Radio drama


Bibliography (a selection) – everything available in the main or IFA libraries:

Bardijewska, Sława, Nagie słowo. Rzecz o słuchowisku , Dom Wydawniczy ELIPSA,

Warszawa 2001.

Jarzębowski, Zbigniew, Słuchowiska szczecińskiego radia. Studia z pogranicza literatury i sztuki radiowej

, Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Rozprawy i Studia, T.

(DCCCXXIII) 749, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego,

Szczecin 2009.

Jędrzejewski, Stanisław, ed.,

The Medium with Promising Future. Radio in Central and Eastern European Countries , Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2007. (wybrane fragmenty: Gabon-Klas, Tomasz, “Radiomorphosis cultural and technological aspects of radio development”, s. 13-20; Geuy, Bernadette, “A case for Pod-drama.

Portable theater in your ear”, s. 149-163)

Kopciński, Jacek, Nasłuchiwanie. Sztuki na głosy Zbigniewa Herberta

, Biblioteka

„WIĘZI”, tom 228, Z prac Instytutu Badań Literackich PAN, Warszawa 2008.

Legowicz, Wiktor, Radio – ulotność słowa?

, WSiP, Warszawa 1986. (wybrane fragmenty: wstęp pt. „Radio – XX-wieczny środek masowego przekazu, s. 5-26;

Miszczak, Stanisław, „Fragmenty Wstępu w: Radiofonia i telewizja w świecie ”, s.

32-38; Gahlin, Anders, „Radio w życiu codziennym odbiorcy”, przeł. Karol

Jakubowicz, s. 39-46; Dobrzyński, Kazimierz, „O kulturze słuchania radia w:

Człowiek i dźwięki ”, s. 47-57; Konieczny, Wojciech, „Próba rekonstrukcji procesów znaczeniowych w dziele radiowym”, s. 58-63; Matuszkiewicz, Bogusław,

„’Wielkanoc w Nowym Jorku’ jako przykład collage’u radiowego”, s. 64-71)

Leśniak, Teresa, red., Radio. Szanse i wyzwania. Materiały konferencji

„Kulturotwórcza rola radia”. Kraków 14-15 lutego 1997 z okazji 70-lecia Polskiego

Radia Kraków , Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury, Polskie Radio S. A., Kraków


Limon, Jerzy, Trzy teatry. Scena – telewizja – radio

, słowo/obraz terytoria, Gdańsk

2003. (wybrany fragment: rozdział „Teatr trzeci: patrzenie uszami”, s. 145-198)

Mayen, Józef,

Radio a literatura , Wiedza Powszechna, Warszawa 1965.

McLeish, Robert, Produkcja radiowa

, przeł. Agata Sadza, Wydawnictwo

Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2007. (wybrane fragmenty: „charakterystyka radia”, „Pisanie ‘dla ucha’”, Słuchowiska radiowe”, słowniczek, bibliografia)

Olkusz, Wiesław, Dyskretny urok sztuki radiowej. W świecie słuchowisk Kazimierza

Kowalskiego , Uniwersytet Opolski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej, Opole 1995.

(wybrane fragmenty: „Uwagi wstępne”, „Klasyczne słuchowiska radiowe”,

„Poszukiwania nowych form wyrazu – feature”)

Oryginalne słuchowisko radiowe. Materiały seminarium w Ciechocinku 25-27 stycznia 1973 r.

, Ośrodek Badania Opinii Publicznej i Studiów Programowych,

Warszawa 1974. (wybrane fragmenty: Szymański, Łukasz, „Oryginalne słuchowisko radiowe”, s. 12-18; Treugutt, Stefan, „Współczesny repertuar teatru radiowego (Refleksja o sezonie ostatnim – i o przyszłych)”, s. 19-28; Adamski,

Jerzy, „Uwagi o wartościach literacko-artystycznych oryginalnych słuchowisk radiowych”, s. 29-35; Węgrzynowicz, Jacek, „Próba typologii bohaterów słuchowisk radiowych”, s. 36-42; Kopałko, Zbigniew, „Słuchowisko – jego obecny kształt i perspektywy”, s. 43-48; Drozdowski, Bohdan, „Z doświadczeń autora słuchowisk”, s. 49-53; Białek, Klemens, „Z problematyki stosunków literatury dramatycznej i radia”, s. 54-59; Kobel, Janina, „Uwagi na temat odbioru słuchowisk radiowych”, s.

