Academic Integrity ‘Academic Integrity’ is the attitude of approaching your academic work honestly, by completing your own original work, attributing and acknowledging your sources when necessary and not relying on dishonest means to gain advantage. Here are some points to bear in mind when you are preparing your AEL claim: 1) Plagiarism It is expected and acceptable that you draw on other people’s views, ideas and theories. Plagiarism is passing off the ideas or words of someone else as though they were your own. It applies equally to the work of other students as to published sources. According to The Study Skills Handbook (Cottrell 1999), plagiarism includes: Using words more or less exactly as they are found in articles, lectures, television programmes or books; Using other people’s ideas or theories without acknowledgement; Changing words or sentences you have ‘borrowed’ into a different order. In your writing you should always acknowledge where your ideas and information come from. You should do this by: Referencing your work – see The Study Skills Handbook for ways in which to do this Making it clear when you are using a quotation 2) Referencing In academic writing, you must use a standard form of referencing if you wish to quote from a book or another source of information There are three basic formats for referencing (i.e. numbered, in-text and footnote styles) with many variations on these basic styles. Most UEL schools use the Harvard system. Further details can be found on our Library and Learning Services web pages: