The Reforms of Julius Caesar A. Julius Caesar created ______

Use pages 277-283. Use complete sentences.
Use the reading from page 2.
The Reforms of Julius Caesar
A. Julius Caesar created ____________ __________ projects to employ the poor(plebeians).
1. These projects included such things as building __________ to transport goods and legions,
___________ for the gods, _______________ to carry water from the mountains, _____________ to
span river gorges or mountain valleys, ______________ dedicated to Rome’s history and _________
_____________ for both plebeians and patricians to enjoy and get clean.
B. Caesar established colonies in the provinces and encouraged the _______________ class to start over
in the colonies in other words; public land was redistributed in the colonies so that the poor could go
back to ______________ the land. This allowed Rome to create a ____________ of food.
C. He reorganized the government in the provinces. Caesar appointed officials to __________ ________
____ _______. This allowed him to know what was going on in the outskirts of Roman controlled land.
D. Julius Caesar granted _________________ to some of the people in the provinces. People who were
conquered by the Romans were given rights of a Roman. This will make them feel ____________ to the
government of Rome. Some people, especially people of the _______________ class were annoyed by
this reform because they felt that rights of a citizen must be earned.
E. Julius Caesar decided to pack the law-making body of the government, or ______________ with his
supporters. He doubled its size from ______ to 600.
What does this do to the power of each of the patricians who had already been serving as senators? What
feelings would they have?
F. In order to keep the mobs (plebeians) happy, Julius Caesar provided __________(cost) entertainment,
this came in the form of ________________ games or even _______________ races. In addition to
being entertained __________ of ___________ was thrown out to the crowd. This was known as “Bread
and Circuses.”
G. The last of the reforms was directed toward the ________________. It was known as Dole and was a
___________ system to get _________ and ____________ to the people in need of it.
Caesar: Three Views
Rome was a Republic; it had no kings. But it was not very democratic. Most of the power was
in the hands of the Senate. It members were patricians, and most of them were rich land owners.
For many years, the plebeians fought for a greater voice in the government. They won many
important rights and elected their own leaders. But wealthy Romans kept control of the Senate.
All of Rome’s wars hurt its farmers badly. They were soldiers and had to leave farms to fight.
Many were ruined by the wars.
Soon, plebeian leader began to fight with patrician leader for control of the government. A
bloody civil war broke out. It lasted, on and off, for more than a century.
Finally a Roman general named Julius Caesar took power. The Senate was helpless. Caesar
was no ordinary man. To his soldiers, he was almost a god. To plebeians, he was a great hero. To the
Senate, he was an evil man who wished to be king. Suppose that you are in the Roman Forum (the
public place of meeting) in 45 BC. Here is what people are saying about Caesar:
Roman Soldier: I served with
Caesar for eight years in Gaul
(modern France). I tell you there is
no greater general or a braver man
anywhere. Many times the enemy
had three soldiers or more for every
Roman soldier. Often we were sure
the enemy would defeat us.
Once we had to fight an
army of very tough Germans. These
Germans were hired by the Gauls to
fight for them. Before the battle, we
were so scared that we made out our
wills. The officers begged Caesar to
turn back, but Caesar reminded them
of the times that Roman soldiers had
smashed German armies. He said he
was ready to fight with only one
legion(4-6,000 men), if necessary.
He made us feel so ashamed, we
could no wait for the battle to start.
During the battle, Caesar
was everywhere, urging us on. Once
he saw some men who were about to
give up. He grabbed a shield and
ordered them to follow him. At once,
the men began to fight again and
behind Caesar. Finally the Germans
broke and ran for their lives!
Yes, Caesar shared all our
dangers. He fought with us, ate with
us, and lived with us. I would fight
for him again anytime, any place.
Roman Worker: Julius Caesar has
done more for plebeians than any
other Roman. Sure he is a noble and
very rich, but he has always been for
the poor. Look at all the things he
has done for us. When he became
dictator, he gave us a holiday that
lasted for 10 days. He spent a fortune
to entertain us. There were big
parades and sports events the whole
time. In on stadium alone, 400 lions
were killed by the gladiators. In
another, the soldiers put on a big
make-believe battle. And there were
plays in all the theatres.
One day Caesar gave a party
for 20,000 poor people. He gave
them money, bread, and olive oil for
their lamps. He was even more
generous to his soldiers. He gave
each of them some land to farm.
Since then, Caesar has given
jobs to army veterans and helped
people who owe money. He has even
allowed some very poor people to
stop paying their rent. Now he is
planning to build new roads, canals,
temples and theatres. Think of all the
jobs that will give to the Romans
who are out of work! Yes, Julius
Caesar is a great man. He is the best
friend the common people ever had.
Roman Senator: Julius Caesar is the
most dangerous man that Rome has
ever seen. He doesn’t really care about
the poor people. He just buys their
support by giving them shows and
handing out bread. The only thing
Caesar cares about is power, power for
himself. Sure, it was the Senate which
voted to make him dictator. But what
could we do? Caesar had the army and
the common people behind him. We
were helpless. We had to make him
dictator, or else. No one could stop him
from taking power. Now he treats even
the greatest senators as if they were
beggars. Soon he will want to be king!
