1. Introduction; Basking sharks (Cetorhinus maximus) are the second largest fish species in the world, with a circum-global distribution in warm temperate to boreal seas (Cotton et al. 2005). They are associated with continental shelf edge habitats where they often aggregate to forage on dense patches of zooplankton associated with oceanographic features (Sims & Quayle, 1998; Sims et al. 2000.) Life history traits of basking sharks are not fully known, however it has been suggested that their maturation rate is slow taking between 12-20 years. Females are ovoviviparous and have long gestation periods (approximately 1-3 years) after which they give birth to few offspring (Kunzlik, 1988). Consequently basking sharks are especially vulnerable to over exploitation. In the past they have been exploited for meat, fins, liver oil (Compagno, 2001) and cartilage (Hoelzel, 2001). The inherent vulnerability to high levels of exploitation may have resulted in collapse of some stocks (Anderson, 1990); For example, the fishery for basking shark near Achill Island off the west coast of Ireland appeared to collapse in the early 1960’s after only ten years of peak catches (Kunzlik, 1988). 1.1. Legal protection; In order to address this collapse in stocks the Fisheries and Agriculture Organisation (FAO, 1999) made international plans of action, the aims of which were to ensure conservation and management of sharks and their long term sustainable use, however, participation was voluntary and no new shark management measures were implemented, it therefore seemed unlikely that the plans would be sufficient to develop sustainable management (Southall et al. 2006). 1 2001 saw the reduction of the European quota of total allowable catch to zero (Southall et al. 2006). One year later, on the basis of the UK proposal, listing of the basking shark in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) was upgraded to Appendix II, which requires International trade to be monitored through a licensing system to ensure that trade can be sustained without detriment to wild populations. The possibility that numbers may be depleted by exploitation and lack of scientific knowledge resulted in listing of the species on the IUCN Red List as vulnerable (A1a, d and 2d) worldwide, and Endangered (EN A1a, d) in the North-East Atlantic (IUCN, 2004). However, protection for this species is limited to European waters and varies spatially (Southall et al. 2006.) Despite concern for the conservation of this species, there is little data on regional abundance, no estimates for abundance worldwide and no good data on population trends (Hoelzel et al, 2006). This is particularly damning as it has been stated that without scientifically based population assessment it is impossible to determine current population trends and monitor stocks effectively for conservation purposes (Southall et al. 2005). 1.2. Population assessment; In order to asses basking shark populations a variety of methods have been used. Some studies utilize the extensive sighting records gained in coastal waters around the UK from 1987 onwards (Doyle et al. 2005). These methods are however problematic; data gathered is variable due to observer bias, plus sighting probability of individuals is altered due to systematic differences in surfacing behaviour, this changes with habitat, season and time of day (Southall et al. 2006). 1.3. Satellite tagging; 2 One method to reduce these problems is to use computer derived information. It is now possible to plot the position of individuals using satellite tagging; Southall et al. (2006) used pop-up archival transmitting (PAT) tags to assess the annual space-use patterns of basking sharks within the North-East Atlantic. This analysis indicated that basking sharks move between economic zones and were not afforded statutory protection for the majority of time they spent within their preferred habitat; thus illustrating the limited capacity of the British protection zone to cover the greater part of shark space utilization. Satellite tagging does however have limitations; Firstly tags are expensive which limits the number of samples which can be taken. Secondly, there is some difficulty in attaching tags for long enough time periods, for example the tags used by Southall et al. (2006) were released in less than a year. Tags are also not completely reliable, only 7 tags out of 20 were received the rest were assumed malfunctioning. Distribution data gained could also be flawed as the accuracy of geolocation is dependant on the weather and behaviour of the animal. Finally due to intermittence of transmitting, time gaps are apparent (Southall et al. 2006) in data gathered. 1.4. Genetic analysis; Another technological breakthrough being used to assess the status of basking sharks is that of genetic research. The genetic diversity of basking sharks was calculated using tissue samples acquired from stranded basking sharks and those killed as a result of by-catch, from this data an approximate population estimate of 8200 individuals was made (Hoelzel et al. 2006). Genetic analysis has a lot of potential for population assessment, since for individual identification this method is seems flawless; however samples were restricted to dead animals which could obviously not be used in mark release-recapture studies. There is also the slight possibility that the 3 sharks sampled were more prone to stranding or becoming a subject of by-catch due to some genetic disposition, subsequently individuals with alternate genetic make up were not sampled, consequently the low genetic diversity found by the study may be a result of sampling bias not low genetic diversity of the entire basking shark population. 1.5. Mark release-recapture studies; In order to assess this threatened species it is important that results are gained quickly and are widely understood. Mark release-recapture techniques have been extensively applied in animal ecology and are often employed for determining patterns in growth, survivorship, behaviour and abundance of organisms (Stonehouse, 1978). These techniques can however be problematic, for example it is not always possible to mark certain types of animals, either because they are difficult to mark or tag, or because they are legally protected from disturbance, as is the case with some cetaceans (Hammond et al. 1990). Tags which are invasive could alter behaviour, growth and (or) survivorship of the host animal by causing physical hindrance, injury, disease or physiological interference (Scorrat, 1970; Bergmas et al. 1992; Linnare & Merar, 1998; Courtney et al. 2001). 1.6. Photographic Identification; One solution to the problem of artificially tagging animals is to identify individuals using variation in natural marks and (or) polymorphic colour patterns, if these natural marks occur, photographs taken of individuals at different points of time can be used for mark-recapture techniques (Frisch and Hobbs, 2007). Photographic identification has been widely implemented to study vertebrate animals (e.g. Persal, 1982; Hammond et al. 1990; Doody, 1995; Anderson and Goldman, 1996; Kelly 2001). These techniques have been developed to obtain individual 4 marking data of marine mammals (e.g. Würsig and Würsig, 1977; Katona and Krauss, 1979; Hiby and Lovell, 1990; Beck and Reid, 1995, Forcada and Aguilar, 2000) and successfully applied to a number of species and populations (e.g. Bigg, 1982; Clapham and Mayo, 1990; Jones, 1990; Gailey, 2001). To use photographic identification definitively it is necessary however that individual can be correctly identified from their photographs. There have been indications from previous studies that the reliability of photographic identification depends on the species involved, the sampling strategy and the kind of natural marks used to identify individuals (Arnbom, 1987; Hiby and Lovell, 1990). Validity of photographic identification from natural markings has been shown in a number of cetacean studies by combining photographic identification and tagging techniques (Irvine et al. 1982; Scott et al, 1990; Gailey, 2001). Photographic identification was also shown to be appropriately used for capture-recapture abundance estimates of Mediterranean monk seals (Monachus monachus) (Forcada and Aguilar, 2000). Identification of individual using photographs has also been applied to some sharks species (Mourier et al. 2007), for example, the patterning of spots and stripes unique to each whale shark (Rhincodon typus) (Meeham et