International Journal of Entrepreneurship and

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IJESB)
Call For papers
Special Issue on: “Island Brands & Island Branding”
Guest Editor: Professor Godfrey Baldacchino, Island Studies Program, University of
Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Canada
Islands, and small islands in particular, are amongst the most heavily themed objects in
the context of tourism marketing. Island economies also have serious logistic and scale
difficulties in producing manufactures that are export competitive. The notion of
developing island-specific brands that piggy back freely on the island allure is therefore
one that allows small island entrepreneurs to develop viable export-oriented (including
tourist targeted) products. Commodities like Jamaica rum, naturally fragrant soap from
Fiji, or decorative glass from Malta, thus develop into niche products that survive by
maintaining high quality while avoiding high price sensitivity and elasticity. Viable
manufacturing, contrary to its development in the context of industrialization, can emerge
in small island economies as a response to service sector activity.
In this special issue, authors are invited to share their thinking, basing their contributions
on empirical data - especially single, comparative or multiple case study methodologies;
evidence of best practice; or else adopting a more conceptual or theoretical approach.
Subject Coverage
Themes of particular interest include, but are not limited to:
The limits of island branding. Can the island allure be diluted or overdone?
How do small island entrepreneurs capitalize on islandness?
How does being on an island – on the periphery, far from the metropole facilitate or hinder entrepreneurship and small business development?
What is the role of the diaspora – the population of islanders living away from
their island – in promoting island entrepreneurship, small business, and product
development with a view to tapping export markets?
Small island societies are tightly-knit, intensely networked, and very close to their
politicians. How does this socio-political context affect island entrepreneurship,
small business, and product development?
How does one develop an island brand that is supportive of business initiatives?
Any other subject related to island branding, island brands, and their interrelationship
Notes for Intending Authors
Submitted manuscripts should not have been previously published, nor be currently under
consideration for publication elsewhere.
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies
and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author
Guidelines page
Important Dates
Deadline for submission of papers: 31 March 2008
Editors and Notes
You may send one copy of your manuscript in the form of an MS Word file attached to
an e-mail (details in Author Guidelines), or queries about the special issue, to the
Professor Godfrey Baldacchino
Canada Research Chair (Island Studies)
University of Prince Edward Island
550, University Avenue
Prince Edward Island C1A 4P3
with a copy to:
IEL Editorial Office
Please include in your submission the title of the Special Issue, the title of the Journal and
the name of the Guest Editor