Example assessment & marking criteria Assessment type: Case analysis Subject: HSM404 - Management and Leadership of Health and Aged Care Services This subject examines the nature of management and leadership in health service organisations. It emphasises foundations of organisation and management theory as a basis for understanding aspects of organisational behaviour including culture, power and politics, control, decision making, communication, groups and teams, conflict, leadership and change management. be able to discuss the nature of health service organisations; be able to analyse own organisational context in relation to contextual and structural dimensions; be able to formulate an explanation of management in relation to evolutionary, historical and theoretical perspectives and relate to own practice; be able to explain the relationship between management/leadership and organisational performance with reference to culture, power and politics, control, decision making, communication, groups and teams, conflict and change management; be able to analyse the management of change and conflict in own workplace and justify recommendations for improvement. Subject learning outcomes: Assessment task: Value & length: Task description: 3. Case analysis: Leadership and management of change 45%, 2000 words There are three parts to this assignment: a) Case development: Briefly describe a scenario from your current or previous health service organisation involving a change in process/ activity. Include in your description of the case how it was led and managed (500 words). Your case is a description of what occurred from your perspective. b) Critical analysis: using an essay format, and with close reference to the literature, critically analyse the case in terms of how the change was led and managed. Refer to the following in your analysis as relevant to your case (select at least three): individual perception, attitudes, motivation, the nature of work groups and teams, collaboration, communication. (1200 words) c) Recommendations: How could your organisation or department better lead or manage change in the future? Which aspects of your scenario represent effective leadership management practice? List your recommendations and good practice points in no more than one page following your conclusion. Point form is acceptable for this part of the task. (Not included in word limit) Notes: Your critical analysis must draw on relevant leadership and management concepts studied within this subject. In so doing, it must reflect a synthesis of the prescribed reading (i.e. both Modules 1 and 2) as well as knowledge gained from independent research. Rationale: Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion (total 300 words), which, together with the case study and the critical analysis, make up the total word count. A formal essay structure is required. This assessment task enables you to demonstrate your capacity to think critically about a real-world organisational scenario using some of the key theoretical frameworks that inform the discipline of organisational behaviour. This assignment also provides you with the opportunity to think ahead and develop recommendations for future practice. Marking criteria & standards of performance Developed by Margaret Yen Criteria Briefly describe a scenario from your current or previous workplace involving a change. Include in your description how it was led and managed. 15% HD DI A relevant scenario that involves the management of change has been succinctly described. The parameters of the scenario are clearly defined and the description is complete and focused. CR A relevant scenario that involves the management of change has been clearly described. The parameters of the scenario are clearly defined and the description is complete and focused. P A relevant scenario that involves the management of change has been described. The parameters of the scenario are unclear and the description extends into the discussion. Critically analyse the case in terms of how the change was led and managed. 50% The focus of the analysis has The focus of the analysis has been clearly explained. A been clearly explained. A synthesis of relevant literature synthesis of relevant literature and theoretical frameworks has and theoretical frameworks has been used to critically analyse been used to critically analyse the case, in relation to the case in relation to management and leadership, management and leadership, and to deliberate on conflicting Conflicting arguments have outcomes. been identified. Analysis is informed by synthesis and evaluation of literature on leadership and management as well as at least three topics from the modules. The focus of the analysis has been inferred. Relevant literature and theoretical frameworks have been referred to in interpreting the case. The case has been described and the literature has been used to support a generalised interpretation. Analysis is informed by reference to literature on leadership and management as well as at least three topics from the modules. Analysis in most areas is unsupported by the relevant literature. The list of recommendations emerges logically from the discussion. The list of recommendations emerges logically from the discussion but is incomplete and/or includes some unrelated recommendations. The recommendations are unrelated to the analysis. The content has been logically and succinctly structured to create a cohesive and coherent analytical piece of work Formal academic language and precise and correct discipline and professional terminology has been used to clearly communicate meaning There is consistent adherence to grammatical conventions The content has been logically structured to create a cohesive and coherent analytical piece of work Formal academic language and precise and correct discipline and professional terminology has been used to clearly communicate meaning There is consistent adherence to grammatical conventions The content has been logically structured to create a cohesive and coherent piece of work Formal academic language has been used to clearly communicate meaning; There is mostly consistent adherence to grammatical conventions, although some errors remain. The content has been partially structured to create a comprehensible descriptive piece of work consisting of loosely linked rudimentary paragraphs Formal and informal language has been used to communicate meaning and in many areas meaning is unclear. The work includes multiple grammatical errors. An extensive range of relevant literature from scholarly sources has been evaluated and synthesised, substantially supporting the arguments. APA referencing conventions in both in-text referencing and reference list have been accurately and consistently. An extensive range of relevant literature from scholarly sources has been synthesised in supporting the arguments. APA referencing conventions in both in-text referencing and the reference list have been used almost always accurately and consistently. Literature from scholarly sources has been summarised and incorporated, supporting key points. APA referencing conventions in both in- text referencing and the reference list are in evidence but there are inconsistencies. Support your analysis with reference to the literature on leadership and management as well as at least three of topics from the modules. 20% List recommendations for improvement or best practice points that have emerged from your analysis. 15% Structure, grammar and spelling (see note* below) Research and referencing *No marks will be awarded but up to 10% will be deducted for poor structure, grammar spelling or referencing. The content has been partially structured to create a comprehensible descriptive piece of work consisting of loosely linked rudimentary paragraphs Formal academic language has been used to communicate meaning Grammatical conventions have been adhered to in some areas although there are multiple errors. Literature from a range of sources, some of which are not credible or relevant, have been referred to in the essay. Attempt made to adhere to APA referencing conventions in both in- text referencing and the reference list, but with multiple errors and inconsistencies. FL A scenario that does not clearly involve the management and leadership of change has been described. The parameters of the scenario are unclear and the description extends into the discussion. The case has not been analysed in relation to the management of change and there is minimal or no use of relevant literature. Literature from sources, most of which are not credible or relevant, and are tenuously related to your topic. Adhered to APA referencing conventions in both in-text referencing and the reference list is minimal or non- existent.