al. 2006), was shown to be an accurate method for identify individuals (Speed et al. 2007). Consequently application of the markrecapture method could be an appropriate method for analysis of basking shark populations, providing identification is based on features which are unique to each individual and can be gained for a large sample with little to no difficulty. Photographic identification of cetacean species often uses natural variation in pigmentation patterns and notches occurring on their dorsal fins resulting from interactions with their environment and other animals (Würsig and Würsig, 1977; Würsig and Jefferson, 1990), it is possible to photograph this feature when cetaceans 5 surface to breathe. Due to the “basking” behaviour displayed by the appropriately named shark, these animals spend some of their time at the surface with all or part of the dorsal fin protruding from the water, it is therefore possible to take photographs of the fin from the shore or at sea. Subsequently this feature may be suitable for identification of individual basking sharks as is the case with cetaceans. Worldwide, mark-recapture studies are utilizing photographic databases to document population trends and estimate demographic rates (Fujiwara & Caswell., 2001; Sterick et al. 2003; Meekham et al. 2006; Speed et al. 2007; Speed et al. 2008,) however, due to the large amounts of photographic data which can be gathered, matching photographs of the same individuals is a time consuming and fatiguing process (Katona and Beard, 1990); For this reason computer programs have been developed to select possible matches which can then be confirmed by a human observer, one such program is EuroPhlukes©. EuroPhlukes© uses the shape of the dorsal fin and nicks or cuts on the trailing edge to match similar photographs, if the use of photographic identification is appropriate for the basking sharks, application of the EuroPhlukes© program may beneficially reduce time spent matching photographs of individuals for population assessment. This paper looks at the reliability of photographs of the dorsal fin of basking sharks for individual identification, using the computer assisted matching program EuroPhlukes© and human experimenters. 2. Method; 2.1. Study area; 6 The photographic identification material was collected in coastal waters off the Isle of Man between the 3rd and 30th of June 2008. The study was conducted on the Southern end of the island between Port St Mary and Peel Harbour, the area surveyed is shown on Figure 1 highlighted by a black dotted line. Study area. Figure 1 Map of the Isle of Man showing the survey area highlighted by a black dotted line. 2.2. Photographic data collection; Surveys took place aboard a 15ft motor boat, they were conducted at various times of day for varying lengths of time in different weather conditions, however photographs were not taken during heavy rain to avoid damage to camera equipment. Data was 7 collected in various sea states but photographs were not taken in sea state five to ensure the photographer’s safety. During a survey the boat travelled out of Port St Mary’s Harbour along the coast towards peel Harbour, at the end of a survey the boat returned to Port St Mary. On sighting a basking shark the boat approached at an extremely slow speed to a distance of 20m came to a stop and the engine was put into neutral. Each shark was photographed using a Cannon 400d, 8 mega pixel digital camera, with a 55mm250mm lens with image stabiliser. On each encounter multiple photographs were taken of the basking shark’s dorsal fin. The photographer attempted to take at least 10 photographs from both sides, encompassing a large proportion of the fin, at as close to 90º angle as possible. On each sighting, date of sighting, encounter number, time, position of sighting, an estimation of the basking shark’s size and any distinguishing features was recorded in order to assist accurate data entry. To ensure photographs collected were definitely of the same individual, each encounter occasion was considered to be a different individual. 2.3. Photographic cataloguing and editing; All photographs taken were transferred to a personal computer, these raw photographs were catalogued first by date taken, then by encounter number and finally by image number. Photographs were edited using ACDSee Pro Photograph Manager© version 8.0, this editing involved cropping the images to include only the dorsal fin, images not showing the dorsal fin were discarded, the edited photographs were catalogued in the same way as the raw photographs and saved separately as “Cropped BS photos”. 2.4. Photographic Rating; The quality of these “Cropped BS photos” was then rated. The rating process was based on that proposed by Hammond (1986) which uses the categories of; focus, 8 glare, angle, distance from the individual and the proportion of the individual photographed. However the category of glare was replaced by the angle of light on the fin, where photographs with the light shining onto the fin were rated higher than those will the light coming from behind. The proportion of individual photographed was adapted to the proportion of individual’s fin photographed. Distance from the animal was excluded as this was always within 20m. Consequently categories for rating the photographs of each shark encounter were; A) Proportion of fin photographed; within each encounter the photograph showing the largest area of the basking shark’s fin was selected, all other photographs from this encounter were then compared to this and rated from 1-5. Photographs rated 1 showed 100-80% of the area of fin shown in the “largest” photo, those rated 2 showed 80-60%, and so on with 5 being 20-0%. Photographs from the top 4 categories were then rated for angle those from category 5 were immediately discarded. B) Angle of fin; photographs at 90° to the fin (side on) were rated 1, those rated 2 were at a slight angle of 70° to 89° and 3 being at an abrupt angle 69° to 180°. Photographs rated 1 or 2 were then rated for focus those rated 3 were discarded. C) Focus; photographs in focus were rated 1, those out of focus were rated 2. Both categories were then rated for direction of light. D) Direction of light; photographs with light shining onto the fin were rated 1, those with light coming from behind the fin were rated 2. Once all the photographs were rated in this way the ten images rated highest from each encounter (from both sides of the fin if possible) were selected. The resulting set of photographs were again arranged under date taken, then encounter number, then image number and saved as a new catalogue named “Rated BS photos”. 9 2.5. Individual photographs; From the “Rated BS photos” catalogue the highest quality photograph for each encounter was selected these images were again sorted under date taken, then encounter number, then image number. The resulting catalogue was saved as “Best Individual BS photos” these photos represent the best image of each individual basking shark encountered. 2.6. Matching photographs; 2.7. EuroPhlukes© photograph matching; Initially all photographs from the “Rated BS photos” catalogue were matched using EuroPhlukes©. Firstly photographs from the same encounter were matched to each other to check whether photographs which were definitely of the same shark could be matched. Secondly photographs from all encounters were grouped and matched together to see if from a selection of photographs, those of the same individual will be matched together. Thirdly the proportion of incorrect matches was calculated by removing those matches of sharks within the same encounter from the matches between all encounters. 2.8. Human Eye photograph matching; Matching photographs bye eye involved renaming all photographs within the “Rated BS photos” catalogue with a code; the coded photographs were then mixed up. For each of the “Best Individual photos” an empty folder was created with the same name. Each coded photograph was then compared with those within the “Best Individual BS photos” catalogue. Once a match was decided, the coded photograph was copied and pasted into the “Best Individual BS photos” folder corresponding to the photograph it matched. 10 Eye matching was carried out by one experimenter whom had four months of photograph identification experience and one naïve experimenter whom had no photographic identification experience. 