Research papers Physiological demands and fitness of recreational, vocational and professional dancers Wyon, M., Head, A., Sharp, C., Redding (2002) The cardiorespiratory responses to modern dance classes: differences between university, graduate and professional classes Journal of Dance Medicine and Science Vol 6 (2) p41-45 Redding, E., Wyon, M., Shearman, J and Doggart, L (2004). Validity of using heart rate as a predictor of oxygen consumption in dance. J of Dance Medicine and Science Vol 8 3 69-72 Wyon, M., Head, A., Sharp, C., Redding (2002) The cardiorespiratory responses to modern dance classes: differences between university, graduate and professional classes Journal of Dance Medicine and Science Vol 6 (2) p41-45 Redding, E., and Wyon, M. (2003) Strengths and weaknesses of current methods for evaluating the aerobic power of dancers. Journal of Dance Medicine and Science Vol 7 (1) p10-16 Wyon, M., Head, A., Sharp, C., Redding, E., Abt, G. (2004) Oxygen Uptake During Modern Dance Class, Rehearsal, and Performance Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Vol 18 (3) p646-649 Wyon, M; Redding, E; Head, A and NCC Sharp (2005) The physiological monitoring of cardiorespiratory adaptations during rehearsal and performance of contemporary dance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 19 (3) p611-614 Wyon, M; Deighan, M; Nevill, A; Doherty, M; Morrison, S; Allen, N; Jobson, S; George, S (2007) The cardiorespiratory, anthropometric and performance characteristics of an international/national touring ballet company. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Vol 21 (2) Baillie, Y; Wyon, M; Head, A (2007) Highland Dance: the physiological requirements of competition and class. International Journal of Sport Physiology and Performance Vol 2 (4) Russell, JA; McEwan, IM; Koutedakis, Y; Wyon, MA (2008) Clinical anatomy and biomechanics of the ankle in dance. Journal of Dance Medicine and Science Vol 12 (3) p75-82 Angioi M; Twitchett, E; Metsios, G; Koutedakis, Y; Wyon, M (2009) Fitness levels in contemporary dance: a systematic literature review. International Journal of Sport Medicine Vol 30 p1-11. Wyon, M; Felton, L; Galloway, S (2009) A comparison of two stretching modalities on lower limb range of motion measurements in recreational dancers Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Russell JA, Nevill AM, McEwan IM, Koutedakis Y, Wyon MA (2009) Goniometry of the ankle for the extreme motions required in ballet. Journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy, Vol 39 (10) a17 Twitchett, E; Koutedakis, Y, Wyon, M (2009) Physical Fitness and Classical Ballet Performance: A Literature Review Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 23(9) p2732-40 Twitchett, E; Brodrick, A; Angioi, M; Nevill, AN; Koutedakis, Y, Wyon, M (2010) Does physical fitness affect injury occurrence and time-loss through injury in classical ballet dancers? Journal of Dance Medicine and Science 14 (1) p26-31 Wyon, M; Guinan, D; Hawkey, A (2010) Whole Body Vibration training increases vertical jump height in a dance population Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Cloak, R; Nevill, AM; Clarke, F; Day, S; Wyon, MA (2010) Vibration training improves balance in unstable ankles. International Journal of Sports Medicine Vol 31 p 1-7 Wyon, MA; Nevill, AM; Dekker, K; Brown, DD; Clarke, F; Pelly, J; Koutedakis, Y (2010) Effect of leg length on rom, vj and leg dexterity in dance International Journal of Sports Medicine 31 pp631-635 Wyon, M; Smith, A; Koutedakis, Y (in press) A comparison of strength and stretch interventions on active and passive ranges of movement in dancers: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Quested, E. & Duda, J.L. (2011). Antecedents of burnout among elite dancers: A longitudinal test of basic needs theory. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 12 (2), 159-167.