Winesburg, Ohio - rwilliamsenglish12

Winesburg, Ohio
Wednesday, April 28
Final Test- 100 points
The test will consist of short answer, who said it?, and essay
What to study!!!!
You need to know:
 Definition of a grotesque in literature
 Five major themes in Winesburg, Ohio and how each relates
to selections in the story and to the story as a whole
 Major characters’ personalities and stories in order to identify
character quotes
 Biographical information concerning Sherwood Anderson
Possible Essay Questions are found below. You are welcome to compose
answers prior to the test and bring your notes or the written essay to
class at which time you will write your answer on the test.
1. Sherwood Anderson believed that if we as humans grasp only
one truth and make it our existence, basing our entire lives
around it, that we will ultimately fail. Explain what he
means. Do you agree or disagree? Support your opinion
with reasons and examples.
2. We write about what we know. Name three aspects of
Anderson’s life which are represented in Winesburg, Ohio,
and state one example from the book which supports each.
3. Name a character from The Glass Menagerie or Macbeth
whom Anderson might develop as a grotesque. Explain your
choice and why you would choose that character, citing at
least three reasons supported by example for your choice.
4. Anderson uses hands as a recurring symbol in Winesburg,
Ohio. Cite three selections from the book in which hands
play a symbolic role; support your choice with content from
the selection.