60-76; Machu-Mendecka, Ewa, „Słuchowisko radiowe w programie BBC”, s. 80-81; informacje o repertuarze, danych programach w owym czasie)

Raw, Lawrence. „Jane Austen on Old-Time Radio: Creating Imaginative Worlds.”

Global Jane Austen. Pleasure, Passion, and Possessiveness in the Jane Austen

Community . Eds. Lawrence Raw, Robert Dryden. New York: Palgrave Macmillan,

2013. 37-50. (google books)

Pleszkun-Olejniczakowa, Elżbieta, Joanna Bachura, Aleksandra Pawlik. Dwa teatry.

Studia z zakresu teorii i interpretacji sztuki słuchowiskowej . Toruń: Wydawnictwo

Adam Marszałek, 2011.

Rattigan, Dermot. Theatre of Sound: Radio and the Dramatic Imagination . Dublin:

Carysfort Press, 2002.

Drakakis, John, ed.. British Radio Drama . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,


Crook, Tim. Radio Drama: Theory and Practice . London: Routledge, 1999.

Hand, Richard J., Mary Traynor. The Radio Drama Handbook: Audio Drama in

Context and Practice (Audio Drama in Practice and Context) . New York and

London: Continuum Books, 2011.

Guralnick, Elissa S. Sight Unseen: Beckett, Pinter, Stoppard and Other Contemporary

Dramatists on Radio . Athens: Ohio University Press, 1996.


Radio drama - PL

Słuchowiska archiwalne Radia Olsztyn

Radio Olsztyn | Słuchowiska

Słuchowiska archiwalne Radia Olsztyn

Słuchowiska radiowe

Dziennik Teatralny słuchowiska polskiego radia -

słuchowiska polskiego radia

Radio Olsztyn | Słuchowiska

Radio Olsztyn | Słuchowiska

Audio | Krzysztof Czeczot


Radio drama - UK+

Radio Theater Channel

US - mix of classic & modern radio shows - most with RESTORED AUDIO, free

American Radio Theater

US - once-a-month podcasts of old time radio

Mission | Atlanta Fringe Festival

US - a platform for indie, underground theatrical artists and radio artists

ARTC :: There is Adventure... in Sound

US - Radio Theatre Company - fully dramatized audio drama, paid.


UK - radio drama reviews updated all the time

Download Classics Drama Audio Books

US - Download Classics Drama audio books from Paid

The Audies 2013

US - Awards recognizing distinction in audiobooks and spoken word entertainment

(also audio drama) sponsored by the Audio Publishers Association (APA).

Audio Book Company

US - audio books of classic, childrens, mystery and science-fiction books. Paid

Audio Book Radio

US - is the first and foremost spoken word radio station. We broadcast compelling content 24/7. For a monthly newsletter or a free download sign up now

War of the Worlds Invasion: The complete War of the Worlds website including H.G Wells,

Orson Welles & George Pal.

The world wide legacy of the H.G Wells science fiction novel The War of the Worlds, including the Orson Welles 1938 panic radio broadcast and films from George Pal to

Steven Spielberg


UK - teaching + theory of radio drama. VERY GOOD

Audio Cinema Review » Reviews of your new favorite Audio Cinemas

US - audio reviews of audio drama; everyone can join in

Audio Drama Talk - Powered by vBulletin

Forum on audio drama - lots of threads

APA - Audio Publishers Association - the voice of the audiobook industry

US - APA is a not-for-profit trade organization dedicated to creating a public awareness of the audio publishing industry as well as providing industry professionals with educational opportunities to develop their businesses. | Free Audio Books

US - free audio literature content + links

AudioFile, the Magazine for People Who Love Audiobooks

US - audiobooks magazine; reviews, interviews and narrator profiles.