2.9. Analysis; Using EuroPhlukes© the threshold for a possible match is any result between 1 and 0.6. Firstly the proportion of possible matches within each encounter was calculated. Secondly the proportion of possible matches for each encounter out of all the “Rated BS photos” was calculated. Finally the proportion of incorrect matches was calculated. For analysis of the human matched photos, the matched coded photographs were decoded and their initial name restored. If the photograph had been placed into the folder corresponding to the encounter in which it had been taken, this was a correct match, if the photograph had been placed into a folder of an alternate encounter to its own, this was an incorrect match. The proportion of correct matches was calculated by dividing the number of correct matches out of the total number of matches for that occasion (correct plus incorrect matches). 3. Results; 3.1. EuroPhlukes© Matching Results; Table 1 displays the result of matching photographs within each encounter using Europhlukes©; 11 Table 1 Summary of photograph matching within encounters using EuroPhlukes©. Within Encounter Encounter number 03-06-08-enc01 03-06-08-enc02 03-06-08-enc03 03-06-08-enc04 03-06-08-enc05 03-06-08-enc06 08-06-08-enc02 08-06-08-enc04 08-06-08-enc05 08-06-08-enc06 08-06-08-enc08 08-06-08-enc09 14-06-08-enc01 Number photographs 10 3 20 20 10 10 10 19 9 20 10 20 20 of Number of comparisons 45 3 190 190 45 45 45 171 36 192 45 190 190 Possible matches (>0.6) 2 0 21 10 6 17 32 73 24 64 25 41 68 Proportion of Possible matches (>0.6) 0.04444444 0 0.11052632 0.05263158 0.13333333 0.37777778 0.71111111 0.42690058 0.66666667 0.33333333 0.55555556 0.21578947 0.35789474 Table 2 shows the results of matching photographs from all encounters with each other using EuroPhlukes©. Table 2 Summary of photographic matching from all encounters using EuroPhlukes©. All Encounters Encounter number 03-06-08-enc01 03-06-08-enc02 03-06-08-enc03 03-06-08-enc04 03-06-08-enc05 03-06-08-enc06 08-06-08-enc02 08-06-08-enc04 08-06-08-enc05 08-06-08-enc06 08-06-08-enc08 08-06-08-enc09 14-06-08-enc01 Number photographs 10 3 20 20 10 10 10 19 9 20 10 20 20 of Number of comparisons 1753 509 3146 2348 1025 925 825 1293 486 790 245 190 2751 Possible matches (>0.6) 6 43 284 134 64 64 332 475 174 188 85 41 624 Proportion of possible matches (>0.6) 0.0034227 0.08447937 0.09027336 0.05706985 0.06243902 0.06918919 0.40242424 0.36736272 0.35802469 0.23797468 0.34693878 0.21578947 0.22682661 Figure 2 displays the average proportion of possible matches within each encounter and the proportion of possible matches comparing all photos taken for each encounter. 12 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Within Encounter 14-06-08-enc01 08-06-08-enc09 08-06-08-enc08 08-06-08-enc06 08-06-08-enc05 08-06-08-enc04 08-06-08-enc02 03-06-08-enc06 03-06-08-enc05 03-06-08-enc04 03-06-08-enc03 03-06-08-enc02 All Encounters 03-06-08-enc01 Average proportion of Possible matches (>0.6) Proportion of possible matches using EuroPhlukes© Encounter number Figure 2 Proportion of possible matches within encounters and comparing photos from all encounters using EuroPhlukes©. Figure 2 shows slightly a slightly higher proportion of possible matches for those photographs within the same encounter than the proportion of matches between all photographs. A T-test was carried out to test if the proportion of possible matches within the same encounter was significantly different from the proportion of matches between all encounters using EuroPhlukes© the results of this test are shown the table 3. Table 3 t-test of diference between proportion of possible matces within each encounter and the proportion of posible matches each encounters using EuroPhlukes©. t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances Within Encounters Variable 1 Mean 0.306613 Variance 0.05684 Observations 13 Pooled Variance 0.038336 Hypothesized Mean Difference 0 Df 24 t Stat 1.466142 P(T<=t) one-tail 0.077795 t Critical one-tail 1.710882 P(T<=t) two-tail 0.15559 t Critical two-tail 2.063899 13 All Encounters Variable 2 0.194017 0.019832 13 A P value of 0.05 or below shows a significant difference between values, as a P value of 0.078 (3.d.p.) was gained this shows there is no significant difference between the proportion of possible matches gained comparing photographs within the same encounter or those from all encounters. To account for the possibility that the number of possible matches gained comparing photographs from all encounters may be incorrect matches; the proportion of possible incorrect matches was calculated for each encounter by removing the proportion of correct matches from each encounter, (those matches where photos were matched within the encounter they were taken). Table 4 shows the results of this calculation. Table 4 Calculation of the proportion of incorrect possible matches found using EuroPhlukes©. Between Encounters Encounter number 03-06-08-enc01 03-06-08-enc02 03-06-08-enc03 03-06-08-enc04 03-06-08-enc05 03-06-08-enc06 08-06-08-enc02 08-06-08-enc04 08-06-08-enc05 08-06-08-enc06 08-06-08-enc08 08-06-08-enc09 14-06-08-enc01 Number photographs 10 3 20 20 10 10 10 19 9 20 10 20 20 of Number of comparisons 1708 506 2956 2158 980 880 780 1122 450 598 200 0 2561 Possible matches (>0.6) 4 43 263 124 58 47 300 402 150 124 60 0 556 Proportion of possible matches (>0.6) 0.00234192 0.08498024 0.08897158 0.05746061 0.05918367 0.05340909 0.38461538 0.35828877 0.33333333 0.20735786 0.3 0 0.21710269 The difference between the proportion of possible matches using EuroPhlukes© within encounters and the proportion of possible matches between different encounters (possible incorrect matches) was calculated using a t-Test; the results of this calculation are shown in table 5. 14 Table 5 Difference in proportion of possible matches using EuroPhlukes© within encounters and between encounters. t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances Within Encounters Variable 1 Mean 0.306613 Variance 0.05684 Observations 13 Pooled Variance 0.038326 Hypothesized Mean Difference 0 Df 24 t Stat 1.842169 P(T<=t) one-tail 0.03892 t Critical one-tail 1.710882 P(T<=t) two-tail 0.07784 t Critical two-tail 2.063899 Between Encounters Variable 2 0.165157 0.019812 13 The difference between the proportions of possible matches within encounters and between encounters was calculated as 0.04 (2.d.p.) showing a significant difference, with the proportion of possible matches between encounters (incorrect matches) being significantly lower. 3.2. Human Eye Matching Results; The results of the human photographic matching per encounter for both experimenters are shown in table 6; 15 Table 6 The number of correct and incorrect matches and the proportion of correct matches per encounter for both experimenters. Experienced Matcher Encounter Number 03-06-08-enc01 03-06-08-enc03 03-06-08-enc04 03-06-08-enc05 03-06-08-enc06 03-06-08-enc08 08-06-08-enc02 08-06-08-enc03 08-06-08-enc04 08-06-08-enc05 08-06-08-enc06 08-06-08-enc08 08-06-08-enc09 08-06-08-enc10 08-06-08-enc11 08-06-08-enc12 08-06-08-enc13 14-06-08-enc01 16-06-08-enc01 16-06-08-enc03 16-06-08-enc04 16-06-08-enc06 20-06-08-enc01 20-06-08-enc02 20-06-08-enc03 Total CORRECT INCORRECT 10 20 20 9 7 8 10 8 5 10 9 10 13 16 10 20 9 20 9 9 10 10 11 20 9 292 0 14 2 2 2 1 5 3 0 0 0 9 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 9 1 2 58 Proportion of correct Matches 1 0.588235294 0.909090909 0.818181818 0.777777778 0.888888889 0.666666667 0.727272727 1 1 1 0.526315789 0.928571429 0.8 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.909090909 0.833333333 0.55 0.952380952 0.818181818 Inexperienced Matcher Proportion of correct INCORRECT CORRECT Matches 8 2 0.8 10 10 0.5 14 0 1 7 4 0.636363636 3 15 0.166666667 2 13 0.133333333 5 8 0.384615385 5 4 0.555555556 12 7 0.631578947 4 2 0.666666667 8 12 0.4 5 8 0.384615385 14 5 0.736842105 8 15 0.347826087 1 2 0.333333333 15 14 0.517241379 3 6 0.333333333 15 3 0.833333333 3 1 0.75 6 10 0.375 3 0 1 7 5 0.583333333 5 7 0.416666667 8 8 0.5 6 12 0.333333333 177 173 The proportion of correct matches per encounter for each of the observers has been plotted in Figure 3. 