Summer Vacation

Psychology and Me - 1
Summer Vacation
This is how I spent my summer vacation, in 25-50 words. This is how I spent my summer
vacation, in 25-50 words. This is how I spent my summer vacation, in 25-50 words. This is how I
spent my summer vacation, in 25-50 words. This is how I spent my summer vacation, in 25-50
border below paragraph
These are some good things about Florida
1. This is the first good thing
2. This is the second good thing.
3. etc.
These are some bad things about Florida
1. This is the first bad thing
2. This is the second bad thing
3. etc.
border above paragraph
Over the last year, I saw __ movies. The best three were:
A movie
A movie
A movie
I read ___ novels, and the best two were:
A novel that I read
A novel that I also read
I love the elevator music on
WFIT because it is really ….
Here is how I see the causal nature of the universe: (you fill in your own terms)
This is what I want to from the world. This is the ∑ symbol.
This Heading
Will always stay with this paragraph about my favorite famous Psychologist, whose name is
______ , regardless of where it appears on the page because I used a special Paragraph format
property, “keep with next,” to make it do this.
Niagara Falls1 reminds me of the Summer of 1998, when I ______ .
A big waterfall in New Jersey.