Radio drama teaching materials

US - Radio Drama Related Teaching Materials; paid

Audiobooks & Stories to download, Radio Archives, Books On CD AudioGO

UK - Home of BBC audio, including drama downloads.

Modern Radio Drama & Audio Theater

FORUMS - Welcome to Modern Radio Drama & Audio Theater! This ring is for sites dealing with the history, news, art, craft, appreciation and commerce of today's professional radio drama, audio theater, e-theater and hybrids.

Audiotheque |

Free thinking, open source, audio drama. Free downloads

US - blog on audio drama, downloadable, don't know if legal, page is being transferred now

PodOmatic | Podcast - Boxcars711 Old Time Radio Pod - The Jack Benny Lucky Strike

Program - Jack Sees A Doctor (11-07-54)

US - podcasts of old American radio shows

The Bunbury Banter Theatre Company Ltd

UK - Theatre Company specialising in Audio drama, Theatre Productions, New

Writing and Education.

Writers' Guild of Great Britain | WGGB

UK - The Writers’ Guild of Great Britain is the trade union representing writers in TV, radio, theatre, books, poetry, film, online and video games.

Radio Plays,Radio Drama,DIVERSITY WEBSITE,imison,tinniswood,award,TMS,Test

Match Special

UK - Radio Plays, Radio Drama, a lot of useful information


US - Joe Bev audio artist

California Artists Radio Theatre - California Artists Radio Theatre Home

US - Home page for California Artists Radio Theatre, or CART

Camino Real Productions - Radio productions in Albuquerque

US - radio theatre company, also adaptations of stage plays, based somewhere near

New Mexico.

Wild Camp Shohola Radio~~~~~(~~~~(~~~WCSR~~~)~~~~)~~~~~Streaming to the World.

US - amateur camp radio (teenagers or something), also amateur radio theatre, family enterprise. about | Cape Cod Radio Mystery Theater

US - Cape Cod Radio Mystery Theater, established in 1982, is a grass-roots theater group on the Cape whose purpose is to revive and extend the genre of radio mystery theater through a series of original mysteries and suspense thrillers.

CBS Radio Mystery Theater - Free Show Downloads | CBSRMT Episode Guide

US - CBS Radio Mystery Theater. Enjoy all 1,399 episodes of CBS Radio Mystery

Theater old time radio.

Audio Theatre Central

US - site for family friendly audio drama; their own podcast plus links.

About Chatterbox | Chatterbox Audio Theater

US - Chatterbox Audio Theater was created in 2007 by four friends with a lot of creativity and ambition but very little money. Based in Memphis, TN, with additional productions created in Kansas City, MO, Chatterbox creates fully soundscaped audio works for free streaming or download. With rare exceptions, Chatterbox shows are recorded live, with manual sound effects and as little post-production editing as possible.

All Documents in MP3 Audio Files - Christian Classics Ethereal Library

US - Christian library in mp3, maybe some audio drama too.

Colonial Radio Theatre: On The Air

US - downloadable podcasts radio theatre

COMEDY-O-RAMA - home of the The Comedy-O-Rama Hour Radio Show -- XM radio show -- Daws Butler Biography

US - Comedy audio to listen to.

Community Audio Theater

US - The-CAT presents Audio Productions from the Golden Days of Radio.

The Levelator® from The Conversations Network

US - It's software that runs on Windows, OS X (universal binary), or Linux (Ubuntu) that adjusts the audio levels within your podcast or other audio file for variations from one speaker to the next, for example. It's not a compressor, normalizer or limiter although it contains all three. It's much more than those tools, and it's much simpler to use.

Crazy Dog Audio Theatre » About Us

UK+ - Founded by Roger Gregg in 1998, Crazy Dog Audio Theatre is a professional production company based in Dublin, Ireland. Crazy Dog regularly produces both studio-based and live radio theatre series for RTE Radio 1 (the National Broadcasting

Company of Ireland). The company’s series are subsequently released on CD and aired by radio stations across the United States.

