What is Non-Fiction.doc - EvanTillettwritingfolder

Tillett 1
Evan Tillett
Mrs. Thomas
English 1 Honors
16 December 2010
What is Non-Fiction?
Non-fiction writing is realistic and true. The subject matter is about a person,
place, or thing. Non-fiction writing talks about events that actually happened, real
people, and real places.
Some examples of non-fiction that I have read are “Ignored Lesson of Anne
Frank” by Bruno Bettelheim, “The Talk” by Gary Soto, “Finding the Strength to Fight
Our Fears” by Terry Altwal, “Lessons of the Summer Box Office” by Brooks Barnes,
“Carry Your Own Skis” by Lina Dolan, “Is Hunting Ethical” by Anne Causey,
“Computers at Home” by Randall Stross, The Pact by Dr. Sampson Davis, Dr. George
Jenkins, Dr. Rameck Hunt, and Lisa Frazier Page, and A Little Bit Wicked by Kristin
Chenoweth and Joni Rogers.
In order to analyze and understand non-fiction you should be able to identify and
define bias, tone, purpose, perspective, and style.
Non-fiction is useful because it helps one learn facts about things that happened
and people’s lives. Non-fiction is very important because of lessons one can learn and
sometimes they are interesting.