16 1.2 1 Experienced experimenter 0.8 0.6 Naïve experimenter 0.4 0.2 0 20-06-08-enc03 20-06-08-enc01 16-06-08-enc04 16-06-08-enc01 08-06-08-enc13 08-06-08-enc11 08-06-08-enc09 08-06-08-enc06 08-06-08-enc04 08-06-08-enc02 03-06-08-enc06 03-06-08-enc04 03-06-08-enc01 Proportion of correct matches Proportion of correct matches for two human exerimenters Encounter number Figure 3 Proportion of corect matches per encounter for Experianced and Naive experimenter. Figure 3 shows the number of correct matches for a naïve experimenter are generally lower than those of an experienced experimenter; the difference between these results was tested statistically using a t-Test the results of which are shown in table 7. Table 7 Results of a t-Test between the proportions of correct matches for two experimenters. t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances Experienced Experimenter Variable 1 Mean 0.86776 Variance 0.02351 Observations 25 Pooled Variance 0.038382 Hypothesized Mean Difference 0 Df 48 t Stat 6.045078 P(T<=t) one-tail 1.07E-07 t Critical one-tail 1.677224 P(T<=t) two-tail 2.14E-07 t Critical two-tail 2.010635 Naïve Experimenter Variable 2 0.532786 0.053254 25 Table 7 shows the proportion of correct matches for a naïve experimenter are significantly lower than the proportion of correct matches made by an experienced experimenter with a p value of 1.07-7 (2.d.p.). As well as having a significantly higher 17 proportion of correct matches the number of correct matches per encounter also varied less when being matched by an experienced experimenter showing more consistent results than those gained by a naïve experimenter. These findings support Gailey’s (2001) statement that to reliably identify individuals by subtle natural markings a degree of learned experience is necessary. 3.3. Comparison of Methods; To find which method gave more correct matches the proportion of possible matches estimated using EuroPhlukes© within each encounter was compared with proportion of correct matches per encounter made by an experienced experimenter by eye. The number of matches found by an experienced, rather than naïve experimenter were used as these showed less varience. The encounters used for this comparison and the proportion of matches estimated using both methods are shown in figure 4; 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Europhlukes Matching Human Matching 14-06-08-enc01 08-06-08-enc09 08-06-08-enc08 08-06-08-enc06 08-06-08-enc05 08-06-08-enc04 08-06-08-enc02 03-06-08-enc06 03-06-08-enc05 03-06-08-enc04 03-06-08-enc03 03-06-08-enc01 Proportion of estimated matches Proportion of estimated matches per encounter using EuroPhlukes© and a Human Matcher Encounter Number Figure 4 The proportion of matches within each encounter estimated using EuroPhlukes© and an experiences human experimenter. 18 The proportion of estimated matches using EuroPhlukes© within each encounter are lower on 11 out of 12 encounters than those estimated bye eye. The proportion of matches also vary greatly between the two methods, the difference between these proportions was calculated statistically using a t-Test, the results of which are shown in table 8; Table 8 T-Test of the difference between the proportion of matches estimated using EuroPhlukes© and the proportion of matches estimated using a human experimenter per encounter. t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances EuroPhlukes© matching Variable 1 Mean 0.332163743 Variance 0.052748787 Observations 12 Pooled Variance 0.041614332 Hypothesized Mean Difference 0 Df 22 T Stat -6.232790327 P(T<=t) one-tail 1.42044E-06 T Critical one-tail 1.717144335 P(T<=t) two-tail 2.84088E-06 T Critical two-tail 2.073873058 Human matching Variable 2 0.851237 0.03048 12 There is a significant difference between the proportion of matches estimated using EuroPhlukes© and the proportion of correct matches made by a human experimenter with a p factor of 1.42-6(2.d.p.). The mean proportion of matches found was lower using EuroPhlukes© than by a human experimenter. 4. Discussion; Two errors reported in analysis of photographic identification data are missed matches and falsely identified individuals (IWC, 1990,) this study showed both errors occur with the use photographic identification of basking sharks. 4.1. EuroPhlukes© Photographic Identification; 19 The mean proportion of possible matches estimated using EuroPhlukes© was evaluated as 0.33 (2.d.p.), although the probability that these were correct was significantly higher than that of them being incorrect; the proportion of 0.67(2.d.p) missed matches equates to an unacceptable loss of data. 4.2. Human Photographic Identification; Human matching of photographic data gave a much higher proportion of correct matches compared to that estimated using EuroPhlukes© with a mean proportion of 0.85 (2.d.p), however a combined proportion of 0.15 (2.d.p.) false matches and consequently missed matches show this method is not applicable to mark-recapture population assessment, since even a small number of mismatches will impact population estimates considerably (Shweder, 2003.) 4.3. Methodology problems; One problem with the methodology of this study is the assumption that each encounter consists of a different shark, although this ensures photographs within the same encounter are definitely the same shark; it also allows the possibility of false negatives. For example the photographs in Figure 5 are from separate encounters but are similar and could possibly be the same shark. Figure 5 Photographs gathered in separate encounters which show similar fins. 20 It is not possible to prove whether the two photographs in Figure 5 are the same or different sharks from data gathered in this study. In population assessment using photographic identification the same problem could occur, either two similar sharks could be classed as the same shark resulting in underestimation, or as is the case with this study two similar looking fins could be classed as different individuals when they may be the same shark resulting in overestimation of population size. This indicates that the dorsal fin of basking sharks may not be distinctively unique to each individual and therefore not a suitable feature for individual identification. 4.4. Photographic identification of basking sharks for mark-recapture studies; A proportion of 0.85(2.d.p) correct matches is not acceptable for accurate application to mark-recapture studies, however even if this could be increased to the ideal proportion of 1, there are still problems with the use of photographic identification of basking sharks for mark-recapture population analysis. Capture-recapture data derived from photographic identification can be biased and not easily applied unless carefully designed and validated (e.g. Hammond, 1990; Agler, 1992). The most critical underlying assumptions of capture recapture studies are that the studied population are; 1) geographically closed, sometimes even demographically closed; 2) that all individuals have equal capture probabilities; 3) that all observed marks are reported and 4) that marks are permanent over a given period (IWC, 1990). 1) Geographically and demographically closed; The assumption that populations analysed are geographically or demographically closed may be accounted for using population models with open robust multi-strata design. 2) All individuals have equal capture probabilities: 21 Photographic analysis of populations could violate the assumption that all individuals are equally catchable if more distinctive individuals are included into the photographic database despite lower quality photographs; this would result in distinctive individuals having higher capture frequencies than less distinctive individuals, thus inducing capture bias (Gailey, 2001). It has been shown with Mediterranean monk seals (Forcada and Aguilar, 2000), that marks in juveniles are non-existent or far more subtle than adults as they are acquired with age as a result of interaction with other animals and the environment, if this is also the case with basking sharks capture probabilities may be demographically biased toward the older, more distinctive individuals. The standardised assessment of quality applied to each photograph regardless of distinctiveness used in this study reduces the possibility of capture bias towards distinctive individuals. To reduce the possibility of violating the assumption of equal capture possibilities in future studies, it is necessary to develop a universal ranking for photographic quality and individual distinctiveness and apply these independently to all photographs obtained (Hammond, 1988). However this may be difficult if photographs are to be matched by humans as “due to the complexity and current lack of understanding of the human visual system there is no “silver bullet” to measure image quality (Metravali and Hashell, 1989). In order to account for this there are two options, either