CTD Productions

US - The overall purpose of CTD Productions is to produce audio dramas that are pleasing to the Lord. While some of our productions may just be for fun and have no moral at all, we still endeavor to make them clean and wholesome.

Norman Corwin a Citizen of the World, Poet Laureate of Radio -

US - on Norman Corwin a Bostonian who, at 17, started on a course that led him ultimately into almost all the media. A newspaperman, writer-director-producer for

CBS radio. Corwin has written and directed stage plays, television dramas, motion pictures, three cantatas (one of which was performed in the Assembly Hall of the

United Nations), and even the libretto of an award-winning one-act opera that was produced by the Metropolitan. He wrote the Oscar-nominated screenplay for 'Lust for

Life'. Enjoy the extraordinary life of Norman Corwin the poet laureate of radio and one of the greatest living writers in the English language.

The Dirty Napkin

US - an online literary magazine. Lots of links

The Drama Hour | Award-winning radio drama and comedy

US - podcasts; said to be "award-wiining", free, little info on it

Dramatic Radio - Index Page

Broadcasting from the Eastern Shore of Virginia we present some of our favorite dramatic shows from the golden age of radio. You will hear tales of mystery, horror, science fiction, crime, westerns, and thrillers of all types.

11 Central Ave :: About

US - 11 Central Ave is a short radio comic strip, which plays out in the kitchen of an extended family. It's a wry look at America's zeitgeist in four minutes. - modern radio plays - ABOUT

INTERNATIONAL - collaborates with artists worldwide to produce high quality modern day radio plays for your listening pleasure. We're an international production house for full cast multi-track English language audio dramas.

E a r w a x P r o d u c t i o n s

From radio dramas to broadcast advertising, Earwax Productions has been creating award-winning radio projects for more than sixteen years.

English Wordplay - Home

UK - BBC people make an interesting website to celebrate the spoken word. Various initiatives and drama included. - Menu of 1009 radio shows

A vast archive of episode guides for radio series past and present. May turn out to be useful.

About | Every Photo Tells…

UK/International - A short story podcast based on photographic prompts. Free dpwnload

About | The Radio Academy

UK - The Radio Academy is a registered charity dedicated to the encouragement, recognition and promotion of excellence in UK radio broadcasting and audio production.

The 4077th

? - irreverent approach to the front line of audio production. Downloadable podcasts of strange and twisted stories (based on traditional ones).

Modern Soundling

International - A discussion of contemporary audio drama and radio drama. From the

''War of the Worlds'' to modern radio plays, from BBC radio dramas to internet audio theater. Seems very valuable.

The World Service Radio Archive - Projects - BBC R&D

Studia Medioznawcze - Strona główna / Index Page

Welcome to Independent Radio Drama Productions

UK - IRDP's ambition was to promote the value of radio drama and to expand opportunities for writers new to radio. Very important.

UK - interesting, but discontinued journal.

Listening to radio plays: fictional soundscapes

UK - article by Alan Beck

Peter Lewis - London Metropolitan University

Prof Richard Hand

Professor, Cardiff School of Creative & Cultural Industries

Taylor & Francis Online :: Journal of Radio Studies

Perfectly Normal Productions » Perfectly Normal Productions leads the way in creating high impact cinematic audio drama, comedy, music programmes, panel shows, documentaries and interactive content. » ABOUT

Radio Drama Links Non English

Firesign Media: Who Am Us, Anyway?

US - The Firesign writing partners and voice artists, now in their forty-third year of working together, are Phil Austin, Peter Bergman, David Ossman and Phil Proctor.

They have collaborated on over twenty-five "movies for the mind," including the early audiophonic worlds of...

About Radio Drama Revival Podcast

US - Radio Drama Revival, a long-running podcast dedicated to reviving the lost art of radio drama/audio drama by showcasing the best of contemporary shows

World Service Radio Archive Prototype

UK - EXTREMELY VALUABLE, if it continues and develops.

