his wit, intelligence and logic!
The very names of some of his adventures are so fascinating, that you just cannot ignore them.‘The Golden Fortress’,
‘The Royal Bengal Mystery’,‘A Killer in Kailash’,‘The Incident on the Kalka Mail’,‘Trouble in Gangtok’,‘The
Mystery of the Elephant God’,‘The Bandits of Bombay’. And lots more. Do you find anything common in all of them?
All these adventures have a very Indian touch to them… Each title will tell you about a different place in India, which
shows that Feluda has roamed all over India in his adventurous pursuits.
As I started reading each of his adventures, I also embarked along with him on an amazingly adventurous journey...A
journey that took me around the whole of India…Showing me things I did not even dream of …We traveled to the
marshy land of Bengal …to the Sandy desert of Rajasthan from the Hilly Monastery in Sikkim up North to the world
famous caves of Ellora in the West, where I stay.
He rides a boat in a delta of Sunderban….rides the Camel in Thar Desert….Roams around the lanes of Banares and
drives along the show capped peaks of the Himalayas.
But one can just say that all this chasing, traveling and finding clues; everything is there even in James bond movies!
So what is special about Feluda? Feluda’s Adventures is not only a detective story book, but it also gives us a very
interesting slice of the culturally rich post-colonial Indian life… it speaks about the customs, traditions, costumes, food,
language, thinking and lifestyle. We children in the modern world have a global dimension to our life…and so this rich
regional and national fabric is really not known to us. Feluda’s adventures make us aware of our rich cultural heritage.
Feluda visits many historical monuments…
Some of his adventures take place on the backdrop of our heritage sites…In the ‘Killer of Kailash’ he reaches the
Kailash caves in Ellora… in the Golden Fortress, he tackles criminals in the Jaisalmer fort of Rajasthan…
Some of his Adventures take place during the Indian festivals like Durga Puja … Where the valuable statue of the
Elephant God of Wisdom is stolen …Sometimes he is an encounter with a Royal Bengal Tiger in the jungles in Terai at
the foothills of Himalayas…
All his adventures show us the glimpse of the Indian Socio – Cultural fabric. We learn about the then social scenario, a
few decades after independence. The advent of the hippy cult, zamindars losing out on their glory, family feuds after the
enactment of the land sealing act, starting of smuggling of goods abroad and of drug rackets… which has become a
nuisance to us now..
Not only the good parts of India, feluda also unravels the hypocrisy and fights against blind faith and superstitions that
were prevalent during that time in India … Feluda shows us that India which you cannot find in any travel guide or on a
sightseeing tour. Feluda along with solving mysteries gives us the opportunity to feel the inner lining of Indian Culture.
That too not as a tourist guide, but in an adventurous way… You become the part of his adventurous journey exploring a
newer India … each time…
Everywhere a new adventure awaits him …and for the reader, the reading experience is like seeing a movie. Here we
understand the author Satyajit Ray’s mastery over both, word and visual Media. I have to tell you about the great creator
of Feluda Satyajit Ray- a name which is respected allover the world for the classic cinema he made. Satyajit Ray was the
greatest Oscar acclaimed film maker of India.
I had heard many adults say that his films awakened the senses. Now, when I read Feluda’s adventures, I know what
‘awakening of senses’ is... Smell..sound..taste..touch and vision..all these senses come alive in Feluda’s adventures ..
when they are used to solve mysteries... while catching the culprit he recollects the smell of cheroot… on the Ghats of
Benares,feluda takes us through an olfactory journey…the holy smell of incense…the burning oil lamp…flowers offered
to the deity…the herd of goats…the cow dung….and the mixture of the scent of the earth, water, oil, sandalwood and
more incense…Or Feluda’s famous thick, fat blue notebook… or the picture of him puffing away to glory on his
Charminar, which is his favourite brand of cigarette, found only in India… or stimulation for our taste buds like Feluda’s
continuous munching on Kalimuddin’s daalmoot, a famous Indian dry snack, or his irresistibility towards nolen godar
sandesh, a Bengali sweet… doesn’t this really stimulate your senses? The stories also have a beautiful flow of visual
images… it’s as if a movie is unfolding before your eyes...
Once you start reading any of Feluda’s adventures at some point you yourself step into Feluda’s shoes unknowingly.
You do not understand when you yourself start solving the mystery. The same thing happened to me…I started solving
the mystery clue by due…oh yes…The clue…The riddle…Do you remember the riddle?
‘Old Man Hollow, pace to follow,people’s tree.Half ten, half again Century.
Yes….We are going to solve it together ….with Feluda!
So, I was talking to you about Feluda’s adventures…
You know, in India, kings and princes had many jewels? One Emperor’s ring got lost…That too in Lucknow, an old
Mughal city in Northern India… Feluda went there to get the ring …That too, in the ‘BHOOLBHULIA’ Bhoolbhulia is a
life size mage made by the Mughal kings for entertainment. Once you get in you cannot get out. Only trained guides
know the way…But Feluda went there, knowing that he could get lost… But look at his confidence …He came out safe.
Oh! He is not Superman …He just uses his wit and intellect to solve such puzzles…like here, in the maze, he used a very
simple tool…his nail marks to come out.
So friends, Feluda solves mysteries all over my country. A country which is vast…diverse … Each state has its own
identity, people speak different languages, have different cultures, customs, dressing styles and cuisines. To roam around
the country is a big, big adventure. At least it was; when Feluda was created in the 1960’s. The communication system
was not well developed that time. Air travel was not so feasible and also not as popular. We did not have TV’s, neither
were we connected to the internet.
However, Feluda traveled all over comfortably….it did not affect his movement or zeal. It was because he knew the
human psyche very well…He knew that though India is diverse, it has common cultural fabric. He had the pulse of
Indianness….though he was a Bengali; staying in the easternmost part of India, Feluda was “Indian” at Heart!
This adventurous, intelligent, witty and extremely logical friend still lives in the heart of Indian youth … four decades
after he was created. He teaches us something new, something different in each of his adventures…. He is the one who
teaches us to keep our conscience alive, through all thick and thin … He tells us to fight against superstitions, blind faith
and keep the light of science, reason and logic alive…
Oh No! …Feluda is not a dry or a preachy person …but he tells us how to keep our sensibilities and sensitivities
alive …
He tells us not to ignore small things in life…
This is Feluda.
What makes him so dear to us?
Now India has changed a lot. You all must be aware of the progress and development it has made in the 21st Century.
But we do not really know how it was; before we were born. How people used to think, how they lived, how they
traveled, what the social situation was like. It is very interesting to see how Indian society was like immediately after
So Feluda’s Adventures are like a Time Machine, through which one can really go to that era …
Though Feluda was created a long time before I was born; he is very very popular to me and many children of my age.
Movies are made on his adventures. He is also present on the web site.
Why, dear friends does he remain so popular even today?
Maybe …maybe because of the very personalized style in which the book is written… or is it the simple but unique
On each page, a new plot develops… a new adventure crops up unexpectedly…surprise and unpredictability are the
key elements of Feluda’s Adventures.
Feluda tells you so much about India, Indian youth… he himself represents contemporary Indian youth who leads a
very adventurous life … A life that we lead in today’s complex and complicated world…He does not get affected by any
ups and downs in his life or his adventures…
He is standing there providing clues to the young children to make the journey of life more interesting …solving many
difficult puzzles.
Oh Yes! So we come to Feluda’s puzzle…do you remember it? Let me tell it to you once more…
‘Old Man Hollow, pace to follow,People’s tree.Half ten, half again century.Rising sun,whence it’s done, can’t you
see?Between hands, below them stands,yours, it be.’
So this is how Feluda uncovered the treasure…so my friends…now you must be convinced that Feluda’s adventures
are the biggest chest of treasures! If you want to unravel the mystery in an adventurous way, travel throughout India with
Feluda…just like me….
