RELATIONSHIPS AMONG CRUDE PRICE, GOLD PRICE AND STOCK MARKET-AN EVIDENCE OF BOMBAY STOCK EXCHANGE Dr. Amalendu Bhunia Associate Professor, Dept. of Commerce University of Kalyani, West Bengal, India RELATIONSHIPS AMONG CRUDE PRICE, GOLD PRICE AND STOCK MARKET-AN EVIDENCE OF BOMBAY STOCK EXCHANGE Abstract The present paper explores the relationships among crude oil price, gold price and stock market in India. Increasing crude oil prices will increase the cost of production that will affect cash flow and will decrease stock prices. Indian investors are demonstrating uncase in the stock markets due to continuous rising of gold prices on account of no fear and no future loss. However, this study is based on secondary data obtained from various data sources including BSE database and World Gold Council database for the period from January 2, 1991 to October 31, 2012. In the course of analysis, Johansen cointegration analysis and Granger causality test have been designed. Johansen cointegration test result indicates that there exists a long-term relationship among the selected variables. Granger causality test result shows that there must be either bidirectional or no causality among the variables. Keywords: Crude oil price, gold price, sensex, Johansen cointegration test, Granger causality test COINTEGRATION AND CAUSALITY RELATIONSHIP AMONG CRUDE PRICE, DOMESTIC GOLD PRICE AND STOCK MARKET-AN EVIDENCE OF BOMBAY STOCK EXCHANGE 1. INTRODUCTION Crude Oil and gold are the two tactical commodities that have acknowledged much interest in recent times in India because of their rising flows in prices as well as economic uses (Le Thai-Ha et al, 2011). Increasing crude oil prices will increase the production costs which will affect cash flow and will decrease stock prices (Ayhan Kapusuzoglu, 2011). The global economic turmoil is likely to stimulate uncertainty in gold prices, which has already made it a risky asset for investors in India. Many researchers have been done the long-run and short-run relationships among stock price index and gold price in developed and developing countries. Empirical results show that gold price can greatly affect the stock market (Mahmood Yahyazadehfar and Ahmad Babaie, 2012). Accordingly, in the last two decades, stock markets in India have received a great deal of concentration, both as a source of financial development and finally economic growth, and in the context of large swings in stock market valuation (Bose, 2005; taken from Ranjan Dasgupta, 2012). In view of this, this paper aims to examine the cointegration and causal relationships between crude oil price, domestic gold price and stock market in India. Section two briefly peep the review of related literatures across the world. In section three, the materials and methods adopted are presented. The empirical results and inferences are discussed in section four and section five concludes the paper. 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURES Ranjan Dasgupta (2012) has made a study to examine the long-run and short-run relationships between BSE SENSEX and four key macroeconomic variables (wholesale price index, index of industrial production, exchange rate and call money rate) of Indian economy by using monthly data from April, 2007 to March, 2012 with the application of financial econometrics. Empirical results of the study showed that there are no short-run causal relationships between SENSEX and four macro-economic variables but confirmed long-run relationships between BSE SENSEX with index of industrial production and call money rate. Subarna K. Samanta and Ali H. M. Zadeh (2012) examined the co-movements of selected macro-variables (gold price, stock price, real exchange rate and the crude oil price) based on 21 years data using econometric models for the periods from January 1989 to September 2009. The study exposes that there is a cointegration relationship between the variables. S. Kaliyamoorthy and S. Parithi (2012) have made a study to examine the relationship between gold price and stock market for the period from June 2009 to June 2010. They prove that there is no relationship with the stock market and gold price and stock market is not a ground for rising gold price. Le Thai-Ha et al (2011) have made a study to investigate the relationships between the prices of two strategic commodities, that is, gold and oil in terms of index of US dollar by using monthly data from January, 1986 to April, 2011 with the application of financial econometrics. Empirical results of the study showed that there is a long-run relationship existing between the prices of oil and gold and the oil price can be used to predict the gold price. Seyed Mehdi Hosseini et al (2011) examined the relationships between stock market indices and four macroeconomics variables, namely crude