one observer must assess all photographs (as was the case with the current study) or groups of observers with the same mean opinion score for image quality and distinctiveness must be used to assess sets of photographs. Another way by which photographic identification could violate the assumption of equal capture of individuals is that photographs can only be taken when sharks 22 display basking behaviour which, as stated in the introduction, can be variable (Southall et al. 2006). To calculate the extent by which the assumption of equal capture of individuals is violated by photographic identification, the proportion of tagged individuals correctly identified using photographic identification could be measured, if satellite tags were used this could also account for differences in surfacing behaviour, however until processes of tagging sharks can be applied when the shark is not at the surface this may never be fully accounted for. 3) All observed marks are reported: The use of photographs encompassing the whole fin should ensure all marks available for use in identification are reported; however this is not always possible, collecting suitable images from a moving platform is a difficult and potentially dangerous task. The basking shark fin can grow up to 2 meters in height and unless the point where the fin joins the sharks back is shown in the photograph it is often impossible to estimate what proportion of the fin is still below the water, the two photographs in figure 6 show two photographs of the same shark with different proportions of the fin showing. Figure 6 Photographs of the same shark which show different proportions of the fin. Figure 6 shows that if part of the fin is hidden then not all marks are reported. 23 4) That marks are permanent over a given period: Concerning the use of photographic identification of basking sharks using images of there dorsal fin, violation of the assumption that marks are permanent over a given time is potentially high. Even if two photographs of the same animal fulfil all requirements they can look completely different due to the flexibility of the basking sharks dorsal fin. The two photographs shown in Figure 7 can be scored highly for all categories used to rate photographs (shown in the method section of this paper); these photographs were taken on the same encounter and are therefore definitely the same shark. A B Figure 7 Photographs of the same shark showing fin flexibility. Photograph A (see Fig. 7) shows the best photograph within the encounter in which it was taken, photograph B shows the same individual with the fin flopped over. Without knowing that the two photographs in Figure 7 were taken during the same encounter it is unlikely that they would be matched together, this illustrates the difficulty of using a changeable feature for photographic identification of individuals. One advantage human matching has over the EuroPhlukes© program is that EuroPhlukes© is confined to using only the shape of fin and nicks on its trailing edge which, as displayed in Figure 7, can be dramatically affected by the flexibility of the 24 fin; whereas human observers are able to use scars and pigmentation on the whole fin to match photographs of the same individual. For long term photographic identification studies these marks must remain constant or very similar between capture occasions, however it is not known whether this is the case with basking sharks. There is no literature which looks closely at the changes in these marks and scars overtime. Although studies carried out on dolphins and porpoises show that some body scars and pigmentation patters persist over many years (Markowitz et al. 2003) and changes in markings of Monk Seals (Monachus monachus) over three years had no effect on matching of individuals, the skin of the basking shark is much different from that of marine mammals. Basking shark skin has a covering of dermal denticles (small tooth like placoid scales) that protect the skin from parasites and damage (Springer and Gilbert, 1976); their presence may result in the formation of fewer natural markings for use in identification. The basking sharks skin is also criss-crossed with varying patterns of 2mm deep creases which are bare of denticles; these creases correspond with lines of flexure (Mathews and Parker, 1950). Flexibility of skin could result in alteration of scars and patterns on the dorsal fin reducing the reliability of these marks for identification. The ability to use marks and scars on the skin for photographic identification could also be affected by healing of the skin. As a group, sharks have displayed an incredible ability to recover from serious injury. During research in French Polynesia Johann Mourier et al. (2007) found evidence that one sickle fin lemon shark (Negaprion acutidens) which had its fin sliced open from the tip to half way down, recovered within a number of months and the fin returned to its original shape. Although an obvious black scar remained, the length of time this would be visible was 25 unclear. The occurrence of changes in scaring over time was also seen in a study conducted on Whale Sharks (Rhincodon typus) where a number of healed scars were observed (Speed et al. 2008). Although no experimental proof has been provided on changes in marks of basking sharks over time, it has been observed that markings on the dorsal fin obvious to the naked eye are not always reliable for identifying individuals; For example dorsal fins often have abrasions especially on the leading edge probably arising from mating or swimming through fishing gear, these markings are quite short lived and heal over time. Similarly lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) scars will change from very obvious to unclear and may even disappear. It was suggested that when looking at characteristic features of fins, notes on a selection of features should be taken and experimenters should bear in mind how these characteristics may change over time. It was however stated that if images are matched within a single year, then it is unlikely that scars would heal enough to be missed by a human experimenter (A. Reeve personal communication, 2008). Consequently the use of marks and scars on the dorsal fin of basking sharks for individual identification could only be a reliable method when used in conjunction with other features and when photographs are taken within the same year. 4.5. Reliability of Basking Shark Photographic Identification; The best results for photographic matching were gained using human eye matching, however this still has an inacceptable proportion of mismatches, this factor coupled with; the inability to distinguish similar fins as the same or different individuals; the possibility of bias towards capture of distinct individuals; the difficulty in obtaining photographs which report all marks present on the fin; and changes in appearance of the fin due to its flexibility plus the likelihood that marks and scars may heal over 26 time, shows the use of photographs of the dorsal fin of basking sharks for individual identification violates many of the underlying assumption of capture recapture population assessment methods. Photographic identification of basking sharks is therefore limited to studies of distinct individuals where recapture occasions are within a year and photographs of the whole dorsal fin when completely up right are gained. In conclusion photographic identification of individuals based on the dorsal fin can not be reliably applied to mark-recapture population assessments of basking sharks. 