Journey with Poems
Zeng Tian( Wuxi, Jiangsu, China)
My name is Zeng Tian, My pals call me “Xiao Libai”. Do you know why? Who is Li Bai? A great poet in Tang
Dynasty. I began to follow my grandpa to learn to recite ancient poems when I was three years old. Now I can recite
more than 300 poems. Now, I will give all of you a test. I say the first line, and you can give the next line. (Field
interaction) “The moon shines brightly in front of my bed. It was the frost on the ground, I thought”, “Close friends
remain close friends whenever they roam, even when they are separate afar, they are as close as neighbors”, “Spring
wind makes the south bank of the river green again, when will the bright moon light my way home”.
Ancient Chinese classical poems are rich in diversified knowledge, long history and reflection of nice emotions. Poem
is a brush in the hands of a poet, “On a day of February when grass was growing and orioles were flying, poplar and
willow were waving as if they were drunk in the wind” describes the beautiful spring scenery in the south of Yangtze
River; it is a pot of thick wine in the hands of a poet, “ I ask you to drink one more cup of wine, West towards Yangguan
there will be no more old acquaintances” shows the farewell emotion of the poet; it is a sharp sword in the hands of a
poet. “ There is no desert field in the country, Farmers are starving to death” reveals the unfairness of the society at that
time. Classical ancient poems are the treasures of traditional Chinese culture, and each of us shall have the responsibility
to inherit and carry forward them.
Do you believe? With the companionship of classical poems, you will become polite; with the companionship of
classical poems, you will become self-confident, and with the companionship of classical poems, you will become
It was on Women’s Day last year that our class conducted the activity “Ode to Our Mothers with Poems”. The students
were enthusiastic. My mother is a teacher, and I think her work is very noble, so I gave this to her, “A silkworm spins off
all of its silk until death, The candle sheds all its tears before going out”. Yu Meng Luan’s mother is a policewoman. He
is a great admirer of her. He sent this to his mother, “ Thought broken into pieces, it stands in no fear, Determined to
make a white-washed world clean and clear ”. You Ru Chao’s mother runs private business. She become rich by
depending on herself, so he sent to his mother “The edge of a sword becomes keener through honing, The fragrance of
plum blossom sharpens in the bitter cold”. Proud of their mothers, the students strived to be the first to send poems to
their mothers. When the teacher called Xiao Jie, he stood up with red face. For a long time, he said, “ my mother sells
pan-cakes with eggs. She has received no education. She is very ordinary. I don’t know what poem I can send to her.”
At this moment, the teacher told us: Xiao Jie comes from a remote village. To look after his grandparents and do farm
work, his father stays at his hometown, and his mother alone affords his learning by selling pan-cakes with eggs.
At the words of Xiao Jie and the teacher, I seemed to see her mother busy working in the cold wind. I seemed to smell
the fragrance of the pan-cakes with eggs. I could not help thinking of the poem “Plum”, “At a wall corner some plum
trees grow; Alone against cold white blossoms blow.” His mother is plum blossoming against the cold wind! I said aloud
that this should be sent to his mother. Then, Ynag Fang stood up, “although your mother’s work is very ordinary, and she
does not make much money, she is not afraid of the painstaking of life. She shoulders the heavy load of life with her
weak shoulders instead, so this is for her, “ It has the nature of cold-resistance, How can wind and frost do with it?
Upon his words, Miao Lin was too impatient to say, “ I feel Xiao Jie’s mother is the best. Although Xiao Jie lives a
simple life, he always dresses himself clean. It is really “ Loving mother lives healthily, The little son would never be
cold or hungry”…
Hearing the poems, Xiao Jie gradually felt eased and said with great enthusiasm, “ In the past, I would reluctant to
mention my mother in front of other people. I would be willing to share her heavy burden by helping her collect money. I
should not have done like that. Mom, this is for you, “Who says that the heart of a little grass sprout, could repay the sun
for the warmth of Spring.” The activity came to an end in the reciting in chorus of Song of the Wanderer, but the classical
poems left deep impression in our hearts.
It is classical Chinese poems that promote the friendship between classmates. It is classical Chinese poems that
strengthen the communication between us and our parents, and it is classical Chinese poems that teach us how to
understand life in proper manner.
This is my story. I am happy to share it with all of you. Lastly, I hope all of the pals to recite classical Chinese poems,
feel their unique enchantment and share the limitless joy.
Reading Confucius’ works to learn to be a real Man
Hu Zijian(Nanjing, Jiangsu, China)
Hello, everyone! My name’s Hu Zijian. I’m a student in Grade 5 in Nanjing Fuzimiao primary school, Jiangsu province,
China. Today I’m going to share something that I have learned from a great man with you all.
Look! This is our school! There is a man’s statue in our campus. Who is the man? He is Confucius, a great ideologist,
educationist, and statesman in ancient China! Confucius’ main thought was recorded in a book named the Analects of
Confucius. This is a great book that tells the Chinese how to cultivate their moral character, how to deal with their family,
how to manage state affairs and how to overcome the world. Confucius’ saying has affected for about two thousand years
in China. And it affects the whole world widely. In 1985, some scientists who won the Nobel Prize, declared a well
known declaration. It says, “If we human beings are going to go on living in 21st century, we should learn from
Confucius and find wisdom from his thought. ”
We Chinese respect Confucius as Kongfuzi. For that reason, we’ve got our school’s name, Fuzimiao. In our school every
new student will get a book named the Analects of Confucius. Although it is only a small book, it record Confucius’ main
words in his lifetime. Some rules, which mentioned how to be a real man and how to dealing with things, still affect us
now. I can show you examples, “shi fu mu, bi jie qi li” means we should show devotion to our parents. “wen gu er zhi
xin” means if we review carefully, we can get more. “you peng zi yuan fang lai ” means we shall be warmhearted to the
friend from far away.
I know many stories about Confucius and the keywords of his thought “Ren” through reading and learning the Analects
of Confucius and taking part in the activities held in our school. Our teachers told us we should understand the wisdom
of Confucius’s thought “Ren zhe ai ren”. through reading the Analects of Confucius. What’s “ren”? In Confucius opinion,
it means “loving people, loving all the people including the white and the black, the noble and the common, the rich and
the poor. They all should get love and respect.” What should we do for that? In Confucius’ words there are five kind of
moral characters, sobriety, lenience, reputation, diligentness and beneficence. If you have sobriety, you can get people’s
respect; If you have lenience, you can get people’s support; If you have reputation, you can get people’s trust; If you
have diligentness, you can get success; If you have beneficence, you can be friend with others. So “ren” shall be our
rules of being a real man and dealing with things.
The other day, it happened that calling someone a bad nickname in our class. These nicknames is bad, such as flies and
bugs. It is surely bad to their friendship among our classmates. What did we do with this? Under our teacher’s leadship,
we held an activity to find the strongpoint and right a wrong for the animals, especially for the boring animals. We
learned to know that the flies are dirty, but if we feed the chicken and ducks with the flies, they will be stronger. There is
a Chinese saying that when the weasel comes, take care of your chickens. But weasels are good at killing the field mice.
If we kill all the weasels and the field mice are out of control, the plants will be in danger. So in other words the weasels
are the friends of our plants! Well, every animal has its own strongpoint, so do the human being. That is what Confucius
said that man and man, man and the society, man and the nature should be equal and respect each other. As we know this,
we don’t call others’ nicknames any more.
Look! Although Confucius lived two thousand years ago, his thought still affects us now. His thought of “ren” teaches us
to love animals, our classmates and the society, and to be a kind man.
Oh, my classmates! Let’s be friend with Confucius, a great man! Let his wisdom help us to be a man with morality and
A Good Book is Just like a Good Friend
Liang Fangzhao(Macau, China)
Some people say that money is the best thing in the world but I consider reading books as the best and the most precious
thing one can ever have.
