HCC photography and video guidelines

Hambledon Cricket Club is keen to promote positive images of children playing
cricket and is not preventing the use of photographic or videoing equipment.
This policy relates to the use of cameras during matches, training sessions and on
other club occasions.
Photographs/images are not to be taken at matches or training without the
prior permission of the parent/carers of the child. The permission will be given
by proxy by the coach of each team only after parental consent for this has
been granted. The coach will have arranged this prior to attending matches.
If no consent has been given for a child on the membership form it will be
made known to the coach and they will in turn advise the appropriate
person(s) taking photographs for the other team.
The children will be informed a person will be taking photographs.
Should a child have concerns they can report these to the coach or team
Concerns regarding inappropriate, or intrusive, photography should be
reported to Dee Hewitt, Club Welfare Officer and will be recorded in the same
way as any other child protection concern.
March 2013