Use an A4 page to do your activity on and when you have completed each
activity, tick the box beside it.
Remember to put a title and date on your page.
Thoughts in the head of a
Design an alternative book cover:
character: Choose a character from What do you think would be a
the novel and write part of the
suitable book cover for the novel?
story from his/her point of view.
Remember to add the author and
You will use the word ‘I’ in the
the illustrator (you!) on the
story. For example:
“ Hi! I am Willie Beech and let me
tell you my story.”
Complete these sentences :
Write a letter to the author
I would like to know....
expressing your opinion about the
I wonder why......
book. Don’t forget to include your
I felt sorry.....
address, start the letter off
In the same situation I
correctly and sign off correctly.
Interview a character: Write a
Choose a character’s name and
short dialogue between you and
write an acrostic poem about
the character. Think of relevant
questions you would ask to help
you understand more about the
Pretend you are a newspaper
reporter. Choose an important
Choose a scene from the book and
event that happens in the book
illustrate it.
and write a report on it.
Remember the events must be in
sequence and you must include
character’s names and places
where it happened.