By reading we can get all kinds of knowledge. By the knowledge, we can make our life more enjoyable. Besides, when
we read, we can only stay at home but travel all over the world and even fantastic places.
Probably reading is one of the most important things throughout my life. I love reading fables, novels and fictions very
Here I want to tell you one of my favourite fables. It is called, “The wolf and the Cuckoo.” I read it from the book called,
“A Present from Love”.
One day, a wolf said to a cuckoo, “Goodbye, my friend. I’m going to leave here and move to a new place.’ The cuckoo
was very surprised so he asked the wolf for the reason. “You know, the people and the dogs here are too cruel to me.
They hate me so much that they always want to peel my skin. I can’t live here any longer.” The cuckoo said, “Where are
you moving to? Are the people and dogs there really kind? Are you sure they will like you?” The wolf said happily, “Yes,
I am. I heard that there is a paradise. The people there love each other. Dogs don’t bark. I think they will be friendly
towards newcomers.” “Then I have a question. Will you keep living on little lambs and cocks when you move there?”
The wolf laughed and said, “Ha…Ha…That’s a silly question. If I didn’t eat little lambs or cocks, I wouldn’t be a wolf
anymore.” Then the cuckoo shook his head and said, “Mr. Wolf, if you keep living on little lambs and cooks, wherever
you go, there’s always someone who wants to peel your skin.”
Do you think the wolf’s new neighbour would say welcome to him? I don’t think so. It is because wolves kill little lambs
and cocks and sometimes even attack men. The wolf did not realize his bad habit so the cuckoo said, “Wherever you go,
there’s always someone who wants to peel your skin.”
I think this is a very interesting and meaningful story. First, it told me that we should always make self-examination. We
often blame our parents for not giving us this or that. We seldom think about what we should do for our parents. We only
take our parents’ affection for granted. There is an old Chinese saying, “Do not do to others what you don’t want to be
done to you.” If you want your parents talk to you more, why don’t you talk to them first? Second, we should always
realize our bad habit and try our best to change it. Good habits follow our whole life, as same as bad habits. The
difference is good habits make our life more wonderful but bad habits make our life worse. Do you want to be a wolf?
Absolutely not. So don’t give yourself any excuse, change your bad habits today.
A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today that it always was, and it will never change. It is the
most patient and cheerful friend that I have never met.
Very often, I can’t stop reading my favourite books. Once I start reading, I am not willing to put it aside anymore! This
good friend helps to enrich knowledge, improve language proficiency, develop thinking skills and cultivate and open
mind in me. If you want to make friend with it, it is so easy. Start reading today!
How Family Advances Children to Read Books
Zeng Cheng(Hong Kong, China)
My name is Felix Tsang. I am representing the Hong Kong SAR to attend the 30th IBBY World Congress of the
International Board on Books for Young People. The topic of my speech is “Family Advances Children to Read”. It is
my honour to share my personal experience on “reading” in this conference.
When I am going out, I always keep a book in my bag. I read whenever I have spare time, especially in a long journey
like the one to Macao. This is the book I am reading now. The name of the book is “Famous People of China”. This book
is a collection of biography of famous people of China such as Confucius, Liu Bang, Wang Xizhi, Zeng Guofan.
Although I have not yet finished the book, I would love to share with you all later.
Family Promote reading at home is always the very beginning of how children learn to read, let me share my personal
experience to you all! My parents have many influences on my reading habit. First of all, they like books very much too.
Although there are over thousands of books in our house, my father still loves to buy books every week; I am sure we
will have to swim between books in our house in the future. Living in a world of books, my father always teaches me
how to make use of books as well as how to enjoy reading. He is my role model; he always brings a book with him
wherever he goes, he likes to read book about politics, history and food; he shares his thought with me whenever he read
something interesting. He is also my teacher; he tells me the values of reading and guides me to build up my own reading
collection. He always tells me that, “books have gold; books lead to a success road”. I keep this in my mind all the time.
When I grow up, I hope I will find a success road like my father.
I always think that the best birthday present is to buy me books that I like for example book about Chinese history. For
the coming Christmas, I have already made up a wish list and ready to submit it to my parent. This year, of course, I have
written down some books I wanted most, and I would love to have a PlayStation3 to become my new friend. I hope my
wish will come true!
My family not only provided books for me, they also teach me how to select book that suit my level of reading. When I
was in kindergarten, I am full of curiosity about the world around me. Therefore, my parents bought me this book ‘The
Mystery in the World’. This book has included a lot of different mysteries around the world, which some of them people
never able to explain it. There is a chapter about “the mystery of water”, which explain where is the water come from;
and there is also a chapter about “the mystery of forty people’s village”, that village have only forty people in the past
and in the present. I found all the stories were very interesting. This is the first book I love, and I believe the best book
for children is the one that can fulfil their curiosity.
Although we have many books in my house, but we still spend a lot of time in the library and bookstores with my mother.
We can find different kind of books and I can identify what kind of books I am interesting to read.
As my father said, “we have to make use of books in our daily life”. My parents will suggest me to read some books
about the place we are going to travel. As we went to Tibet last year, I have read about the history, geography and climate
of Tibet. I have gained more understand of Tibet after the process of learning. I believe this training enhances my ability
to implement the knowledge from book to daily life.
This is the end of my sharing. And I hope my experience will be a reference for you and your family. Reading is not only
for individual but also for the whole family. I hope students in this forum and your family will enjoy your reading life.
Reading with Dad and Mum
Liang Jiaming(Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China)
“Rabbits go through the river, jump! Jump! Crabs go through the river, Climb! Climb! Dunks go through the river,
waddle! Waddle!
This children’s song is our family program, Dad Mum and I often put the stories into the program just for pleasure.
Usually the favorite place our family likes to go is the library. Reading with my Dad and Mum is very happy. We read
together, discuss together even debate. I am growing in that family. Today I will talk about our family.
Harry potter is famous among the world and I am absorbed in it. But Dad said: “it’s useless” I don’t agree! You see a
debate on reading come to show.
“ Dad Harry potter is full of fantasy and imagination, it makes me to imagine!” I put it.
Dad, “Reading is good, but reading without choice brings the trouble. Like Harry Potter, the contents are not real and no
scientific base.
“ Dad, Twenty Thousand Leagues under the sea is also fiction, how many dreams in that book have achieved in our life?
Among Chinese fable Pilgrimage to the West. The thousand eyes is telescope and winding ears is the telephone. Without
imagination how can we improve our lives?”
I kept on putting my ideas with any delay, “Luxun had said that reading is like a bee, after collecting a lot flowers, it
could get the honey.” Mum gave me a thumb.
Dad was surprise and said “my girl knows to quote, nice try.”
As I was walking on the air, Dad said, “ that is to say, it is useful to read classic books.”
The elder is the elder. I was almost tracked in.
At that time Mum said, “reading need some choice and need to read more fields, agree?” Sure!
Like that, with Dad I got to know Libai and Duofu, famous poets in tang dynasty, I understood the ancient culture. With
Mum I got to know Helen Ketter, I understood the meaning of life. With me, Dad and Mum came near to the garden in
the little pea outside the window. They admired the distingue Havid captain and they were fancy in the Harry Potter…It’s
true, reading improves our family, and we get the title “ reading family” from our school.
Besides the teacher and my family, Chinese pioneers is like a friend cares for me. From that Paper.
I know a lot of reading skills. Playing as well as reciting is our favorite one.
Teacher said, books are the recourse of knowledge.
Dad and Mum said, books bring children into a big world.
I said, books are like the shining stars in the dark sky that enlighten my life.
My follows, with our Dad and Mum, enjoying the reading!
The Power of Reading
Fang Luming(Nanchang, Jiangxi, China)
Good Morning, my dear friends! My name is Fang Minglu, call me Michelle in English. I come from China. I’m very
happy to share my opinions with you on reading. My topic is “the Power of Reading”.
