All the king's men-Robert Warren Appointment in Samarra-John O'Hara The arrival-Shaun Tan The Aspern papers and The turn of the screw-Henry James Bel canto : a novel-Ann Patchett The big sky : a novel-A.B. Guthrie Bone: Out from Boneville-Jeff Smith Bone: Great cow race-Jeff Smith Breaking dawn-Stephenie Meyer The camel bookmobile-Masha Hamilton Chronicle of a death foretold : a novel-Gabriel García Márquez Clay-David Almond The color of distance-Amy Thomson Cyrano-Geraldine McCaughrean A darkling plain : a novel-Philip Reeve The dealer-Robert Muchamore Divine Madness-Robert Muchamore Do androids dream of electric sheep?-Philip K. Dick Dubliners-James Joyce Eclipse-Stephenie Meyer The education of Little Tree-Forrest Carter The famished road-Ben Okri Far from the madding crowd-Thomas Hardy A farewell to arms-Ernest Hemingway Feed-M.T. Anderson Flight Gates of fire : an epic novel of the Battle of Thermopyla-Steven Pressfield The golden goblet-Eloise McGraw The good earth-Pearl S. Buck A handful of dust-Evelyn Waugh Henderson, the rain king-Saul Bellow Henry James' midnight song-Carol Hill The invention of Hugo Cabret : a novel in words and pictures-Brian Selznick The jewel trader of Pegu-Jeffrey Hantover The killing-Robert Muchamore Like water for chocolate : a novel in monthly installment-Laura Esquivel The man who planted trees-Jean Giono The man who was Thursday : a nightmare-G.K. Chesterton Man vs. beast-Robert Muchamore Marvel 1602-Neil Gaiman Maximum security-Robert Muchamore Mississippi trial, 1955-Chris Crowe Mister Pip-Lloyd Jones My Ántonia-Willa Cather The place of lions-Eric Campbell Of love and other demons-Gabriel García Márquez Of nightingales that weep-Katherine Paterson On the road-Jack Kerouac One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Pompeii : a novel-Robert Harris The recruit-Robert Muchamore Seedfolks-Paul Fleischman Shakespeare bats cleanup-Ronald Koertge Shoeless Joe-W.P. Kinsella SilverFin : a James Bond adventure-Charles Higson The slave dancer-Paula Fox Speak-Laurie Anderson Spring Moon : a novel of China-Bette Lord Stardust : being a romance within the realms of faerie-Neil Gaiman The straight man-Richard Russo The stranger-Albert Camus Tamar-Mal Peet The third man ; and, The fallen idol-Graham Greene The thirty-nine steps-John Buchan The three musketeers-Alexandre Dumas To the lighthouse-Virginia Woolf Vögelein : old ghosts-Jane Irwin Weir of Hermiston, and other stories-Stevenson Zorro : a novel-Isabel Allende Zorro : una novela-Isabel Allende