oil price, money supply, industrial production and inflation rate in China and India using yearly data between January 1999 and January 2009. The study point out that there are both long and short run linkages between macroeconomic variable and stock market index in each of these two countries. Gagan Deep Sharma and Mandeep Mahendra (2010) made a study to evaluate the long-term relationship between BSE and Macro-economic variables (exchange rates, foreign exchange reserve, inflation rate and gold price) for the period from January 2008 to January 2009 using multiple regression model. The study reveals that exchange rate and gold price influences the stock prices in India. The conclusive sum of this retrospective review of relevant literature produced till date on the offered subject reveals wide room for the soundness and instigates of this work and replicates a few crucial supports that assert its feasibility, as may be marked here it. The subsistence of crude oil price, gold price and stock price indices of stock market in India are hardly available. Therefore, the present study aspires to observe the changes or increase in daily crude oil price, gold price and its impact on sensex in India. 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1 Data source The study is based enormously on secondary data acquired from different data sources including BSE database and the database of world gold council for the period from January 2, 1991 to October 31, 2012. 3.2 Sample design This study considers daily data encircling the closing stock price indices of BSE (SENSEX), the daily gold price indices and daily crude oil indices (WCI). After appropriate fitting the daily closing indexes with the resultant gold price and crude oil price, there are 5274 observations. Eviews 7.0 package program has been used for arranging the data and execution of econometric analyses. 3.3 Tools used In the course of analysis of the present study, only econometric tools include Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) both at levels and 1st differences, Johansen’s system co-integration test and Granger causality test have been used. 3.4 Model specification Unit root test A time series volatile data is stationary or not or contain unit root for which Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF-1979) test method has been used in the present study. The time series data is non-stationary if the critical value is lower than the calculated value and afterwards null hypothesis is rejected and series is decided to be stationary. H0: Series is stationary H1: Series is non-stationary If all the sets of data are found I (1) (non-stationary), and if the regression produces a I (0) error term, the equation is said to be co-integrated. On the other, if there are two variables, xt and yt, which are both non-stationary in levels but stationary in first differences, then xt and yt would become integrated of order one, I(1), and their linear combination should have the form: zt = xt - ayt (1) [Claire G. Gilmore et al, (2009)] However, if there is a I (0) such that zt is also integrated of order zero, I (0), the linear combination of xt and yt is said to be stationary and the selected variables are also to be co-integrated (Engle & Granger, 1987). If two variables are co-integrated, there will be a contributory long-run relationship between them. On the other hand, for determining the charisma of unit roots, an expansion of the Dickey and Fuller (1981) method has been applied. The ADF test uses a regression of the first differences of the series against the series lagged once, and lagged difference terms, with optional constant and time trend terms: ∆yt = a0 + a1t + γyt-1 + Σbiyt-1 + et (2) In the equation ∆ is the first-difference operator, a0 is an intercept, a1t is a linear time trend, et is an error term, and i is the number of lagged first-differenced terms such that et is the white noise. The test for a unit root has the null hypothesis that signifies γ = 0. If the coefficient is significantly different from zero, the hypothesis that yt encloses a unit root is considered as rejected. If the test on the level series fails to reject, the ADF procedure is then applied to the first-differences of the series. Rejection escorts to the finale that the series is integrated of order one, I (1). A drawback of the Dickey-Fuller test is its assumption that the errors are statistically independent and have constant variances. Johansen co-integration test Co-integration tests endow with a mean to establish whether a set of endogenous variables share a common long-run stochastic trend. A pronouncement of co-integration specifies interdependence of the endogenous variables, which may be the result of economic connections between the markets or arbitrage activity between investors. Hypothesis