On my way hear,I have been asking myself a question: What leads me to this meeting? My answer is: Reading! It's
reading! It is the power of reading led my way to success; It is the power of reading brought us together. Agree with me?
Yes! Reading not only increases our knowledge, but also improves our behavior and strengthens our will as well.
Now, I’d like to tell you a true story .At the first two years in school, I was not so good at my studies. I enjoyed playing
games on Internet and I didn’t work hard, until one day I came across Helen ? Keller’s autobiography on campus website.
I was shocked by the success story of the deaf and blind person and I just couldn’t wait to read her story to my friends
Wei ? Guanchong. Why?
Wei Guanchong is a blind boy. When we first met at a reading activity, I found out that he had read a lot. But he looked
lonely and unhappy. He didn’t talk much and seldom smiled. I was curious to know how he read so I had a long chat
with him.
He showed me how to read and write in Braille. Then he told me that reading was very important but difficult for him.
As his parents were not rich enough to buy Braille books and they were too busy to read aloud for him, he had to walk
one hour to a city library on Sundays. “ How he needs help and friendship ” I thought. Since then we met more often
and I would read good stories to him.
Wei Guanchong was inspired by Helen · Keller’s story. He said: “ You see, Helen had much greater difficulties than I
do , she can face up to her fate with a smile. Although I can’t see, I can still read, I can at least hear and speak. Why
should I complain about my fate? I should work my way out .I will learn from Helen, to live a joyful life for myself, a
helpful life for others and a useful life for the world”.
I was deeply moved by his words. I thought: I’m lucky enough to be able to do what worth doing. I can read, write, talk
freely, but I was so lazy about my studies and so careless about others, how I felt shameful before Helen · Keller and Wei
From then on, I not only worked hard on my studies but also helped Wei Guanchong in his studies.Sometimes I
accompanied him to read in the library . Wei Guanchong became cheerful and we made close friends. We encouraged
each other and both of us made great progress. Last year, we both gained the honors of “One of the Ten Best Young
Pioneers in Jiangxi Province”. I was also awarded “One of the Ten Best Young Pioneers in China” .
That’s why I should say: It is the power of reading led me to success. It is the power of reading brought us together to
share our enjoyments of reading and exchange our friendship here.
At this moment, how I hope my friend Wei Guanchong could come. How I hope more and more children, no matter poor
or rich, able or disabled, would gather together through reading for knowledge ? for development ? for a better life ? for
splendid tomorrow of this beautiful world!
Growing up with reading
Wei Guanchong(Nanchang, Jiangxi, China)
Hello, everybody! My name is Wei Guanchong. I come from China. I’m so excited to share my feeling of reading with
people from all over the world. I’m different from you. You can read what you want. I have a lot of books. But there is
no one for blinds. When I was in Grade Two, my teacher bought a book named Blind Kids Literature for me. It was the
first book I read. I was very happy. I read with touching every day, even hurt my finger.
When I started to study in Blind School, I found that I was interested in braille. But I don’t know the blind how to read. I
don’t think you know it too. There was no tune in the old Braille in China. I nearly made mistakes several times. For
instance, it’s hard to tell the real meaning of shanghai without the tune. Different tunes of shanghai have different
Chinese meanings. Shanghai is for shanghai, the biggest city in china. But another tune of shanghai is for Shanghai,
which means hurt. I always couldn’t understand When I touched the words. I must guess the meaning from context. I
also want to tell you a secret. The text book I use is still the issue of PEP in 1992, which tells something of the last
I love reading. Although my parents always read for me, they have no fixed time. Until one day, I met her, Fang Minglu.
We started to discuss reading. I told her I love reading. She said: “It’s easy. Tell me the books you want. I’ll buy for
you.” I can’t help laughing. She never knows that there is almost no book for people with poor sight in Xinhua Bookshop.
Before long, she brought me a book named Three days to see that she had read. The author is Helen Keller, a blind and
deaf woman writer of American. She read for me. I know many blind people how to conquer the difficulties. I was really
moved by Helen’s story. Now I feel that I’m luckier than her. Although I can’t see, I can hear with my ears. They helped
me with finishing my piano learning. I can sing with my mouth. It helped me get the first place of singing in the Art
Festival of China Blind Deaf and Mute. I don’t complain that I’m not lucky any more. I want to be a strong-minded and
useful person for the society.
I was deeply moved that Fang Minglu, taking the opportunity of going to Beijing with his family members, went to the
China Braille publishing house and ordered a magazine of literature for kid with poor sight for one and half a year for
me. Hearing this, I was so happy that I can’t help sleeping at night. Now I have my Braille book to read after school. I
think I am lucky!
Now we have 8 million and 7 hundred thousand people with poor sight. But we have got few book sfor them to read.
They live in dark and long for lights, reading and friendship. I hope that you can be our eyes, tell us the colorful world
and read for us, be our friend and help us. I also hope that the people who in chare of publishing pay more attention to us,
publish much more books for people like us with poor sight to read. That will be good!
Today, I thank the organizers of the meeting for giving me an opportunity to be with you all! You, the kind people, offer
me such a good chance and let me know the friends from all over the world. We can be friend because we all like reading.
Although I can’t see you, I feel the happiness of reading from your warmhearted words. Let’s be good friends with hand
in hand and study together and grow happily!
What gives me courage to face trouble—reading.
Liao Xing(Shenzhen, Guangdong, China)
Good morning, everyone! My name is Liao Xing. I come from Shenzhen Nanshan Experimental School of China. I’m in
grade 6. Today, I would like to show you what gives me courage to face trouble. It’s reading. That’s all about my
experience and discovery of reading in recent ten years.
Before my speech, I have a question for you. Do you like my Chinese violin melody of “Spring of South”? Would
you please give me some applause?
But a year ago, it nearly made me lose my courage in playing it. Then, I understood what the failure was.
When I was very young, I started to learn how to play the Chinese traditional instrument—Chinese violin. During these
years, I could pass all the examinations in excellent scores. But in one of the advanced examinations, I only passed it
reluctantly. I could remember that how confident I was and how fluently I played “Jiangnan Chunse” when I stood in the
stage that day. In fact, I failed. I was disappointed. I was depressed. I cried. From then on, I did not want to touch the
Chinese violin any more. I hated it.
Then, my teacher Ms. Deng recommended me a book. The book is “Three days to see”. The story of Helen Keller made
me shocked very much. After that, I have re-read the book for several times. Every time after I read it, I have got so
much new and different ideas. I was shocked that a lady was so persistent and indomitable. I was so ashamed of myself.
After that, I took Helen Keller as my example. When I met some trouble or when I was sick, I would call out her name in
my heart. It’s so marvelous that I could gain power from her. Whenever I did that, the courage and confidence would
come back to me; even the disease would disappear.
Eventually, I did my best in another important examination of Chinese violin. Now, I understand that destiny favors
people who filled with courage.
Reading not only gives me courage, but also gives power to my life. I had a schoolmate who got the disease of leukemia.
She needed the constant chemotherapy. When she knew that her hair would fall off her head, she held her hair sadly and
cried. She said, “I am a girl! I like my hair! If I will lose all my hair, I prefer to die!”
Teachers and students were very worried about the girl who refused to treat her disease. Students made paper cranes and
cards, which symbolized fortune to her and encouraged her to face death with full of courage. Also, some students took
different kinds of books to her. “Three days to see” and “The Making of Steel” are for her to gain power and courage
from them. However, the poor girl was not able to read for such a long time. So they chose some students who’re good at
reciting aloud to read books out and recorded for her. The girl liked it very very much.
After this special way of reading, she finished those books. One day, she told the doctor that she agreed to cut off her hair.
She said that she was not sacred at all because Helen Keller and Pavel Korchagin told her a secret. The secret was the
disease wanted to test her whether she was scared about it. If she had the courage to face it, the disease would go away.
