Covenant University College of Business & Social Sciences (CBSS) Department Economics and Development Studies Programme: Demography and Social Statistics Course Compact on DSS 328-Population Geography II Course Code: Course Title: Unit: Course Lecturers: Semester: Time: Location: DSS 328 Population Geography II 2 Mr. ADEKOLA, Paul Oluwatomipe & Dr. AZUH, Dominic Omega – 2014/2015 2 Hours/Week E401 A. Brief overview of the course: The course examines the world population, world population growth and distribution. It also examines population concepts such as population momentum, over population, under population and optimum population. It also considers trends in world population growth, factors responsible for population growth, population structure and population characteristics, environmental carrying capacity, challenges of world population growth, human settlement and patterns, spatial distribution of world cities and urbanization problems in relation to resource management and conservation. B. Course Objectives: At the end of this course students are expected to be able to: know the basic concepts of Population Geography understand the pattern of the world population growth, distribution, structure and characteristics clarify population concepts such as population momentum, under, optimum and over population understand the concept of population policies and why countries use them Understand settlement functions and patterns, rapid urbanization in relation to conservation of environmental resources C Methods of Lecture Delivery: Power point lecture presentation and interaction classroom D Course Outlines: Module 1: The World Population and trends in growth and distribution. World Population momentum. The concepts of over population, under population and optimum population. World population distribution and density Module 2: World population structure. Basic theories on world Population: Theory of Population Growth by Robert Malthus & Demographic Transition Theory. Factors responsible for population growth. World/environmental carrying capacity, challenges of world population growth. Module 3: National and international population policies. Human settlement and settlement patterns, Spatial distribution of world cities, Cities and climate change Module 4: Urbanization and its Challenges in developing nations. Growth of the world primate cities and their challenges. World/environmental resource management and conservation Revision E. Tutorials: Tutorials will be organized to complement regular lectures. F. Method of Grading Continuous Assessment: (Test/Assignment/Term Paper): 30 Marks Examination: 70 Marks G. Ground Rules and Regulations (Class Behavior): Please, note the following: Mandatory 75% class attendance to be eligible for examination No eating in the classroom during lecture Active participation in all activities All class assignments to be submitted on time Punctuality to classes is important H. Topics for Term Papers/Assignments/Students activities: Based on the course. I. Alignment with Covenant University Vision/Goals: New generation of leaders should lead good/quality life and the course aims to improve the quality of life of Nigerians as well as the entire black race through realistic data based population policies for effective management of national resources. J. Contemporary issues/Industry relevance: The problems engendered by rapid population growth also extended to population statistics and thereby hindering population related policy needed in developing countries including Nigeria. Thus, this course helps to formulate population policies for sustainable management of national resources for the benefits of present and future populations. K. Recommended Textbooks 1. Waugh D. (1995). Geography: An Integrated Approach. Second edition. UK, Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd. 2. Amoo, E.O. (2012). Demography: Basic Concepts & Analyses. Lagos, Nigeria, Pumark Nigeria Limited (Educational Publishers), 3. Afolayan, A.A. (1989). Population Geography: External Studies. Adult Education Department, University of Ibadan 4. Kpedekpo, G.M.K. (1982). Essentials of Demographic Analysis for Africa. London, Heinemann Educational Books Ltd. 5. Nagle, G. (2000). Advanced Geography. London, Oxford University Press. 6. Jerome, D. L. et al. (2005). Human Geography. Higher Education 8th Edition, New York. 7. Oyeleye, D. A. (2001). Settlement Geography. Nigeria, University of Lagos Press 8. Jhingan, M.L., Bhatt, B.K. and Desai, J.N.(2006). Demography-2nd Revised Edition. New Delhi, Vrinda Publications (P) Ltd