to be examined with Johansen co-integration test to be applied on the study has been presented below: H0: There is no co-integration relationship between variables H1: There is co-integration relationship between variables The Johansen (1988) approach to testing for co-integration relies on the relationship between the rank of a matrix and its characteristic roots, or eigenvalues. Let Xt be a vector of n time series variables, each of which is integrated of order (1), and assume that Xt can be modelled by a Vector Auto Regression (VAR): Xt = A1xt-1 + ... + Apxt-p + εt (3) Rewriting the VAR as ∆xt = ΠXt-1 + ΣΓ∆Xt-i + εt (4) Where, Π = ΣAi - I, Γi = - ΣAi. If the coefficient matrix Π has a reduced rank r < k, there exists k x r matrices α and β each with rank r such that Π = αβ´ and β´x t are stationary. The number of co-integrating relations is given by r, and each column of β is a co-integrating vector. Equation (4) can be modified to allow for an intercept and a linear trend. The number of distinct co-integrating vectors can be obtained by determining the significance of the characteristic roots of Π. To identify the number of characteristic roots that are not different from unity we have used two statistics, the trace test and the maximum eigenvalue test: λtrace(r) = -TΣln(1 - λi) (5) and λmax (r,r+1) = -Tln(1 - λr+1) (6) Where, λi = the estimated values of the characteristic roots (eigenvalues) obtained from the estimated Π matrix, r is the number of co-integrating vectors, and T = the number of usable observations. The trace test evaluates the null hypothesis that the number of distinct co-integrating vectors is less than or equal to r against a general alternative hypothesis (the number of distinct co-integrating vectors is more than or equal to r). The maximum eigenvalue test examines the number of co-integrating vectors versus that number plus one. If the variables in Xt are not co-integrated, the rank of Π is zero and all the characteristic roots are zero. Since ln (1) = 0, each of the expressions ln (1 - λi) will equal zero in that case. Critical values for the test are provided by Johansen and Juselius (1990) and by Osterwald-Lenum (1992). Pairwise Granger causality Tests We test for the dearth of Granger causality by estimating the following VAR model (Olushina Olawale Awe, 2012): Yt = a0 + a1Yt-1+…+ apYt-p+ b1Xt-1+…+ bpXt-p+Ut (7) Xt = c0 + c1Xt-1+…+ cpXt-p+ d1Yt-1+…+ dpYt-p+Vt (8) Testing H0:b1=b2=…=bp=0 against H1: Not H0 is a test that Xt does not Granger-cause Yt. Similarly, testing H0: d1= d2=…= dp=0 against H1: Not H0 is a test that Yt does not Granger cause Xt. In case of Granger causality between the two variables, null hypothesis is rejected if the probability value is less than alpha (0.05). 4. EMPIRICAL RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 4.1 Unit Root Test Results Johansen cointegration analysis is needed where there are any long-term cointegration relationships between crude oil price, gold price, exchange rates and stock price indices of BSE and NSE. Cointegration analysis is possible if the series are stationary. In order to stationarity analysis, unit root test of Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) is conducted with the levels and first differences of each series on the condition that the null hypothesis is non-stationary, so rejection of the unit root hypothesis supports stationarity. Table 1: Results of Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test at level Intercept but no trend Intercept and trend Variables Test Critical Prob. Test Critical Prob. statistics value statistics value (1%) (1%) Gold price -1.34 -3.43 0.9998 -1.14 -3.96 0.8999 Sensex -0.57 -3.43 0.8746 -2.05 -3.96 0.5714 Crude price -0.53 -3.43 0.8831 -2.44 -3.96 0.3586 Table 2: Results of Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test at 1st difference Intercept but no trend Intercept and trend Variables Test Critical Prob. Test Critical Prob. statistics value statistics value (1%) (1%) Gold price -20.69 -3.43 0.0000 -20.69 -3.96 0.0000 Sensex -66.99 -3.43 0.0001 -66.99 -3.96 0.0000 Crude price -73.69 -3.43 0.0001 -73.69 -3.96 0.0001 Table-1 and 2 shows the results of unit root test. It reveals that time series are nonstationary at levels. However, table shows that the gold price and BSE and NSE stock price indices are stationary at 1st difference [1(1)]. Augmented Dickey Fuller unit root analysis test reveals that errors have constant variance and are statistically independent. Therefore, cointegration test can be applied on these variables, as supported in (Hina Shahzadi and M.N. Chohan, 2012). 