Fortunately, because she cooperated with the doctor greatly, she recovered and came back school.
You see, the courage not only gave power to the girl, but also helped her to conquer the bad destiny.
Those are the stories about reading and courage of myself. Do they enlighten you a lot?
So, reading can give us courage to face bad luck. If you have courage to face your life, face unpredictable unfortunate,
life will make you perfect whatever body or heart.
How Reading Influences and Helps Young People
Bai Dehui(Macau, China)
Participants of the 30th IBBY World Congress: I’m very glad to be here. Thank you for letting me attend and share my
thoughts with you. I want to tell you how much I love reading and how it has affected me.
When I was very young, my parents bought a lot of books for me. They also read to me every day and that’s how I
learned to read. When I started studying Primary School, I learned the meanings of words, and from then on whenever I
read a new book, I thought about the book, all the new ideas and words I had learned, and that helped me understand the
story. Even though I talk a lot, and I learn many things by talking, I learn the most by reading. Whenever I don’t
understand a word, I ask my parents and the answer goes into my brain. So, reading helps me learn a lot.
Reading influences young people to think, and when you are thinking, you automatically come up with ideas, which is
very useful for authors, but that’s another story. It not only helps you to learn new vocabulary words, but also learn more
knowledge. Every once in a while, my parents hear me using a new word, and they ask, “Where did you learn that
word?” and I answer, “I read it in a book.” So, all you need is a book, and you can learn many things. But if you don’t
like a book, even though it has a lot of useful information, it is harder for you to remember the words and learn new
things. If you like a book, you are most likely to learn new things without even noticing it, and you become smarter and
If you read books with imaginary characters, it helps your imagination grow. When you give someone a book they don’t
like, it’s similar to giving them an orange without seeds in it. But, if you give them a book they really like, you are giving
them a good orange with good seeds in it. They read the book and like it, and it’s similar to planting the seed in the soil.
Then the seed grows into an orange tree, with more oranges. With good books, the imagination grows too. Remember the
orange? You can count how many seeds are in it, but you can’t count how many oranges can come from each seed. The
person’s imagination will never stop expanding.
Now I will tell you the difference between reading a book and watching a movie. Well, you can learn more from reading
books, because when they make a movie based on a book, most of the time they cut out parts of the book, so you miss
many things. Also with a book you can use your imagination more than with a movie; for example, imagining the sizes,
colors, shapes and characters. With a movie, it’s already done for you, so you use less imagination.
For me, good books have adventure. Usually, in adventure books the character learns a moral, so you can learn about life
- the good and bad, what to do and what not to do. Other types of books I like are those which help you learn skills, like
joke books and babysitter stories. Actually, my favorite author is Ann M. Martin, who wrote the Baby Sitter Club series.
Finally, I love mystery books, especially when you can think how to solve the mystery all by yourself. It keeps your
brain fresh and smart. Some of the good mystery books I like are the A-Z Mystery Series, or the Encyclopedia Brown
Sometimes, I write short stories. Usually, I read a book, and if I really like it, I start thinking of a new story based on
some of my favorite parts in the book, except it’s a slightly different story. It’s similar, and yet different at the same time.
Unfortunately, I often get a lot of new ideas when I’m writing, and I get sidetracked. There are a lot of stories that I have
not finished writing yet. I’ve finished writing three stories, but I have not published them. They are about a girl named
Christy and the adventures she gets into as president of her babysitter’s club. My other stories are about young girls of
different ages and their daily life; troublesome siblings, pushy parents, weird teachers, remarkable friends, etc. As you
can see, reading also influences me to write.
So, reading books stretches your imagination, helps you learn vocabulary, influences you to think hard, helps you to
learn certain skills, and many books give you a moral, so you can learn how to be good.
I hope young people like me will read more books, so everyone can be better, smarter and more skilled. Thank you.
Books is my Vitamins Supplements
Chan Lai Ieng(Macau, China)
I love reading a lot. Reading books is my Vitamin Supplements. It helps me replenish the knowledge that I need.
Reading a wide variety of books has broadened my horizons, enabled me to express myself distinctly and improved my
writing skill. It helps me in answering questions in class; it also inspires me in writing, and makes me observe things
from different points of view. Every night, my mother reads with me. That draws us closer and has better
communication. Just because of that, I like sharing good books with my classmates. Sometimes, we have role play
and rewrite the endings. That arouses my imagination and creativity. Through reading, I can know others’ stories and
experience others’ lives, learn from the strengths and weaknesses of others. Reading makes me learn to care, love and
treasure everything I have.
Through this precious opportunity, I would like to share a story with you.
Once upon a time, there was a poor family. Father went out and worked every day. Mother looked after her child,
Tommy and did the housework. They lived happily together.
Tommy was a good boy. When he returned home from school, he helped his mother to do the housework. He loved
reading a lot. He studied very hard so he was always the first in class. His classmates liked him very much because
whenever they had problems in their studies, he was eager to help them. Sometimes, he taught the weak ones and
shared his knowledge with them.
One day, Tommy’s father died. His mother was very sad. Since they were poor, Tommy couldn’t go to school
anymore. But he didn’t give up. He kept on reading his old books and revised them. He believed that his
knowledge could change his life and he could let his mother have a comfortable life one day. In order to earn their
living, Tommy’s mother went out and worked. As time went by, his mother was very sick and she couldn’t work
outside. Tommy was so small that he couldn’t find any jobs in his town. Every day, he spent 3 hours to walk to the
nearest city to collect rubbish and sell for money. At night, he returned home and looked after his sick mother. In that
city, he always found some old books in some rubbish bins. Since he loved reading, he collected them and took them
home. As usual, he read and revised them every day. Later on, the president of that city knew about it. He
appreciated Tommy’s spirit and learning attitude. So he sponsored Tommy to go to school again. His mother was
very happy. Tommy worked very hard and he got good results. At last, he graduated from university and had a good
job. His mother and he lived happily together.
In this story, the part that impresses me most is Tommy collected the old books from the rubbish bins and read them. In
order to earn their living, he didn’t mind collecting rubbish and he didn’t blame anything. He just stood on his belief
and tried to solve problem in a positive way.
In this modern world, the technology and living standard are high. Though it is like that, there are still poor people
living in this world. Most people that I know grow up in a bliss family and so do I. We get things so easily.
Therefore, we always take things for granted and seldom treasure them. Tommy’s story teaches me to care, love and
treasure everything.
I hope I can read more books so as to enrich my life.
Good book is worth reading again and again
Sun Mengtian(Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China)
My name’s Sun Mengtian. I’m from Hangzhou China, the city where the beautiful West Lake located.
I like reading and always sink into the happiness from reading. Today I want to share my feelings about reading with you.
That’s good book is worth reading again and again. Nice book seems like the everlasting stars in the sky which stand the
test of time and coagulate the deep thought. As I grow up, there is a deepening sense I feel that a nice book is worth
reading again and again because each time you may find something new. Reading in the childhood maybe is for its
magic; reading when grow up maybe is attracted by its thoughts; reading when get old, maybe reader would find one’s
life. So each time of reading will be a happy experience
Please let me tell you a story.
As a child , my grandmother usually told me some interesting myths. One among them is <Kua Fu Chasing the Sun>:
Once upon a time, there is a young but strong man named Kua Fu. One day, the idea of chasing the sun is occuring to
him. Hence, he starts to race with the sun. He turns over 999 mountains and wades across 999 rivers. He stops until he
dies in midway for thirstiness. At that time, I sympathized him deeply. I think he is pity for his conducts.
Later I learn to reading and read the story by myself from which I get more understanding about the story. He chases the
sun day after night. When he feels thirsty on the way, he drinks up the Yellow river and the Wei river, but still dissatisfied.