4.6. Future study; Satellite tags are being increasingly used in the study of basking sharks, these may prove very useful in increasing our knowledge of life history traits of the species, however to use these tags for mark-recapture analysis is impossible as a large proportion of individuals would need to be tagged and satellite tags are currently very expensive. Alternate methods of photographic identification of basking sharks are being explored such as the use of variation in skin patterns (L. Southwood, personal communication, 2008) however obtaining photographs of suitable quality is a limiting factor with this method. Genetic analysis has given estimates of population size of roughly 8200 individuals; this is deemed to be surprisingly low for a world wide population (Hoelzel et al. 2006.) These studies go on to suggest that further reductions in diversity evolutionary potential could be affected. However genetic analysis has so far been limited to dead animals. For population analysis, mark-recapture data would be highly beneficial, capturerecapture studies on the Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi) show better 27 results than photographic identification using plastic tags to mark animals (Gilmartin et al. 1993; Craig and Ragen, 1999; Forcada and Aguilar, 2000), as natural markings are slightly unreliable, robust plastic tags combined with photographic data could give more accurate population estimations. This method is currently being explored by the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group. Individual identification is extremely reliable using genetic analysis, in the past this was restricted to dead animals, a possible solution to this problem is the use of biopsy darts, and this method also has the advantage that samples could be taken during systematic aerial surveys which would reduce the bias of opportunistic surveying. One draw back however is that this method would require repeated disturbance of the animal to gain samples for data analysis, if future technological advances allow the creation of implanted identity chips which could be read by aerial or boat based systematic surveys, data gained may be more reliable, although the procedure of implantation would most likely have to be carried out at the waters surface inducing some bias. 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Individual Identification of Basking Sharks (Cetorhinus maximus) using digital photographs of dorsal fins. Literature review; Basking sharks (Cetorhinus maximus) are the second largest fish species with a circum-global distribution in warm temperate to boreal seas (Cotton et al., 2005.) They are associated with continental shelf edge habitats where they often aggregate to forage on dense patches of zooplankton associated with oceanographic features (Sims and Quayle., 1998; Sims et al., 2006.) Life history traits of basking sharks are not fully known, however it has been suggested that their maturation rate is slow taking between 12-20 years and females have long gestation periods (approximately 1-3 years) after which they give birth to few offspring. Consequently basking sharks are especially vulnerable to over exploitation. In the past they have been exploited for meat, fins, liver oil (Compagno, 2001) and cartilage (Hoelzel, 2001). The inherent vulnerability to high levels of exploitation may have resulted in collapse of some stocks (Anderson, 1990). For example, the fishery for basking shark near Achill Island off the west coast of Ireland appeared to collapse in the early 1960’s after only ten years of peak catches (Kinzlik, 1988.) In 1999 the FAO made international plans of action their aims were to ensure conservation and management of sharks and their long term sustainable use however participation was voluntary and no new shark management measures were 34 implemented it therefore seemed unlikely that the plans would be sufficient to develop sustainable management. The possibility that basking shark numbers are depleted by exploitation from fisheries and lack of scientific knowledge of the species has resulted in their listing as vulnerable (A1a, d +2d) worldwide, and Endangered (EN A1a,d) in the north east Atlantic in the IUCN Red List (IUCN, 2004). In 2000, the species was listed in Appendix III of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (Cites). In 2002, on the basis of the UK proposal, CITES listing was upgraded to Appendix II which requires that International tread in these species is monitored through a licensing system to ensure that trade can be sustained without detriment to wild populations. 2001 European quota of total allowable catch reduced to 0 (Southall et al, 2006.) Despite the conservation concern for this species there are few data on regional abundance, no estimates for abundance worldwide and no good data on population trends (Hoelzel et al., 2006.) The threatened status of the basking shark have prompted a need to understand population distribution, habitat preferences and centers of abundance It has been stated that without scientifically based population assessment it is impossible to determine current population trends and monitor stocks effectively for conservation purposes (Southall et al, 2005.) One group of methods of population assessment which has been extensively in studies of animal ecology are mark release-recapture techniques these are often employed for determining patterns in growth, survivorship behaviour and abundance of organisms (Stonehouse, 1978.) This method can however be problematic as it is not always possible to mark certain types of animals, either because they are difficult to tag or because they are legally protected from disturbance as is the case with some cetaceans (Hammond et al, 1990.) Tags which are invasive could alter behaviour, growth and 35 (or) survivorship of the host animal by causing physical hindrance, injury, disease or physiological interference (Scorrat, 1970; Bergmas et al., 1992; Linnare + Merar, 1998; Courtney et al., 2001.) One solution to this problem is to identify individual animals using variation in natural marks and (or) polymorphic colour patterns. If this is the case photographs taken of individuals at different points of time can be used for mark recapture techniques (Frisch and Hobbs, 2007.) Photographic identification has been widely used to study vertebrates (e.g. Persal, 1982; Hammond et al, 1990; Doody, 1995; Anderson and Goldman, 1996; Kelly 2001.) These techniques have been developed to obtain individual marking data of marine mammals (e.g. Wursig and Wursig, 1977; Katona and Krauss, 1979; Hiby and Lovell, 1990; Beck and Reid, 1995) and succefully applied to a number of species and populations (e.g. Bigg, 1982; Chapham and Mayo, 1990; Jones, 1990, Lochem et al, 1990.) These findings are promising however in some cases capture recapture data derived from photo id may be biased and can not be easily applied unless carefully designed and validated (e.g. Hammond, 1990; Agler, 1992.) The most critical underlying assumptions of capture recapture studies are that the studied population are geographically closed, sometimes even demographically closed, that all individuals have equal capture probabilities, that all observed marks are reported and that marks are permanent over a given period (IWC, 1990.) Using population models with open robust multi-strata design could take into account the geographic and demographic variance in population structures. To address the fact that individuals would most often be photographed at the surface if a significant number of those individuals photographed were also given satellite tags then individual sight-ability could possibly be calculated using the number of times it was photographed in an area it 36 was recorded to be in. It is necessary however that individual can be correctly identified from their photographs. There have been indications from previous studies that the reliability of photo id methods depend on the species involved, the sampling strategy and the kind of natural marks used to identify individuals (Arnbom, 1987, Hiby and Lovell, 1990.) This paper looks at the use of photographic identification of individual basking sharks using human experimenters and the computer assisted matching program EuroPhlukes©. Method; Photographic collection and cataloguing; The photo-identification material will be collected in coastal waters off the Isle of Man between the 3rd and 30th of June 2008. The study shall be conducted on the Southern side of the island between Port St Mary and Peel Harbour from a 15ft motor boat. Surveys will take place at various times of day for varying lengths of time in different weather conditions, however photographs shall not be taken during heavy rain to avoid damage to camera equipment, data will be collected in various sea states but photographs will not be taken in sea state five to ensure the experimenter’s safety. During a survey the boat shall travel out of Port St Mary’s Harbour along the coast towards peel Harbour. On sighting basking sharks the boat shall approach at an extremely slow speed to a distance of 20m come to a stop and the engine shall be put in neutral. Each shark will be photographed using a Cannon 400d digital camera with 55mm-250mm lens with image stabiliser. On each encounter multiple photographs will be taken of the basking shark’s dorsal fin. The photographer will attempt to take 37 