Actors Scene Unseen - Home Page

US - Actors Scene Unseen presents live and recorded works in fully staged and radio theatre formats. We feature daily streaming archives of our radio theatre and crossover productions.

Audio Noir

US - Ths page has links to a free audio stream of old time radio drama featuring hardboiled detectives, police procedurals and similar NOIR programs, and also information about these programs |

US - The Icebox Radio Theater has been producing new stories on audio since 2004.

And the IBRT runs the gamut from comedy to drama, from a possible future to the frightening shadows. The Icebox Radio Theater produces original, full cast audio with sound effects and music.

Journey Into...

US - podcast features replays of old time radio shows. It lso feature full cast readings of new and classic stories, as well as new flash fiction.

LifeHouse Productions - Professional quality audio theater, video stage productions, radio dramas, radio theater and tv theater broadcasts. Download radio dramas and theater productions

US - paid. LifeHouse Theater On-The-Air is comprised of two dynamic series to entertain and educate audiences of all ages and walks of life: Exciting dramas on CD and captivating stage musicals recorded live on DVD. Audio dramas, audio theater, radio drama, theatre by LifeHouse Productions.

MisfitsAudio Productions

US - independent makers of radio drama, free, calling for scripts

Old Radio Programs

US - An Archive Of Historical Old Radio Broadcasts. Stream or download tens of thousands of your favorite Old Radio Programs (OTR) in MP3 format.

Mevio | Old Time Radio Dramas | From The OTR Network | Golden Age of Radio

US - On the Old Time Radio Network Dramas program, you experience great thespian plays, great performances, and compelling stories each week from the archives of great productions of Hollywood's best producers and actors.

Old Time Radio Network | mevio

US - The Old Time Radio Network presents vintage radio programs from the 30's,

40's and 50's and reflects the combined effort of its creator, Dennis Humph


US - paid. You can buy readings of ONE VOICE actor who plays different roles. Said to be amazing.

Free podcasts and mp3 from Pendant Productions

US - an independent online production group that creates audio serials and radio dramas for podcast and radio broadcast. The group consists of scores of writers, voice actors, editors, and directors that produce six on-going monthly fan shows and four original monthly shows. Pendant also produces a monthly Shakespeare program and a weekly program on Pendant news.

Pulp Radio – Audio Dramas from the 1930s, '40s, and '50s

US - Pulp Radio produces full cast audio dramas based on stories from the pulp fiction magazines of the 1930s–1950s. The audio dramas are available for purchase on the website. Audio samples are available to listen to.


US - RADIOTHEATRE performs live audio theater versions of classic stories.

Recordings of past productions are available to listen to.

The Official Site of River Kanoff.

US - a US voice actor/artist. With some interesting links in his CV.

The Serial Squadron Cinema Cliffhanger Archive

US - lost restorations, cliffhanger movies. Classic cliffhanger movie serial films, silent and sound chapter plays from Republic, Columbia, Universal, Mascot, Pathe and others and featuring The Lone Ranger, Dick Tracy, Flash Gordon, Zorro, Tarzan,

Beatrice Fairfax, Mysteries of Myra, Phantom Empire, Bela Lugosi, Allan Lane, King of the Mounties, Daredevils of the West, Rocketman, The Masked Rider and more.

Influenced Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark

Silvertongue Productions

US - is an independent producer of full cast audio dramas

The Ancient Radio Players

US - The Ancient Radio Players is a radio troupe based out of Ada, Oklahoma. They perform several audio drama anthologies. Also includes listening and videos of live radio drama.

UK - Theatre Company specialising in Audio drama, Theatre Productions, New

Writing and Education.

The CBS Radio Mystery Theater (1) []

US- The CBS Radio Mystery Theater offers the entire collection of 1,399 episodes of

CBS Radio Mystery Theater for sale in MP3 format on DVDs.

The Great Detectives of Old Time Radio

US - old time radio detective radio shows.