So he moves north to another river but before he arrives the destination, he heavily falls down. This time I was touched. I
was moved for his bravity and dedication. He dares to challenge the sun and limit of himself. I learn persistence bravity
and dedication from him. Since then, everytime I meet difficulty and frustration, I would recall him, I would encourage
myself that: Kuafu even chases the sun. Comparing with him, your difficulty is not worthy of mention. Then I would stay
In high school, I find this story again. when we discussed why the Kuafu wants to chase the sun, someone says,
probably he is pursuing brightness for warming people; someone says probably he is too self-conceit to compete with the
sun; even there is a saying that his main purpose of chasing the sun is to be famous. Wow, a myth can be explained into
so many aspects. The comprehension is so diverse. The hero can be understood in so many sides. I sink into thinking that
reading is stereoscopic, colorful and profound. I still admire him who has the firm faith the great aim and the iron
perseverance which were exactly what I need. I understood Kua Fu much more.
This experience tells me that everybody is special. Different family background and living environment forms different
way of thinking. Hence everyone would get different feeling from reading. So I tell myself to accept everything around
me with tolerant attitude and observe the world with develop eyes and dialectical attitude, to be tolerant and
I believe I will have new feeling towards “Kuafu chasing the sun” as I grow up.
So today I want to tell everybody that a good story or a nice book is a source of edification whichwould give you
thoughts wisdom and strength through reading and reading. So a nice book is worth reading for a lifetime.
Reading Tells Me What is Love
Hu Xue(Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China)
Hello, everybody, my name is Hu Xue from Hangzhou, a very beautiful city in China. I am so honored to visit Macao, in
my eyes a city looks as beautiful as my hometown.
I am happy to be here, and I am happy that I will know many new friends love reading as well.
together from different places all over the world to share our happiness.
Reading bridges us
I love reading and it spreads the seeds of goodness, love and spirituality deeply in my heart. The story of “Snow White”
tells me about the endless battle between goodness and evil, “The Wild Swans” tells me about the power of hope,
courage and happiness, and “The Cat Wearing Boots” tells me about the beauty of wisdom and friendship.
I have read a story telling about a little girl, Su Bingbing, Who is from Hangzhou. After she read a local newspaper
called Chinese Teenagers News Su Bingbing found out that a river in Jiangxi Gangkou Village has taken the lives of
seven youths nearby, all these children had to cross the 100-meter-wide river on their way to school. Before longer, she
asked people to help to build a bridge. She also donated her money coming from author's remuneration and her money
given as a lunar New Year gift to the bridge building.
Later with her parents’ help she wrote many letters asking different companies in that province to donate money to
construct a bridge. Soon later, her action got responses from others. In a very short time, some warm-hearted people
helped the children in Gangkou Village to build a bridge as long as 155 meters and 9.5 meters wide. Then those kids in
that poor village will never need to worry about crossing over the river.
Now, after reading this story, I think this 12-year-old Sun Bingbing is really something. She was so young, but had a
golden heart to help those kids to get across the river safely. She tried everything and went everywhere to collect money
for those kids who never knew her. Compared to her, I feel I did too little, though I donated some money and books to
the poor children. But so I did when I saw the others around me did that kind of things.
Mencius said, “ Those who love others would win the love from others, those who respect others would win the respect
from others”. In our rich, long history, loving other people is a good virtue of Chinese people. I think I must learn from
her. Maybe we don’t have lots of money, but if we have a loving heart and even if we can donate only one Yuan, we also
can show how much we care about others.
I dare not say I am a very kind person because I do selfish things sometimes; I dare not say I am a very honest person
because I didn’t tell the truth when I did something wrong; I dare not say I am a person with 100 percent of a loving
heart because I ignore my parents and my friends because of my anger; I dare not say I am that diligent because
sometimes I avoid something I can do. But I still can say loudly that reading leads me towards the direction of honesty,
kindness and diligence. Having been reading, I have known what is true love, I have learnt to judge what is good or
bad, I have become kinder and more active, I have found the best example for me… Reading is not everything, but for
me, nothing can be instead of it.
So I really want to say, “ Read! Read as much as you do! Reading good books will make ourselves more clever, and it
will make our world more wonderful!”
My Reading Tactic
Su Xin’en(Hong Kong, China)
Ladies and Gentlemen. Good Afternoon! I am Simon So, representing the Hong Kong Special Administration Region to
give a speech on “My Reading Tactic”. It is my pleasure to speak in front of you all.
The Hong Kong education department, the Education and Manpower Bureau, has spent over 8 millions for schools to
promote reading among students. In my school, students have “literacy time” for Chinese and English reading. The
purpose of the “literacy time” is to enhance student’s reading interest by different activities.
Beside the “literacy time” in school, there are also other resources provided by other organization to promote reading in
Hong Kong. For example, The Chinese University of Hong Kong established a programme called “A Passage a Day”.
The scheme encourages students to read a passage online everyday and complete 3 multiple choice questions. Over 600
Secondary and Primary schools are participated in this scheme and over 130,000 students have logged into the system.
My school also joined these kind of online e-learning programmes, we have “English Passage a Day”. The purpose of
the programme is similar to “A Passage a Day”; students can log into the system and read a passage in order to complete
the questions. Teachers can also log into the system to check the progress of students and to review any further actions
are needed.
Hong Kong is a city where we can find books easily, such as in libraries and bookstores. My parents and I are typical
booklovers. I have start reading when I was in Pre-school. At the beginning, I started to join a lot of reading competitions;
I also won some of the awards as well. Those activities encourage me to read different kind of books, and help to
develop my tactic on reading. I start love to read since then. But how can we manage “efficiently” and “effectively” to
reach your goal through reading. Before I start share my reading tactic to you, I would like to tell a story to you. One of
my friend, he tells me that he loves reading. During the great hit of Harry Potter, he bought the whole set of Harry Potter
to read. In one very late night, he called me up and told me that he finished reading all of the Harry Potter already. I was
also very happy for him since he only spent 2 weeks and finished the 6 books! I asked him about the books since I did
not read any of the Harry Potter series before. But he cannot tell me any details of the story, not even any of the
characters. We both hesitated. Do you know what happen of my friend? The reason is because he does not have any
reading tactic.
Let me share my reading tactic to you. There are four steps in my reading tactic: “preparation”, “scanning”, “reading”
and “reflection”. The first step is “preparation”, which involves in the following several areas. You should find a book
that fit your reading level and interest. For the book, the print should not be too small since your eyes will be very tired
when you read it. You also have to consider the size of the book that is convenient to carry around. I personally prefer
paperback rather than hardcover. Nowadays, most of the secondary school students liked myself, love to read some
famous Chinese novels. For some reason, most of the publishers usually condensed the version into a pocket size book. I
think this is definitely a bad idea, since the prints are too small to read and this may harm the reader’s eyes.
Once you have selected your own book, you should check whether the content of the book suit you or not. The second
step is “scanning” that provide a quick go thought of the content of the book. When you start scanning, you can spot out
the key points and have the general idea of the book. However, “scanning” or “glancing” through your book does not
mean that you have read the book. In my friend case, he might only go through the “scanning” process but not reading it.
I normally will scan a book first before I decide is it worth to read.
When you come to “read” the book, we always have the problem on new vocabulary. I suggest that we should try to
comprehend the new vocabulary first before you find out the meaning in the dictionary. I think this is a good way to
improve your comprehension skills. In my case, I usually bring a book at my bag and read them when I am free for
example in the MTR or in the restaurant. It is impossible to bring a dictionary and check every single new word. I always
guess the meaning of the word first and mark a little sign beside it. When I am back home, I check the meaning of the
word and add it to my vocabulary bank. Therefore, my vocabulary bank grows gradually as I read more. It come the
same when I read academic books and reference books, I will drop them down in a booklet and check it later. I am sure
this method will help you to improve your writing skills.