at least 10 photographs from both sides which encompass a large proportion of the fin at as close to 90º angle as possible. On each sighting date of sighting, encounter number, time, position of sighting along with any distinguishing features and an estimation of the basking shark’s size shall be recorded in order to assist accurate data entry. In order to ensure photographs collected are definitely of the same individual each encounter occasion was considered to be a different individual. For analysis all photo’s shall be transferred to a personal computer, these raw photographs will be catalogued first by date taken then by encounter number and finally by image number. Photographs will then be edited using ACDSee Pro Photo Manager© version 8.0, this editing will involve cropping the images to include only the dorsal fin, images not showing the dorsal fin shall be disregarded, the resulting catalogue will be saved separately as cropped raw photo’s. The quality of these photo’s will then be rated as excellent (1) good (2) or poor (3), this evaluation will be based on that proposed by Hammond (1986) which uses the categories of; focus, glare, angle ,distance from the individual and the proportion of individual photographed. However the category of glare shall be excluded and replaced by the angle of light on the fin, where photo’s with the light shining onto the fin will be rated higher than those will the light coming from behind, the proportion of individual photographed shall also be adapted to the proportion of individuals fin photographed. Distance from the animal shall also be excluded as this will always be within 20m. Consequently categories for rating the photographs will be; focus angle of fin, light direction and the proportion of fin photographed. Once all the photographs have been rated the ten best images of each encounter (from both sides of the fin if possible) will be selected and saved in a separate catalogue named basking shark top ten, this will still be arranged under date taken then 38 encounter number then image number. From this catalogue a third catalogue a third catalogue will be created by taking the best quality photo from each encounter this shall be named basking shark best photographs. After all the photographs have been organised in this way the matching process will begin. Matching photographs; Matching the photo’s will involve hiding all the labels of photo’s in the top ten catalogue, randomising their order and matching them to those in the basking shark best photographs catalogue. The matching will be carried out firstly by eye and secondly using the computer assisted matching program EuroPhlukes© which uses the contour of the fin and nicks in the fin to match photographs of the same individual. Analysis; For analysis the labels of photos from the “basking shark top ten” catalogue shall be revealed and the proportion of photographs correctly matched will be calculated using the separate techniques. Pearsons χ2 statistics can be used to test differences in proportions. References; Anderson, E.D., 1990. Fishery models as applied to elasmobranch fisheries. In Elasmobranchs as living resources: advances in the biology, ecology, systematics and status of the fisheries (ed. H.L. Pratt et al.), pp. 473^484. Seattle, WA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. [NOAA Technical Report, no. 90.] Anderson, S.D., Goldman, K.J., 1996. Photographic evidence of white shark movements in California waters. Calif. Fish Game 82, 182–186. Arnbom, M. T., 1987. Individual identification of sperm whales. Report of the International Whaling Commission 37:20 1-204. Beck, C.A. and Reid, P., 1995. An automated photo-identification catalogue for studies of the life history of the Florida manatee. Pages 120-134 in T. J. OShea, B. B. Ackerman and H. F. Percival, eds. Population biology of the Florida manatee. 39 National Biological Service Information and Technology Report 1, Washington, DC. Bergman, P.K., Haw, F., Blankenship, H.L., Buckley, R.M., 1992. Perspectives on design, use, and misuse of fish tags. Fisheries 17, 20–25. Bigg, M. A., 1982. An assessment of killer whale (Orcinus orca) stocks off Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Report of the International Whaling Commission 32: 655-666. Clapham, P. J., and Mayo. C. A., 1990. Reproduction of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) observed in the Gulf of Maine. Report of the International Whaling Commission (Special Issue 12):171-176 Courtney, A. J., Cosgrove, M. G., Die, D. J., 2001. Population dynamics of scyllarid lobsters of the genus Thenus spp. on the Queensland (Australia) east coast I. Assessing the effects of tagging. Fish. Res. 53, 251–261. Doody, J. S., 1995. A photographic mark–recapture method for patterned amphibians. Herpetol. Rev. 26, 19–21. Frisch, A. J., 2007a. Short- and long-term movements of painted lobster (Panulirus versicolor) on a coral reef at Northwest Island, Australia. Coral Reefs 26, 311–317. Hammond, P. S., Mizroch, S.A., Donovan, G.P., 1990. Individual Recognition of Cetaceans: Use of Photo-identification and other Techniques to Estimate Population Parameters. International Whaling Commission, Cambridge. Hammond, P. S., 1990. Heterogeneity in the Gulf of Maine? Estimating humpback whale population size when capture probabilities are not equal. Report of the International Whaling Commission (Special Issue 12): 135-1 39. Hammond, P. S., 1986. Estimating the size of naturally marked whale populations using capture-recapture techniques. Reports of the International Whaling Commission (Special Issue 8):253-282. Hiby, A. R. and Lovell, P., 1990. Computer aided matching of natural marks: A prototype system for gray seals. Report of the International Whaling Commission (Special Issue 12):57-62. Hiby, A. R., and Jeffery, J. S., 1987. Census techniques for small populations, with special reference to the Mediterranean monk seal. Zoological Symposium 58: 193210. IWC. 1990. Report of the workshop on individual recognition and the estimation of cetacean population parameters. Report of the International Whaling Commission (Special Issue 12):3-17. Jones, M. L., 1990. The reproductive cycle in gray whales based on photographic resightings of females in the breeding grounds from 1977-82. Report of the International Whaling Commission (Special Issue 12):177-182. 40 Katonas, K., and Krauss, S., 1979. Photographic identification of individual humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae): Evaluation and analysis of the technique. US Department of Commerce, NTIS Publication, Springfield, VA. Kelly, M.J., 2001. Computer-aided photograph matching in studies using individual identification: An example from the Serengeti cheetahs. J. Mammal. 82, 440–449. Linnane, A., Mercer, J.P., 1998. A comparison of methods for tagging juvenile lobsters (Homarus gammarus L.) reared for stock enhancement. Aquaculture 163, 195–202. Persat, H., 1982. Photographic identification of individual grayling (Thymallus thymallus) based on the disposition of black dots and scales. Freshw. Biol. 12, 97– 101. Scarrat, D.J., 1970. Laboratory and field tests of modified sphyrion tags on lobsters (Homarus americanus). J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 27, 257–264. Sims, D.W. & Quayle, V. A., 1998. Selective foraging behaviour of basking sharks on zooplankton in a small-scale front. Nature, London, 393, 460-464. Stonehouse, B., 1978. Animal Marking. Macmillan Press, London. Würsig, B., and Würsig, M., 1977. The photographic determination of group size, composition and stability of coastal porpoises (Tursiops truncatus). Science 198:755756 Yochem, P. K., Stewart, M., Mina, M., Zorin, A., Sadovov, V., and Yablokov, A., 1990. Non-metrical analyses of pelage patterns in demographic studies of harbour seals. Report of the International Whaling Commission (Special Issue 12):87-90. 41 APPENDIX II: a) Health and Safety Form; Name of Employer ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Address …………...............................................................................................…... ........................................................................................................................... Telephone ..................................................Fax..................................................... Yes No 1 Do you have a written Health and Safety policy? 