Unit 1 Exploring Aspects of Narrative: Enduring Love, Great Gatsby and poems by Browning and Hardy For this exam you will be studying the four texts above. You need to have detailed notes on each one. Use this pack to record key points of comparison between the texts, writing notes and recording quotations (treat each collection of poems as one text, but ensure you mention the name of the specific poem when writing about it!). These notes will be crucial for preparing for your exam which is in May. Don’t be limited by the space you have here – use the clips to add extra paper if you need it! Assessment Objectives When reading, studying, thinking about, analysing and writing about your four texts, it is useful to consider the assessment objectives. Addressing these in you exam will mean you will be able to achieve the fantastic grades you deserve! AO1 Articulate creative, informed and relevant responses to literary texts, using appropriate terminology and concepts, and coherent, accurate written expression AO2 Demonstrate detailed critical understanding in analysing the ways in which structure, form and language shape meanings in literary texts AO3 Explore connections and comparisons between different literary texts, informed by interpretations of other readers (Section B of exam) AO4 Demonstrate understanding of the significance and influence of the contexts in which literary texts are written and received Unit 1 Exam: 2 hours (you may have all your texts with you but they must be clean copies, not annotated) Worth 60% of your AS marks Two novels (Enduring Love and Great Gatsby) Two poetry texts (Browning and Hardy) Section A: Close analysis of aspects of narrative in one text. One two-part question to be answered on your choice of text. Short answer required for each of the two parts Section B: Comparing an aspect of narrative on your remaining three texts. Contains two questions, wide-ranging in scope. Essay required comparing and contrasting how this aspect of narrative is used in each of the three texts you have not covered in Section A. Aspect of Narrative Scenes and Places: Key points of comparison - How much are we told about the settings in the texts and how much is left to the reader’s imagination? - What language techniques are used in establishing scenes and places and what effects do they create? (eg. similes, pathetic fallacy etc) - What atmosphere does the setting lend to the text? - How do the scenes and places shape our impressions of the characters? - How do the scenes and places contribute to the impact of particular passages or events in the text? Enduring Love Great Gatsby Poems by Browning Poems by Hardy Aspect of Narrative Time and Sequence Key points of comparison - Are we experiencing events as they happen or are past events being recounted to us? - How does the writer use different tenses to affect the reader’s experience? - Are the events in the text chronological? Or does the narrator / speaker deliver the story in a non-linear way? - How can we tell what period the text is written in (context of production) and what period it is set in? How do these periods connect with key ideas / events in the text? - At which points in the novel does the pace / passage of time change and why do you think this is? Enduring Love Great Gatsby Poems by Browning Poems by Hardy Aspect of Narrative Characters Key points of comparison - Which characters are fictional and which are based on real people? How does this affect our experience of the text? - How does the writer shape our impressions of the text’s key characters? - How do our opinions of the characters change over the course of the story? - How does the writer use minor characters to help tell the story? - To what degree are we encouraged to sympathise with the text’s central character? Enduring Love Great Gatsby Poems by Browning Poems by Hardy Aspect of Narrative Voices in the story (speech and thoughts of characters) Key points of comparison - How does the manner in which a character speaks betray thoughts, characteristics or feelings they may rather keep hidden? - Choose a character and explore what their speech reveals about them? - How does the writer use different voices to tell the story? - At what points does the writer’s own voice shine through the narration and how does this affect the story-telling? - Are there any meaningful omissions in terms of characters’ speech? – Any important thoughts that remain unsaid? Enduring Love Great Gatsby Poems by Browning Poems by Hardy Aspect of Narrative Point of View Key points of comparison - Does seeing things through the speaker’s /narrator’s eyes limit or enhance the storytelling and why? - Is the text written in the third or first person and what is the effect of this? How would it be different if it were otherwise? - Is the narrator reliable and trustworthy? – How does this affect our experience of the story? - How does the chosen point of view give us access to the key attitudes, issues and values the novel is exploring? - How would the text be different if we saw it through the eyes of another character? - How and when does our perspective change at any point in the novel? Enduring Love Great Gatsby Poems by Browning Poems by Hardy Aspect of Narrative Destination Key points of comparison - How does the writer create dramatic impact with the text’s ending? - Do you feel the text is trying to make a point or deliver a moral message? - How does the context of reception affect our responses to the text? - Choose a section from the beginning or middle of the text and write about its significance in terms of the text as a whole? - What is the relationship between the beginning of the text and its ending? - What ambiguities arise from studying the text? – How can these be seen constructively? Enduring Love Great Gatsby Poems by Browning Poems by Hardy