When I finished a book, I will write up a summary of the book. I think this helps me to have better understanding and
practices my writing skills. Moreover, I will write some reflections on the story and review the vocabularies that I have
learned in the book.
Last but not least, we have to nurture the love to read; otherwise we will not achieve much from it. Reading is for interest
and for improving your ability, but not for doing homework for teachers or for anybody. We need request quality instead
of quantity. Publisher plays an important role in promoting reading among the young generation. Firstly, I think the
publisher should published books with print that are not too small children to read. Secondly, we should add more
pictures in story books for beginners. Moreover, publishers and editors should organize more reading competitions and
schemes for children; in order to encourage children to read more in the future.
Here is my sharing of today, I hope you all have a wonderful reading experience. Thank you very much.
Tom Feelings, My Daddy
Niani Feelings and Dinah Johnson(U.S.A)
You might recognize the cover of this book. I hope you opened it up and read it and looked at all the pictures. The
illustrator’s name is Tom Feelings, my daddy. You’ve probably never met anyone with Feelings for a name. But it was
the perfect name for him, because he was an artist. And it’s the job of an artist to help people really feel their feelings.
My daddy had lots of big feelings. He loved to talk about them, and sometimes he liked to write about his feelings, but
usually, he drew them out. This is a drawing of himself, his self-portrait. He called it “Tom Inside.” I think he looks just a
little bit upset. Maybe because he was thinking about how the world should be a better place for children everywhere,
children like you and me.
He imagined that better place. That’s why, on December 20, 1994, the night I was born, he named me Niani Sekai.
Niani is the name of an African city. And Sekai means laughter. So for Daddy, my name meant “a place in Africa filled
with laughter.”
Here’s a picture he drew of a little girl he imagined living in Niani, the capital city of the ancient Mali empire. This
picture will always hang on my bedroom wall.
Daddy is everywhere I look. Would you believe this doll is wearing a dress he bought for me? And these pillows on
my bed, with pictures from his pencil, make me smile every night. The little boy is happy because he is holding a book,
reminding me of my big brother, Kamili, and my cousin, Richie. The little girl is happy because she is touching the soil
of Africa. Daddy was happiest when he was in Africa, the Mother Continent. This painting shines like the sun in Ghana,
where he used to live. He talked a lot about that sun.
And Daddy was happy when he was with children, at their schools or at home. Besides me, his favorite little girl was
my cousin, Taelor. See how comfortable she looks in his arms. We think he saw her before she was even born, because in
this drawing he made a long time ago, the girl sucks her fingers just like Taelor did---not her thumb, but the two middle
My daddy was good at drawing children. That’s how he became an artist, drawing boys and girls in his New York
neighborhood--just sitting on the stoop thinking, or standing around, watching the world go ‘round.
Brooklyn was where Daddy was born and raised, but South Carolina was his adopted home. He thought that made
sense because Carolina is where so many Africans first set foot after being taken way, way across the Middle Passage,
from Africa to America. The Middle Passage. That’s the title of the book Daddy spent twenty years of his life creating.
This is the poster announcing that it would be published in 1976! But he kept on working on it until 1995 because it is
such an important story. And guess what? The book is dedicated to me.
Daddy wanted me and black people all over the world, in Ghana and Guyana, Brooklyn and Brazil, Paris
and Puerto Rico, to remember where we came from. So he called this drawing “Tree of Return.”
When my daddy died on August 25, 2003, I know his spirit returned home to Africa. And of course, his spirit is still
here in South Carolina too. As I go all around town, I remember us at the circus and the grocery store, at the sorbet
shop and the library. The librarians in Columbia will think about him a lot, too, especially when they give his books to
readers, young and old.
Daddy’s life was filled with books and with dreams. This is another self-portrait he drew. Across his forehead he wrote
Langston Hughes’s famous poem “Harlem” that asks what happens when people cannot make their dreams come true.
Daddy thought that reading and dreaming, and then doing, could go far. Could help us to soar.
In this collage from his book Soul Looks Back in Wonder there is a pretty purple bird in the girl’s mind. That means
she is a dreamer. The grown-ups around her can help her live up to those dreams.
The last time I saw my daddy in his hospital room, he told me that he looked out of the window every day and thought
about me. Maybe he was thinking about the times the two of us would walk and skip down the street holding hands, him
grinning and chanting:
Or maybe he was thinking about one of his favorite pictures of me, suspended in the air.
Here is the very last photograph of my daddy. My Aunt Linda took it in her garden on Father’s Day, in June. Everyone
says I look like him. What do you think?
I wish Daddy could hug me just one more time.
I know he will always speak to me, though, through his spirit, and his art, and the cards and letters I’ve saved. Here is
a letter I wrote to him.
Dear Daddy,
Bless me. I will see you in heaven.
Say hey to Harriet Tubman.
Love, Niani
You might recognize the covers of these books. The illustrator’s name is Tom Feelings. My Daddy.
‘Children’s Forum’, Lam Tong and Tung Cheng Yuen Buddhist Association
Ma Weidong (Secretary-General of CBBY)
In the afternoon of September 21, 2006, we will conduct the ‘Literature of ours—Children’s Forum’ on the 30th IBBY
World Congress 2006 in Macau, China to invite 17 children from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, India and the US
to deliver a speech, and also Mr. Lam Tong, President of Tung Cheng Yuen Buddhist Association will make a major
speech. In order to honor them in pioneering IBBY, IBBY’s Chairman and International Executive Member will grant
the Certificate of Honour to Mr. Lam Tong, and children who will deliver a speech at the congress.
Holding the ‘Children’s Forum’ on the 30th IBBY World Congress is proposed by Wu Zhenglan, Editor-in-Chief of the
Chinese Teenagers News. In October, 2002, I was excited when I returned to China after attending the 50th Anniversary
Celebration for the 28th IBBY World Congress in Basel, Switzerland. I together with Ms. Wu and her team mentioned of
IBBY, its founder Jella Lepman, and its principle committed to promote international understanding through children’s
books and world peace and development. Also we mentioned of IBBY’s previous congress themes, the International
Children's Book Day held in April each year, the Andersen Awards (including literature and illustration) every other
years, Asahi Reading Promotion Award and the 30th IBBY World Congress 2006 held in China. Ms. Wu and her team
were not only shocked by IBBY’s attic faith, fruitful congress and colorful activities, but also inspired by the mission
committed to educating and pioneering the children healthy and grown by their post. She said “The year of 2006 is the
55th anniversary of starting publication of the Chinese Teenagers News. For 55 years, the Chinese Teenagers News has
walked with the times, has grown with the children, and has always kept to the principle committed to speaking of the
children, for the children and by the children.” Really, the reading activities for children through the newspaper are
conducted to evaluate the winner to step onto the IBBY World Congress platform, to let the children preside the congress
and represent their own reading experience, to provide an international arena to the children who pour out and express
their own interest and opinion, to promote the adult society to understand the children, and to listen to children's
aspiration attentively. Those who are dedicated to the children and their literature provide children’s health and grownup
with more and better works and spiritual foods. Ms.Wu's proposal won the consent and support of Mr.Hai Fei, President
of Chinese Section of IBBY. President Hai Fei helped the Chinese Teenagers News perfect the scheduled program of
‘Children’s Forum’, and communicated with Peter Schneck, President of IBBY. President Peter Schneck fully
acknowledged and admired the proposal of ‘Children’s Forum’. He said “The previous IBBY congresses represented the
adults to gather for discussion including children performance instead of children stepping into the IBBY congress, and
listening to children's aspiration at the IBBY congress. However the ‘Children’s Forum’ on the Chinese IBBY World
Congress is a pioneer of IBBY in the history and also is a surprise that CBBY brings to the world.” In this way, the
theme of sectional 30th IBBY World Congresses comprises the Children’s Literature and Ethics, Children’s Literature and
the Ideal World, Children’s Freedom and Space, Children’s Books and Multimedia Era, Development Trend of
Children’s Picture Books, Reflection on the Phenomenon of Harry Potter, and Reading of the Underprivileged Children
given in the ‘Literature of ours—Children’s Forum’ under the theme of Children’s Literature and Social Development.
