Sample Letter (Classified)

Name of School District
District Address
City, State Zip Code
Month Date, Year
Employee Name
Employee ID/Social Security Number
(Individual with authority to issue, but who does not have the authority to enter into a
contract. Include issuer’s initials and position with the district.)
We would like to thank you for your valuable contribution as a (insert title of position) during this past year
and make special note of your contribution to (insert name of school district, college, university…etc.) As
a result of projected enrollment and staffing needs for the 2013 – 2014 school year/term, we anticipate
that there will be a need for your services in the same capacity and anticipate that the economic terms
and conditions of your employment will be substantially the same as this past school year.
Employment with our district calls for several customary vacation/recess periods during the school year.
Following each of these periods as established by the 2013-2014 school calendar, you will have continued
employment with the district. We look forward to your return on Month _______, Year and hope you have
an enjoyable summer vacation.
Specific Recess Period – (dates)
This notification is not intended to create a contract of employment or to alter an existing contract of
employment, if any. For your convenience, a copy of the (insert school year) school calendar is attached.
We look forward to your return, and hope you have an enjoyable summer vacation.
I hereby acknowledge receipt of this notice.
Notice Delivered (Supervisor Signature)
Employee Signature
Date Delivered
Copy- Central Office
PLEASE NOTE: This is a sample letter for your reference. As with
any contract, please review the use of this or any letter with your
internal legal department.