SHARK KEY ANSWER KEY 1.Rajidae 2.Alopidae 3.Pristiophoridae 4.Carcharhinidae 5.Scyliorhinidae 6.Rhinocodonididae 7.Isuridae 8.Squalidae 9.Dasyatidae 10.Scapanohynchidae 11.Pseudotriakidae 12.Hexanchidae 13.Sphyrinidae 14.Mobulidae 1- Name 5 of the characteristics that you looked at in order to find the names of the sharks. caudal fins, anal fins, dorsal ifns, gills, pelvic fins, body shape, lengths of fins, etc. 2- Dichotomous key is useful to scientists in identifying unknown organisms. 3- The main trait that was different between sharks 4 and 8 was is that shark 4 (Carcharhinidae) has an anal fin, whereas shark 8 (Squalidae) does not. 4- The main trait that was different between sharks 14 and 9 was that shark 14 (Mobulidae) has a front with two points that look like horns, whereas shark 9 (Dasyatidae) has a front with no points that look like horns. 5- The main trait that was different between sharks 4 and 7 was that shark 4 (Carcharhinidae) has a caudal fin where the top half is different in shape and size from the bottom half whereas shark 7 (Isuridae) has a caudal fin that is the same. 6- Answers will vary. Suggested dichotomous key is below. 1- A. If the fish has a long, tube like body…………………………………Family I. B. If the fish does not have a tube like body…………………………Go to statement 2. 2- A. Has a dark spot on body…………………………………………….Family V. B. Does not have dark spot on body……………………………………Go to statement 3. 3- A. Has curly dorsal fin…………………………………………………Family II. B. Does not have curly dorsal fin………………………………………Go to statement 4. 4- A. Has two dorsal fins………………………………………………….Family III. B. Does not have two dorsal fins………………………………………Family IV.