What trouble the specialist of Chinese Teenagers News most is conducting children’s activities needs the support of
funds, and how to choose support units. The specialist of Chinese Teenagers News, recommended by the journalist of
Xinhua News Agency, met Mr. Lam Tong in Beijing in the late fall 2005. After mutual communication and exchange, the
specialist of Chinese Teenagers News was taken to a world of Lam Tong and Tung Cheng Yuen Buddhist Association.
The Chinese Teenagers News, recommended by Mr. Lam Tong, joined hand in hand with Tung Cheng Yuen Buddhist
Association like watching, waiting and pursuing for a long time.
Presently Lam Tong is an elder who is about 80 years old, is thin, wears simple, has a loud sound and steps vigorously.
He was born in Putian, Fujian and experienced in leading a homeless and miserable life for years, breaking hands and
having a stroke. Luckily, his broken hands restored good and his health got well. In order to rethink the God for the
rebirth, he founded the Tung Cheng Yuen Buddhist Association, and since then he has stepped in a road to help and
relieve the next generation. In recent years, he walked around remote and backward places in more than 20 national
provinces, cities and autonomous regions, such as Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi, Shaanxi, Guizhou, Fujian, Shanxi,
Yunnan, Inner Mongolia, Jiangxi, etc. He launched the relatives and friends and the warm-hearted personages to donate
RMB 30 million Yuan to build 22 schools, so that the impoverished children returned to the classroom. Lam Tong
awarded the primary Top 100 Chinese Charitarians in Love for China February, 2005, the Prize in Special Contribution
and Most Selflessness granted by the Ministry of Civil Affairs P.R. China in April, 2005, the Honorable Title in Chinese
Public Welfare Stars 2005 in June, 2005, the Hotline Public Welfare Worthies granted by the China Society Culture
Public Welfare Association and the Success Prize in Promoting Chinese Public Welfares in October, 2005, the Special
Contribution Prize in Guangdong Province Returned Overseas Chinese Association in December, 2005, the Special
Contribution Prize in Returned Overseas Chinese’s Loving Care Project in July, 2006, and the Pioneers of Loving and
Dedicating for China in August, 2006.
Mr. Lam Tong was out of school and became illiterate in his childhood. However he can deem the culture as the human
heart to make thousands of children who are impoverished and out of school to return to the classroom. He said “There
are a bridge before the road and a motherland before the home.” Also he educates the people around to love both self and
others and cherish all things and happiness. Conducting oneself is just and fair, both the nation and people are deemed as
the principle, dedicating oneself to the motherland is full of charity, and caring for the people is harmonized into the
one’s own blood. Mr. Lam Tong spent RMB 10 Yuan on buying a new coupe of gym shoes and RMB 5 Yuan on
repairing them. He said “I am not an entrepreneur, a big merchant and a wealthy, but I am full of love. I will use money
from others to launch public welfares. Doing some real things with my own kindliness is a charitable glory to emblaze
the others and self, meaning that a lamp can highlight the millennium dark.” Sometimes he felt older and can do things
so limited. He continued to say “Only Lam Tong is insufficient, and he wishes hundreds upon thousands of Lam Tong’s
to make the charitable tradition flowering throughout the motherland and to realize and brighten the margin to serve the
motherland, the salary to donate to the society, the wealth to be the good fortune, and the happiness to shade the prospect
of the next generation.”
Ms.Fan Lizhen, Secretary-General of Tung Cheng Yuen Buddhist Association who has followed up Mr. Lam Tong, told
me that Mr. Lam Tong’s spirit deeply affected everyone nearby him and that he has even seen. Ms.Zhou Yantao,
Vice-President of Tung Cheng Yuen Buddhist Association in Macau, was dedicated in pharmaceutical business. She said
“I am not a wealthy and have my own enterprising, but it is worth for me to spend money and energy on the
philanthropy.” Madam of former Director-General in Macau Police Department said “Mr. Lam Tong changed my
opinion on wealth, that is to say, it is more significant for me to contribute a sum of money instead of buying some
jewelry for myself. Now I can’t spend money on me but I only consider how to spend money on a valuable and
significant place.”
As an editor who participates in machinating and organizing ‘Children’s Forum’, I experienced a philanthropy at the
heart of Mr.Lam Tong. In case the venue of the 30th IBBY World Congress in China changed, I went to Macau to
implement this congress for times this March neither to report to Mr. Lam Tong nor to make contact with members of the
Tung Cheng Yuen Buddhist Association in Macau. On July 21, Mr. Lam Tong invited us to meet in the hotel when he
went to Beijing for attending a meeting. As soon as we met each other, Mr. Lam Tong flied into a rage for 100 minutes to
criticize us whom weren’t good at communicating each other, conducting ourselves, doing business affairs and
respecting each other. Additionally why did we fail to inform the cooperator of the changed venue because the
cooperator got to know the right to learn the truth? In the surprise, we repeatedly made an apology to Mr.Lam Tong, and
also stated it to him that we shouldn’t have concealed the fact of changed venue and gotten him angry. Because many
procedures involving in the changed venue were in discussion, realization and advancement and weren’t open to the
public, we begged him and Tung Cheng Yuen Buddhist Association for forgiveness. On the other hand because of the
difference in culture and administrative procedures between Hong Kong and Macau and Mainland China, this time we
met each other not to take out the given cooperating protocol for the signature purposes. When I went to Hong Kong
instead of Macau on August 1, I invited Lam Tong to sign the protocol, but because Lam Tong was busy in Guangdong
to assign Secretary-General Fan instead to sign it. When Secretary-General Fan together with brothers and sisters from
Tung Cheng Yuen Buddhist Association, Ming Zhou and me had a dinner to approve the protocol at 6:00 pm,
Secretary-General Fan picked up a telephone and then said badly: “Lam Tong himself came to Hong Kong by sea... ...Oh,
the boat at the Victoria Harbor stopped because it was Prap Iroon today. The wind is so strong and the wave is so high,
we have never let him alone since we knew Lam Tong for more than 10 years. We don’t know how about him at the
moment he is about 80 years old, he can’t use the mobile telephone, and the others can’t understand his accent at
Taizhou? ” I asked “Why doesn't let a person to accompany him?” "He was anxious to board the boat because the boat
started soon.” Secretary-General Fan just found out me here and then said to me “Do you know that Mr.Lam Tong is
coming for you to have a look at you and get to know the preparation for ‘Children’s Forum’?” After I knew Mr.Lam
Tong was for the purpose of coming, and when Secretary-General Fan and his bother and sister dished up for me, I could
not eat well and immediately had to go to the harbor to meet Mr. Lam Tong, because my heart was so oppressive and I
was worry about the elder. At the harbor I found that Mr. Lam Tong had his hands free and wore a couple of repaired
gym shoes to walk forward with the hardship of a long journey. I felt warm, steadfast and powerful the moment he seized
my hands. He said “I am specially to see you, but you needn’t be afraid, must try out, and are on behalf of China to
succeed in the ‘Children’s Forum’.” At the moment the grievance in the early August became invisible, and suddenly I
was aware that dripping water constantly wears holes in stone, being moist is silent, and being love is selfless.
Through the ‘Children’s Forum’, a children’s activity with special status and function, we can step in a noble elder’s
heart and get acquainted with charitable brother and sister who become a member of Tung Cheng Yuen Buddhist
Association. It is seemed that she will bring an intermittent wind at dawn to the IBBY World Congress in Macau, China,
a successful feeling and profound impression to the children, and unforgettable nuts & bolts to me. I think I can miss
them on my life’s journey in the future.