The Theater of the Mind

US - The Theater of the Mind produces a variety of audio dramas, featuring a mixture of audio performances of classic plays, to recreations of well-known radio theater episodes. Some of the pieces are written and performed by students at Duke

University, while others are one-person shows that are performed by the production company's creator, Daniel H. Foster.

Radio and Audio

US - The Thrilling Detective Web Site is a directory of radio shows and podcasts featuring private eye detectives. Each entry has a description of the show.

VirtuallyAudio - Radio Theater, Radio Drama Online: Virtually Audio

US - Virtually Audio produces full cast audio drama in a variety of genres. There productions are available for purchase on the website. there are sound samples available to listen to. They also offer streaming audio productions from other sources, also in a variety of genres, including classic old time radio shows.

AudioGames, your resource for audiogames, games for the blind, games for the visually impaired!, all games for the blind, games based on audio

ACB Radio | Where Your Listening is Our Business

US - ACB Radio is a online resource provided by the American Council of the Blind.

It provides streaming audio of old time radio shows among its other programs.

Movies For the Blind

US - Movies For the Blind is a podcast that takes the audio from movies that are now public domain and adds a commentary track.

Odyssey AudioWorks™ Home Page

US - Odyssey AudioWorks joins visually-impaired and sighted individuals to work together to develop audio theater productions. The website currently offers some prototype productions available to listen to.

Full Cast Audio • Publishers of Full Cast Audio Books for Family Listening

US - Full Cast Audio produces unabridged recordings of children's novels using a full cast rather than a single reader. Whenever possible, they invite the author to serve as narrator. The recordings are always unabridged — the only things deleted from the text are those attributives (“he said”, “she growled”, etc.) made unnecessary by having a full complement of actors. iTunes - Podcasts - Independent Drama by The Independent

UK - Independent Drama are free full cast audio dramas produced for the British newspaper The Independent. The links for the audio dramas are on various pages of the newspaper's website, but their iTunes page has them collected in one place.

Download past episodes or subscribe to future episodes for free from Independent

Drama by The Independent on the iTunes Store.

Kiddie Records Weekly

GREAT - Kiddie Records Weekly is a website devoted to classic children's story albums, originally on vinyl LPs. Recording of each album are available for download.

Audio Books for Kids - Index

UK - Kids Records and Audio Books for Kids - Hundreds of Talking Books, Reading and Colouring Books for Kids of All Ages. All FREE to Download.

Radio New Zealand : Drama

NZ - Radio New Zealand Drama offers free full cast audio dramas and stories in a variety of genres.

The Growler Tapes : Audio Stories, Kids Music, Children's Audiobooks, For Kids 2-12

US - Highly produced audio stories, music, songs, audio adventures and mysteries for kids 2-12 years old, used by educators as language arts enrichment. The Growler

Tapes produces and sell audio drama for children. Their productions feature a full cast, with music and sound effects. Titles are available for purchase on the website. Audio samples are available to listen to.

The Radio Adventures Of Dr. Floyd

US? - The Radio Adventures Of Dr. Floyd is an comedic, family-friendly audio and video series done in the style of old time radio.

Welcome to the Raven Radio Theater

US - Young people love stories and radio dramas are a great way to experience a story. Here you will find original scripts for radio plays that can be performed by students in the classroom complete with sound effects, recorded radio plays by professional actors, and a wealth of information about this fascinating and unique art form. The Raven Radio Theater offers radio drama scripts complete with casting directions, detailed instructions for finding and/or making the necessary mechanical

sound effects, a full set of sound effects cue cards, and an audio CD with music and background sounds customized for each play. Most of the plays are historical in topic and are geared toward young students. Another site has information about using these plays in an adult setting, such as a business conference.

30,000 Kilohertz of Sound - spontaneous radio theater, mp3s of live improv comedy.

US - 30,000 kHz of Sound is improv comedy in the dark. Recorded live at the Magnet

Theater in New York City, mp3s of past shortwave radio-inspired shows are available for free download. 30,000 Kilohertz of Sound is an improvised audio theater comedy show that sometimes takes place in front of a live audience. The website offers information about the shows and offers an MP3 archive of past performances.

