Disclosure Statement - Wasatch County School District

Timpanogos Intermediate School
5th Grade- Fawn Gardner
Disclosure Statement
I will send home a homework packet EVERY MONDAY and it needs to be returned by FRIDAY. This allows all student
to complete the necessary assignments. If your child is not understanding anything in the packet, how them come before
or after school to get some help. The packet must be completed to receive full points. A reading chart will be included in
the homework packet. The independent reading goal for 5th grade is 20 minutes a night, 5 nights a week for a total of at
least 100 minutes per week. Book reports are due the last school day of the month (except for December). The book
reports and reading charts are requirements. (Please look at the book report requirements for the genres and the dates the
reports/projects are due.)
Book Reports/Projects:
Each student is required to complete one book report/project a month. These reports/projects will utilize one or more
comprehension strategies we have learned. The genre of the book is provided on the Book Report List. The rubrics for the
book reports/projects and the reading calendars will come home when it is assigned with due dates. It is expected that the
students read the entire book and complete the assigned book report/project. The book project itself is homework.
We will focus on the core reading skills mandated by the state. These include reading comprehension skills as well as
grammar usage and mechanics. This year, we will be working with a reading program Reading Street. We will be working
with a variety of genres as well as a variety of subject areas as we read. We are excited to work with this program and the
many things it offers the students at school and on-line. We do not have a physical textbook but will be using the online
textbook available to us.
Class Assignments:
If the student’s work is not completed in class, it is expected that the student takes it home for homework and
returns it by Friday of the same week.
We will be using Envision Math this year. It has been adopted by our district now for a couple of years, and we will be
using an online computer version for both teachers and students. With an internet connection, students can gain access to
practice pages, videos, math games, homework, tests and even their textbook. Technology is advancing at such a rate that
in a few years, things may become more digital making the textbook obsolete. A high speed internet connection will be of
great advantage to your child. The public library also offers internet access for free for your child to use if a connection at
home is not available. You will need to obtain your child’s username and password from me to access this online
material. It is expected that all 5th grade students have their multiplication facts memorized. If your child
struggles in this area, please practice with them every night. It will make their 5th grade math experience much more
Our state mandated topics of study are: Matter – physical and chemical changes, Weathering and Erosion on Earth’s
Surface, Volcanoes/Earthquakes, Magnetism, Static and Current Electricity, and Genetics and Heredity. Our reading
program has a component for Science books and reading non-fiction.
Social Studies: In 5th grade, the focus is on the development of America from its beginning to the present. We will be
doing various reports and presentations, hands-on activities, and other written work in connection with American History.
The students will complete a state report/project later in the year. They will select a state soon so they can start collecting
Missing Assignments and Late Work:
Students are expected to complete work and turn it in on time! Students will be held accountable for missing
assignments in my class. If there is an illness or a scheduled absence, please notify me so I can gather what your student
will need. It is the responsibility of the student to get any work needing to be made up as soon as they return OR have
someone pick up the work they need to complete. Parent support in this area is critical if children are to be successful
in school and in life. SIS will also be updated constantly so please obtain your student’s username and password from the
office and check it often. I will also post assignments on my school website under the tab “Homework” and you may print
any missing assignments at home. Any missing assignments or work turned in late will result in the student being
unable to attend the incentive parties planned for each term. I accept late work up to four week past the due date.
After which no points will be awarded. (This is the class standard, if you feel as though your child will need longer for
any reason please let me know.) All work must be turned in one week prior to the end of the term.
*Tests can be given as a retake before or after school, although full 100 points will not be awarded on the retake.
