Year 1 Spring Term 2 ‘Are you hungry?’ Subject Learning objectives Programme Of Study Communication, Language & Literacy English Narrative Unit 3: Traditional & fairy tales Non-Fiction Unit 5: Recount; fact and fiction, report. Narrative Unit 2: Stories range of cultures. Poetry Unit 2: Pattern and Rhyme Mathematical Development Maths Science ICT Geography Block D: Calculating, measuring and understanding shape Block E: Securing number facts, relationships and calculating Knowledge & Understanding of the World Growing Plants: that there are different plants in the immediate environment to treat growing plants with care to make careful observations of one or two plants and of where they grow and to communicate these that plants have leaves, stems and flowers that plants grow to make observations of the plants to use drawings to record their observations and to communicate what happened that plants have leaves, stems and flowers to treat growing plants with care that plants provide food for humans that plants have roots to observe and compare the roots of different plants to make careful observations of the plants and to record these in a simple chart or table provided for them to conclude that plants need water to grow that green plants need light to grow to turn ideas about whether green plants need light to grow into a form that can be tested. Investigation: to observe and compare green plants grown in light and dark places to conclude that green plants need light to grow well that plants are living but that an artificial plant is not living. Visit the allotments Work with a range of information to investigate the different ways it can be presented. Information can be collected and presented as a pictogram. ICT can be used to create pictograms. Use pictograms to answer simple questions. (Sc1) 1 2b, g, h, j To decide whether our school is on a busy road. To learn more about the character of our area. To ask geographical questions. To consolidate and learn further geographical terms. 1a. d 2a, b, c, d, e 3a, b, c 4a, b (SC2) 1b 2a,d,e,f,g 4 a,b 1 To consider whether parking around school is a problem. Carry out a small-scale investigation - parking in the local area. Observe, recognise and describe the main ways in which parking is controlled. Undertake simple mapping tasks. Express views about making the area around school safer. Recognise ways of changing the environment Religious Education Explore stories about the lives and teachings of key religious figures (1.1b) What makes someone a leader? 2a, b PSHCE ‘Healthy Eating’ (cont.) – School scheme of work: How to make simple choices that improve their health and wellbeing Make real choices between healthy options in meals. Take part in discussions e.g. talking about topics of school, local, national, global concern, such as 'where our food comes from.’ SEAL: ‘Good to be me!’ Community Cohesion: Links with Basford Allotments 1a, c 2a 4d BOS 4 BOS 3 Creative Development Art & Design Make a Mother’s day card, Easter card, Easter basket. Design & Technology Designing and Making a Fruit salad Know that there is a wide variety of fruit and vegetables available which can be grouped and individually named. Understand that fruit may require treatment before being eaten and know what the treatment is eg washing, peeling. Further develop sensory vocabulary. Fruit and vegetables can be classified according to their sensory and other properties. Basic food handling, hygienic practices and personal hygiene, including how to control risk by following simple instructions. Use a variety of simple tools and equipment. Fruit and vegetables have nutritional value and are an important part of our diet. Food processing can affect appearance, texture, odour, taste. Record the results of their experiments. Identify a target group for what they intend to design and make. Communicate what they intend to make. Develop their design ideas, applying findings from their earlier research. Select and use appropriate fruit and vegetables, processes and tools. Evaluate their product by asking questions about what they have made and how they have gone about it. 1a, b, c, d, e 2a, b, c, d, e, f 3a, b B.O.S. 5b, c 2 Music ‘Taking Off’ Introduction: What is pitch? what is meant by pitch Exploration: How can we make sounds higher/ lower? how to control the pitch of the voice to respond to changes in pitch to relate sounds to symbols Bringing it all together: How can we use higher/lower sounds? that pitch can be used to describe action 1a 2a 3a, b 4a, c, d 5a, b, d Physical Development Physical Education Gymnastics Unit 2: 1a) explore basic skills, actions and ideas with increasing understanding 1b)remember and repeat simple skills and actions with increasing control and coordination. 2a) explore how to choose and apply skills and actions in sequence and in combination 2b) vary the way they perform skills by using simple tactics and movement phrases. 3a) describe what they have done -En1 Speaking and listening 1 3b) observe, describe and copy what others have done 3c) use what they have learnt to improve the quality and control of their work. 4a) how important it is to be active 4b) to recognise and describe how their bodies feel during different activities 5a)how important it is to be active 5b) to recognise and describe how their bodies feel during different activities 8a) perform basic skills in travelling, being still, finding space and using it safely, both on the floor and using apparatus 8b) develop the range of their skills and actions [ e.g. balancing, taking off and landing, turning and rolling ] 8c) choose and link skills and actions in short movement phrases 8d) create and perform short, linked sequences that show a clear beginning, middle and end and have contrasts in direction, level and speed. 1a, b 2a, b 3a, b, c 4a, b 5a, b 8a, b, c, d 3