English Syllabus

Sebring High School
2012-2013 ESE English
Course Syllabus
Instructor: Gloria Allegri
Classroom: 908
Phone: 863-471-5500 ext.217
Course Description:
The goal of this class is to help the students to appreciate literature, while improving
reading and writing skills. The students will read short stories, poetry, and novels, and
answer thought-provoking questions. This will prepare the students for the FCAT Writes
and the FCAT in reading.
Course Outline/Schedule:
First Nine Weeks
Week 1: Classroom procedures and class requirements
Week 2: Short Story: “The Most Dangerous Game”,
Writing assignment,
Vocabulary lessons,
Comprehension questions
Week 3: Reading focus: Biographical approach
Stories: “Letters to John Allan”, “Alone”, and “The Cask of Amontillado”
Continue vocabulary activities
Writing Assignments
Week 4: FCAT writing essay
Stories: “Letter about Edgar Allan Poe’s Death”, “The Gift of the Magi”
Reading strategies: Main ideas, supporting details, and conclusions
Week 5: Final draft- FCAT Writes
Analytical essay on Edgar Allan Poe
Week 6: Continue analytical essay on Edgar Allan Poe
Week 7: Analytical essay on Edgar Allan Poe
Week 8: Continue analytical essay on Edgar Allan Poe
Week 9: Begin poetry unit
Poems- “Women” and “The Courage That My Mother Had”
Second Nine Weeks
Week 1: Second FCAT Writes essay
Reading- The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
Discussion- Shakespeare’s Life
Week 2: The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
Love Sonnets
Week 3: The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
Week 4: Read like a Rock Star
The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Act IV and V
Week 5: Feedback on FCAT Writes essay
The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet newspaper project
Week 6: Final draft FCAT Writes essay
Group presentation of Romeo and Juliet project
Week 7: Read like a Rock Star ends this week
Week 8: Grammar unit: Usage Glossary
Exercises 1-10
Week 9: Informational Text Focus: Primary and Secondary Source
FCAT Practice Questions
Midterm exams- Written essays and multiple choice tests
Third Nine Weeks
Week 1: The Odyssey Unit
Read the Introduction
Go over Odyssey Group Project requirements and deadlines
Week 2: The Odyssey Unit
Group Project Presentation
Note-taking assignment on lesson
Week 3: DVD- O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Students will analyze, evaluate, and develop a personal interpretation of the
Odyssey and film.
Week 4: Read like a Rock Star
Book Assignments
Non-fiction Unit- Martin Luther King Jr. Speech, Writing of Maya Angelou
Comparing works of one author
Meet the author
Week 5: Read like a Rock Star
Non-fiction Unit
Week 6: Short Story Unit #2
English skills- Narrator, voice, tone, point of view
Reading skills- Context clues
Read “The Interloper” by Saki and “Initiation” by Plath
Week 7:
Short Story Unit
First Person Narrative
Read “Marigolds”
Writing Focus
Week 8:
Read like a Rock Star
PLARS Project
Week 9:
Grammar Unit: Phrases and Clauses, Parts of Sentences and/or Combining
Fourth Nine Weeks
Week 1:
The Miracle Worker by Gibson
Read, “Anne’s Formative Years (1866-1886)
Distribute American Sign Language alphabet sheet
Active Reading on plot
FCAT procedures, test-taking skills, and practice exercises
Week 2:
Continue reading, The Miracle Worker
FCAT procedures, test-taking skills, and practice exercises
Week 3:
This may be FCAT/EOC week
Continue reading The Miracle Worker
Active reading guide on drama plot
Week 4:
This may be FCAT/EOC week
Continue reading The Miracle Worker
Active reading guide on drama plot
Week 5:
Active reading drama plot
DVD film of The Miracle Worker
Unit review
Week 6:
Finalize all work related to The Miracle Worker
Compile writings from the year on Prezi
Week 7:
Continue working on writing portfolio on Prezi
Week 8:
Finalize and present writing profolio on Prezi
Week 9:
Review for final exam
Week 10:
Final exam
Expected Learning Outcomes:
After successfully completing this course, the students will:
1. Demonstrate improved achievement in English as determined by the Common Core
2. Apply critical thinking, problem solving, and test-taking skills and strategies for
assessment on standardized tests.
3. Demonstrate an appreciation of literature.
Midterm and Final Exams:
All students will be required to take a midterm and final exam in English. Midterm and final
exams will be a combination of multiple choice questions and written essays.
Course Requirements and Grading Scale:
The students’ grades will be based on the point system.
Homework Assignments
Tests and Quizzes
Grading Scale
Behavioral Expectations and Repercussions:
Classroom rules:
1. Be in class on time.
2. Enter the classroom quietly.
3. Start work immediately.
4. Listen to instructions.
5. Work bell-to-bell.
6. Complete assignments.
7. Stay on-task in the cooperative learning teams.
8. Only use computer sites designated by the teacher.
9. Respect the teacher.
10. Respect one another.
11. No food or drink allowed in the classroom. The only exception is bottled water.
12. Follow all school and district rules. Electronic devices must be turned off during
school hours and be in your book bag, purse, or locker. If caught using any electronic
device, it will be confiscated and given to your dean. A parent or guardian will have
to pick it up from the office.
13. Expect your best and you will achieve it.
Consequences of Inappropriate Behavior:
1st Offense: Warning
2nd Offense: Detention
3rd Offense: Call Home
4th Offense: Referral
Note: If there is a severe disruption or danger to anyone in the classroom, the student will
be sent to the office immediately.
Make-up Policy:
It is the responsibility of the student to ask for make-up work after an absence. The student
will have 2 days to bring in an excuse from home. If the excuse is approved by the office, the
student will then make up the work.