Then he will get rid of the Senate, and
there will be no more voting by the
people. Yes, the republic is in danger
as long as Caesar lives. We must save
the republic and get rid of this evil
Caesar’s Murder: Many other
senators felt the same way about
Caesar. On the Ides of March (middle
of –as in the 15th) 44BC, 60 senators
banded in a plot to kill Caesar.
The murder of Caesar did not
save the republic. By 30 BC, Caesar’s
adopted son, Octavian, took complete
power in Rome. Octavian became
Rome’s first emperor. The Roman
Republic was replaced by the Roman
Date____________ Period______
Video segment 1: Julius Caesar in Gaul
1. Q: Why is Caesar and his army declared enemies of Rome as well as criminals?
2. Q: Why is Caesar marching back to Rome?
3. Q: Why as a soldier, would you follow Caesar? Give at least 2 motivating factors for
joining Caesar.
4. Q: What does the die is cast mean?
Video segment 2: News travels back to Rome
5 Q: Why did senators Marcellus and Cato go to see Pompey?
6 Q: Why is Pompey reluctant to go against Caesar?
Video segment 3: The Triumph of Julius Caesar
7 Q: What is the purpose of a triumph?
8. Caesar vs. Pompey would be considered a ____________ war because in this case it is Roman vs.
9. Q: Why did Julius Caesar execute the King of the Gauls at his triumph?
10. Q: Why did Caesar seize the emergency funds (gold) from Rome’s treasury?
Video Segment 4: Caesar vs. Pompey, The Civil War Rages On.
11. Q: At this point what is the biggest problem facing Caesar’s army?
A: _____________________________________________________________________
12. Q: Why is Pompey reluctant to fight Caesar?
A: _____________________________________________________________________
13. Q: Who wins the war?
A: _____________________________________________________________________
Video Segment 5: The end of the Republic
14. Q: Besides love, what else did Caesar gain by creating an alliance with Cleopatra?
(This answer will come from your head and is not clearly stated by the video)
A: _____________________________________________________________________
15. Q: Why did the Roman poor (plebeians) support Julius Caesar?
A: _____________________________________________________________________
16: Q: Why did a group of patrician senators assassinate Julius Caesar?
17. Q: What does “you can get rid of Caesar but you can’t get rid of Caesarism” mean?
18: Q: What was Julius Caesar’s legacy?
Items to use for Julius Caesar essay
Republic to Empire packet
Caesar’s reforms
Video notes
“Caesar 3 Views”
Graphic organizer
Julius Caesar Essay Graphic Organizer
Make your essay personal, be creative and include DETAILS!!!
Introduction Paragraph
a. WHO?
i. Plebeian or Patrician (circle one)
ii. Name: ____________________________
b. WHAT?
i. What is your job? Where do you work? Describe your job…
i. Where do you live? Do you have a family?
d. WHY?
i. Do you support Caesar and his reforms? Why or why not?
Continued on the next page>>>>>>>>>>>
Body Paragraph # 1
a. Pick one of the reforms of Julius Caesar. Describe it in your own
b. Do you support this reform? Why or why not? Explain how it
benefits or does not benefit you and your family?
Body Paragraph #2
a. Pick one of the reforms of Julius Caesar. Describe it in your own
b. Do you support this reform? Why or why not? Explain how it
benefits or does not benefit you and your family?
Body Paragraph # 3
a. Pick one of the reforms of Julius Caesar. Describe it in your own
b. Do you support this reform? Why or why not? Explain how it
benefits or does not benefit you and your family?
Conclusion Paragraph
a. Restate who you are and whether or not you support Caesar.
b. Wrap up your essay. This is your last chance to leave an
impression on the reader about your feelings towards Julius
Name _________________________
Date ______________Period ______
Julius Caesar Peer Editing Worksheet
Directions: Trade rough drafts of your Julius Caesar Essay with a partner, and answer the following
questions about their work.
Author of Paper _______________________ Editor ______________________
Paragraph 1: Introduction
____ The author chose the viewpoint of either a Plebeian or a Patrician
____ The author chose a job to perform in the time of the Romans
____ Do they state if they support Caesar’s View or Not
____ out of 3
What did you like about the paragraph?
What would you change in this paragraph?
Paragraph 2: Reform #1
What reform is discussed in this paragraph?
____ Is the reform clearly stated and explained?
____ Is there a reason to support or oppose the reform? Does it make sense? ___ out of 2
What did you like about the paragraph?
What would you change in this paragraph?
Paragraph 3: Reform #2
What reform is discussed in this paragraph?
____ Is the reform clearly stated and explained?
____ Is there a reason to support or oppose the reform? Does it make
____ out of 2
What did you like about the paragraph?
What would you change in this paragraph?
Paragraph 4: Reform #3
What reform is discussed in this paragraph?
____ Is the reform clearly stated and explained?
____ Is there a reason to support or oppose the reform? Does it make
___ out of 2
What did you like about the paragraph?
What would you change in this paragraph?
Paragraph 5: Conclusion
____ The author restates who they are (plebeian or patrician)
____ The author restates whether or not they support Caesar and his
____ There is a closing sentence
___ out of 2
What did you like about the paragraph?
What would you change in this paragraph?