4.2 Johansen Cointegration Test Results Consequently, Johansen cointegration test is used to determine whether there is cointegration as well as the number of co-integrating relationships, that is, whether there are any long-term cointegration relationships between crude oil price, gold price and BSE SENSEX or not. Two likelihood ratio tests are used, the Trace Test and the Maximum Eigen Value test, to determine the number of co-integrating vectors. The estimation for each series assumes linear deterministic trend unrestricted with intercepts and no trends. A lag of 1 to 4 (in 1st differences) is used for each series, based on the Swartz Information Criterion (SIC). Table-3: Johansen Cointegration Test Result Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Trace) Hypothesized No. of CE(s) Trace Eigenvalue None * At most 1 * At most 2 0.0079 0.0018 0.0005 Statistic 52.96 11.67 2.34 0.05 Critical Value Prob.** 29.80 15.49 3.84 0.0000 0.1734 0.1259 Trace test indicates 1 cointegrating eqn(s) at the 0.05 level * denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level **MacKinnon-Haug-Michelis (1999) p-values Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Maximum Eigenvalue) Hypothesized Max-Eigen No. of CE(s) Eigenvalue Statistic 0.05 Critical Value None * At most 1 * At most 2 0.0079 0.0018 0.0005 41.29 9.33 2.34 21.13 14.26 3.84 Prob.** 0.0000 0.2598 0.1259 Max-eigenvalue test indicates 1 cointegrating eqn(s) at the 0.05 level * denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level **MacKinnon-Haug-Michelis (1999) p-values Included observations: 5190 after adjustments Trend assumption: Linear deterministic trend Lags interval (in first differences): 1 to 4 Table-3 exhibits the johansen cointegration test results. It gives surety of the long-term relationship among the selected variables. The result shows that the series is cointegrated, as both the trace and the maximum eigenvalue tests reject the null hypothesis of no cointegration, suggesting that there are two significant co-integrating vectors in the model. This implies that there are two common stochastic trends, indicating a degree of market integration. Therefore, it may conclude that there exists a stationary, long-run relationship among the variables. 4.3 Pairwise Granger causality Tests Results The Granger causality test is a statistical proposition test for determining whether one time series is helpful in forecasting another. The pairwise Granger causality test has been performed in this study in search of trend of causation among the financial variables. Table-4 reveals that no causality exists between (i) Gold price and SENSEX, (ii) WCI and gold price, (iii) gold price and WCI and bi-directional causality exists between (i) SENSEX and gold price, (ii) WCI and SENSEX and (iii) SENSEX and WCI. It is important to note that the assertion of causality between the selected variables does not mean that movement in one variable actually causes movements in another variable. To a certain extent, causality basically entails in order of movements in the time series (Olushina Olawale Awe, 2012). Table-4: Pairwise Granger Causality Test Results Null Hypothesis Obs F-Statistic Prob. Decision SENSEX ↑ Gold Price 5204 11.6061 9.E-06 Reject H0 Gold Price ↑ SENSEX WCI ↑ Gold Price Gold Price ↑ WCI 5204 5261 5261 0.81860 0.40487 2.69530 0.4411 0.6671 0.0676 DNR H0 DNR H0 DNR H0 WCI ↑ SENSEX 5196 3.04679 0.0476 Reject H0 SENSEX ↑ WCI 5196 18.6101 9.E-09 Reject H0 Type of Causality Bi-directional causality No causality No causality No causality Bi-directional causality Bi-directional causality Note: Decision rule: reject H0 if P-value < 0.05, DNR = Do not reject; ↑ = does not Granger cause. 5. CONCLUSIONS This paper aspires at investigating the relationship among the crude oil price, gold price and sensex in India. The most important conclusion of the empirical results is that the selected time series exhibit non-stationary and that’s why providing indication of longterm cointegration relationship. Johansen cointegration test results point out that longterm cointegration stable relationships are there. The crude oil price is a crucial impulsive variable that maneuvers as a feed throughout which the gold price and stock prices are associated, with the target that the oil importing countries policy makers should keep an eye on the upshots of changes in oil prices levels on their own economies and stock markets (Mohamed Abdelaziz and Georgios Chortareas, 2008). During the period from 1991 to October-2012, stock markets smashed due to diverse international crises although gold price continues to augment in India because of safe haven financial investment as well as jewellery. World Gold Council report says that India stands today as the world’s largest single market for gold consumption. The measure of the relationship among the selected variables on Indian stock price indices used in this study is based on the financial market indicators. 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