2 Do you have a policy regarding health and safety training for people working in your undertaking, including use of vehicles, plant and equipment, and will you provide all necessary health and safety training for the placement student? 3 Is the organisation registered with: a - the Health and Safety Executive b - the Local Authority Environmental Health Department? 4 Insurance a - Is Employer and Public Liability Insurance held? b - Will your insurances cover any liability incurred by a placement student as a result of his/her duties as an employee? 5 Risk Assessment a - Have you carried out risk assessment of your work practices to identify possible risks whether to your own employees or to others within your undertaking? b - Are risk assessments kept under regular review? c - Are the results of risk assessment implemented? 6 Accidents and Incidents a - Is there a formal procedure in accordance with RIDDOR? for reporting and recording accidents and incidents b - Have you procedures to be followed in the event of serious and imminent danger to people at work in your undertaking? c - Will you report to the university all recorded accidents involving placement students? d - Will you report to the university any sickness involving placement students which may be attributable to the work? Contact Personnel Who is your nominated contact for compliance with the requirements of health and safety legislation? Name and position............................................................Tel.....…….................. The above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed:...........................................................................…………........................ Position:...........................................................Date...............………................... Thank you for completing the questionnaire. Please return it as soon as possible to: Please sign this form and return to : Dr Gordon Baillie Safety Adviser School of Life Sciences Napier University 10 Colinton Road, Edinburgh, EH10 5DT Tel: 0131 455 2327 42 APPENDIX II: b) Risk Assessment; SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIECNES, NAPIER UNIVERSITY RISK ASSESSMENT FOR EXTERNAL VISITS/ACTIVITIES NAME: Lucy Norris Green LS71229 Module: Activity: MSc Project (Basking Sharks) Date(s) of activity: June 2008 Summary of Activity: Please indicate whether you consider the activity presents a High/Medium/Low Risk This project will be carried out in the Irish sea surrounding the Isle of Man, this involves boat and water based activities and therefore potentially high risk. Description of Site: Please indicate whether you consider the site presents a High/Medium/Low Risk The study site is situate in the coastal waters of the Irish sea surrounding the Isle of Man, weather and sea states are changeable in this area. Accommodation is a house with all facilities provided, phone and internet access included. Overall site assessment – High risk Physical Hazards: Please indicate whether you consider the hazard(s) Major/Serious/Slight On board. Ocean- Sea states are typically changeable in the Irish sea – serious risk Boat- Possibility of being injured and/or going overboard – serious risk Water –The Irish sea is dangerously cold – serious risk Sun – Sunlight is reflected back by the seas surface increasing strength and glare – serious risk Heat – There is no escape from the sun on a boat so sunstroke, and dehydration is a risk- serious Cold – wind and rain can dramatically reduce body temperature – serious risk Dehydration – serious risk Location – getting lost is a hazard for the inexperienced – serious risk Fire –boat carries flammable material– serious risk In the Water. Ocean/cold- extremely cold-serious risk Location- possibility of getting swept from the boat – serious risk Animals – can become aggressive if provoked- serious risk 43 Chemical/Biological Hazards: Please indicate whether you consider the hazard(s) Major/Serious/Slight Mammals –cetaceans and pinnipeds can be dangerous if inquisitive and can become violent– serious risk Fish– Basking sharks are extremely large and potentially could harm a human – slight risk Cnidaria – Jellyfish can be poisonous, anemones may be present in places and can be poisonous – serious risk Disease – water borne – slight risk Allergy – histamine reactions to Jelly fish and anemones – serious risk to me as I am allergic to them. Assessment of Overall Risk: High/ Medium/Low - HIGH RISK Control Measures: 1. All safety equipment required for instances of emergency such as fire, or boat abandonment shall be present. 2. Boat handlers fully qualified and boat licensed. 3. Coastguard will be kept informed of our position at sea. 4. GPS position and heading will be repeatedly taken in order to plot our course in case of loss of satellite signal. 5. Supervisors aware of our activities and locations at all times. 6. Boat trips shall be abandoned in unsuitable weather. 7. Students both qualified divers to PADI Advanced level and above. 8. Water based activities will take place in pairs under the buddy system. 9. Animals shall not be approached too closely or at all if any display of distress or aggression is observed. 10. First aid equipment will be on the boat. 11. First-world medical facilities are available on the Isle of Man. 12. Participants will be covered by personal insurance including DAN cover which covers rescue at sea. 13. Participants will carry mobile phones. 14. Radio contact will be maintained on channel 16 at all times. 15. Full site assessment and boat safety instructions will be given to participants before making the first voyage. 16. Participants must maintain vigilance on each other for signs of exhaustion/ exposure/ dehydration 17. Participants will maintain visual contact with each other at all times 18. Area will be surveyed for Jellyfish and Anemones before entering the water. Adrenalin pen will be onboard the boat at all times for treatment. 44 19. Warm well gripping footwear is essential as well as warm, waterproof clothes worn in layers. 20. Sun block will be worn at all times. 21. Ample amounts of drinking water will be drunk. Any Other Comments: Wildlife Biology is an inherently risky business – you are being trained by professionals in order to assume the mantle of professional expertise yourselves and part of this is the minimisation of this risk to acceptable levels. Absolute expertise, clear plans for eventualities and clear safety measures are the means by which this is achieved. Adherence to instructions, alertness and common sense are critical. Emergency Procedures: 1. See (8) above 2. Evacuation to high-standard hospitals is available 3. Drugs may be obtained local pharmacy – prescriptions may be required In case of emergency, Next-of-Kin may contact Mrs Jackie Hall, Glen Chass Farm House, Chasms rd, Port St Mary, Isle of Man. IM9 5PJ Tel: 01624 833215 First Aid: Participants trained in basic first aid. Coastguard assistance available. Assessment of Overall Risk: HIGH RISK Signed Signed (Student) (Supervisor) Date 02/06/08 Date 45 Appendix VI: DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998 CONSENT FORM: ALL STUDENTPROJECTS/REPORTS/DISSERTATIONS [EXCEPT PhDs] Part A – to be completed by all students I confirm that this project/report/dissertation (delete as appropriate) is all my own work. I understand that my written permission is required for the University to make copies of my project/report/dissertation, available to future students for reference purposes and that my name may be evident. I hereby give my consent to my named work being made available. I confirm that my work is not confidential. [see Part B] Print name…………………………………. Signature…………………………………… Date………………………… * delete as appropriate FACULTY: Health & Life Sciences…..SCHOOL: Life Sciences MODULE NO: LS71221……………………………… SPECIFY PROJECT/REPORT/DISSERTATION: MSc Project TITLE……………………………………………………………………….. LOCATION IN WHICH TO BE HELD: School of Life Sciences, Merchiston Part B – to be completed in all cases where the student has had work placement experience The above named student has completed his/her project/report/dissertation* whilst on assignment with our company/firm. I understand that the work is to be made available for reference purposes and that the company/firm name may be evident. I hereby confirm that this is acceptable and that the work is not confidential as far as the company/firm is concerned. Name of Company/Firm/ Departmental Head………………………………….. Signature………………………………………… Date………………………………. Company/firm stamp Name & Address of External Supervisor…………………………. …………………………………… 46