4amcab | A nocturnal comedy podcast, scenes from the small hours

UK - 4amcab is a sketch comedy podcast with the theme of characters interacting in the early hours of the morning, or late hours of the evening, depending on your perspective.

Audioshorts | Sound for the younger generation

UK - Audioshorts produces a variety of short full cast audio drama, ranging from drama to comedy.

Home | Bricolage Production Company

UK - Bricolage is a Pittsburgh Pennsylvania theater company that performs a series of live shows titled Midnight Radio. The performances are in the style of old time radio shows, complete with fake advertisements and breaking news announcements. Each how is usually an adaptation of a classic radio show and movie, done in a style that is faithful to the original works, but with a bit of tongue-in-cheek humor. The website offers information on how to attend the live performances, as well as an audio archive of past shows.

Generic Radio Workshop OTR Script Library

Chatterbox Audio Theater - Home | Chatterbox Audio Theater

US - Chatterbox Audio Theater was created in 2007 by four friends with a lot of creativity and ambition but very little money. Based in Memphis, TN, and conducted in spare rooms, basements, and other miscellaneous spaces, Chatterbox creates fully soundscaped audio works for free download. With rare exceptions, Chatterbox shows are recorded live, with manual sound effects and as little post-production editing as possible.

Cornucopia Radio - The Home Of Imagination!!

UK - Cornucopia Radio creates and broadcasts original audio sketch comedy, audio drama, monologues, streams of consciousness, music, and other eclectic productions.

Shows are broadcast by podcast and on their own internet radio station. They have an open door policy for writers and performers. Potential applicants can contact them by email

Crazy Dog Audio Theatre

Ireland - Founded in 1998, Crazy Dog Audio Theatre is a professional production company based in Dublin, Ireland. Crazy Dog regularly produces both studio-based

Home and live radio theatre series for RTE Radio 1 (the National Broadcasting Company of

Ireland). The company's series are subsequently released on CD and aired by radio stations across the United States. Their style combines comic surrealism and literate pop-cultural parody underpinned by a lush sound design and music score.

UK - Dark Smile Productions creates audio drama in a variety of genres. Most productions are available for purchase on the website. Audio samples are available to

listen to and there are some productions and short works for free. Some of the productions are available as streaming videos on YouTube.

Dream Realm Enterprises

US - Dream Realm Enterprises is an audio production group that creates a variety of audio programs.

Gypsy Audio

US - Gypsy Audio, established in December of 2008 by Gwendolyn Jensen-Woodard,

Laura Nicole, MJ Cogburn, and Alex Gilmour. It is now run by Gwendolyn Jensen-

Woodard and Alex Gilmour, and they produce primarily original audio, with one fan fiction show and the odd old time radio-style show. Their stories often feature strong female leads — both protagonists and antagonists.


US - Gotham Radio Theatre is a New York City-based theatrical group that performs live versions of classic stories, presented in the style of old time radio shows. In addition to their live shows, their website also offers streaming recordings of past performances.

Radio New Zealand : National : Programmes : The Drama Hour : Sunday 3 November 2013

World Radio Day 2013

Official Website of the World Radio Day

Official Website of the World Radio Day


Prix Europa: About Us

Audiotheque | Audiotheque is no more

Worth checking - Libsyn - Podcast Hosting Services

Libsyn (Liberated Syndication) offers the best, most complete podcast hosting and publishing services available. With Plans starting at only $5, we offer plans and pricing to fit your podcast's budget and needs. Host your video and audio podcast with libsyn and even turn your podcast into a smartphone app for iOS and Android. Hosting podcasts since 2004.

British Public Radio | all about everything

UK - British Public Radio is an organization devoted to promoting British audio drama and spoken word entertainment. It serves as a portal for streaming and downloadable audio, both fiction and nonfiction, spanning several genres. It is also preparing its inaugural British Public Radio Awards, staged in association with

Audioboo, which presents ten awards offered across five categories, plus the Gold

Award for the most outstanding entry overall.