Grades will be determined by the percentage of total points earned on daily assignments, tests, quizzes, special projects
and participation. The school wide grading scale will be used:
A = 100-95%
A- = 94-90%
B+ = 89-87%
B = 86-83%
B- = 82-80%
C+ = 79-77%
C = 76-74%
C- = 73-70%
D+ = 69-67%
D = 66-63%
D- = 62-60%
F = 59% and below
Students will receive a progress report at mid-term. Please review and sign these reports and send the signature portion
back the next day. All students will start the beginning of each term with Honors (H). Students will be marked down in
citizenship for tardiness, being off task, or not following classroom and school-wide rules. Students will often correct their
own work in class. This allows them to see what they missed and why they missed it so they can better prepare themselves
for the test. Tests will be graded by the teacher. All grades and missing assignments can be viewed on SIS. I will be
sending home missing assignment notices at least every 2-3 weeks. You will receive these notices and a report card each
quarter. Some of the work produced by the students will be displayed on different bulletin boards within the classroom. If
you have any objections to this, please let me know.
Attendance Policy and Missed Work:
Attendance is taken at 9:00 a.m. when the final bell rings. Your child is late after the bell rings if he/she is not in class
ready to begin; being in the hallway putting things away in lockers when the bell rings will result in a tardy. If a student
is absent, he/she will need to make up the missed work.
Classroom Rules:
The students are expected to respectful to themselves, others, and their surroundings. They are to take responsibility for
everyone’s space, property, environment, character, and time. They need to follow all school rules and be “Motivated to
Move!” The consequences are:
 Verbal warning
 Think time
 Missing out on class rewards
 Call to parents
 Office referral
I will try to keep my website up-to-date with assignments, book report information, reading calendars, spelling lists, and
any dates to remember. The math and reading programs are both on-line if needed. Each Monday with the exception of
holidays and breaks you can expect a newsletter for the week. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact
me or come to the school. My email: fawn.gardner@wasatch.edu.
SEP Conferences:
We will meet as a parent/teacher/student team three times a year to set and revise goals for the school year. The dates for
this year are: Sept. 30- Oct. 1, Jan. 27-28, and Mar. 30-31. If you are at all able to meet with me before school hours
please sign up to do so. Please make every effort to attend with your child.
We love birthdays! If your child would like to bring treats on their special day, please make sure there are enough for the
whole class and that are store bought.
For those who would like to assist our classroom volunteering time is a great way to do this. I will be sending home a
separate form asking for any assistance you can offer. There will also be sign-up sheets at back to school night for parents
willing to help with our holiday parties. Sign up or e-mail me if you’re interested! Your child will love having you here.
We invite your assistance in contributing to our classroom by making a donation of any of the following items at any
point throughout the year. Please do not feel obligated to help, but know that I appreciate all of your contributions.
 Boxes of tissues
 Rolls of paper towels
 Clorox wipes
 Boxes of plastic bags (gallon, quart, pint)
 Bottles of hand sanitizers
 Pencils, art supplies, etc.
Fifth grade students will use the following items:
(*Please note* Students may bring their own supplies if they prefer, but all students will have access to most of these
at school.)
 Pencils
 Ruler
 Scissors
 pencil box
 white board markers
 Art supplies (ex. crayons, markers, colored pencils)
 Glue sticks.
Materials that I do not provide but are useful to have at school
 Inexpensive headphones or ear buds
 USB flash drive
*Please label your student’s personal supplies with a Sharpie when possible.
1. Students must bring their netbooks charged ready to go for the day. If the students leave it at home, or bring it not
charged consistently an individual plan will be made depending on the student. (This may require them to leave their
computer at school for a certain time, and or bringing it consistently for a certain period of time.)
2. Students must adhere to the Safe School Policy as well as teacher directions while using the computer. If for any
reason the student is not following directions and misusing the computer they will lose their privileges for a short time in
class or a more extensive time based on punishment through administration.
I have read the attached Disclosure Statement. (Cut at dotted line and return this portion for credit.)
Student Name: _________________________________ Student Signature:
Parent Signature: ________________________________ Parent Email:
Preferred Phone #: _______________________________ Alternate Phone #:
Preferred Communication:
Internet Access at home? YES/NO (circle one)
Yes, please contact me when opportunities to help in the classroom arise.