Business Management







EDMG 101

Version 1: September 2011

Executive Diploma in Business Management

1.0 Introduction:

Business has evolved from barter system, to crafts men’s union to factory system to the current global virtual business. It’s important at this juncture to impart basic knowledge to the student regarding the concept of business. This module is intended for students pursuing their Executive Diploma in Business Management and explains what business is and how businesses are created and run.

2.0 AIMS

This module is designed to provide a broad-based foundation in the study of management, and to prepare students for advanced courses in Management.

The module is structured so as to give students an overview of management in business organisations from a critical thinking perspective. By drawing on an extensive range of cases and the students ’ own personal experiences, the course emphasises the continual evolution of theories of management and the changing business context within which different theories are implemented


After completing this course, students will be able to:

Provide a critical analysis of the variety of roles exercised by managers and management styles followed in both profit and not-for-profit organisations.

 Describe the challenges faced by today’s managers and their staff and analyse the effectiveness of the strategic responses made by them to the principal external and internal environmental influences affecting their organisations

Critically evaluate theories and models of management and apply them to workplace situations, emphasising how managers typically undertake their roles, make decisions and seek to achieve goals within a modern organisational framework.

Explain some of the principal theories of power, leadership, motivation, and groups applicable to the modern organisation and apply these theories to critically evaluate the use of power in organisations and its relationship to leadership, motivation, teamwork, and the development of corporate culture.

Describe the principal functions involved in running a business and their inter-relationship within formally and informally structured organisations ( including the functions of marketing, human resource management, and the management of information technology)

identify the characteristics of successful and unsuccessful small businesses and the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in achieving success


It is divided into five integrated sections as follows:

Section 1- Overview: Understanding the World of Business

This section introduces and discusses a number of essential concepts- the business context, transformation processes, internal structures, employee motivation, responsiveness, and effects of government policy and legislation..

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Executive Diploma in Business Management

Section 2- The Environment of Business

These sections discuss the external environmental factors and their impact on the business organisation. Specific attention is given to the need of the enterprise to monitor the external environment and use the information gained to make decisions for the future and the changes such a strategy requires of the internal functions. The role of management in the process is discussed.

Section 3- Management

This section examines the management function, especially the role of management as an umbrella activity that spans the internal and external environment of the organisation through establishing multiple relationships with the organisation’s stakeholders.. The traditional view of management as a co-ordinating and controlling activity is discussed. Attention is given to certain topics such as leadership, motivation and groups essential to the supervision of people.

Section 4- Business Functions

This section introduces the students to the business functions of marketing, human resource management, and information systems and technology.

Particular attention is given to the interaction between and among these functions.

Section 5- The Small Business

As small businesses are important to the business landscape, an in depth discussion of this type of enterprise is given. Comparison is made with other enterprise forms in order to highlight the different managerial approaches needed. This section also provide the opportunity to bring together in an integrated whole much of the information covered in sections 2-4


Indicative Readings:

• Robbins, S. P, Management, 2009, Prentice Hall

Management leading in the Competitive World, Bateman, 8th edn,



Lectures-Tutorials-Seminars 21 hours

Directed and Independent learning: 90 hours

Assessment preparation:


49 hours

160 hours

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Executive Diploma in Business Management


Class Teaching Schedule







Familiarizing with the business context: external environment

The macro environmental variables.

Internal business environment and decision making

The importance of vision and mission, organizational culture and ethics and moral values in organizations. planning

Planning process

SWOT analysis

Stages in the process of

Organizational structure, integration and differentiation.

Types of structures

International structures

Ways of entering foreign markets

Work force diversity.

Composition of an organization’s work force

Diversity at work force

Personality and personality determinants.

Trait theories and humanist theories

International management

Different approaches to management

Roles of managers


Activity : Taking into account the operation of Coca-Cola (or any other company with which the students are familiar with) explain the nature of the company, the economic system prevalent in the home country, i.e. the USA and what business activity they undertake. And also explain how external variables affect their operation

Activity 1 : Students to write down how internal factors shape decision making

(Please see that inputs are given to the students first hand)

Activity 2: Give a case where in a merger was not successful because of the diverse culture existing in the two merged firms.

Require the students to identify the cultural elements that lead to the failure of the company.

Activity: Students must be given the profile of a company and its business performance scope and competitor’s profile. Based on that students are expected to come up with a SWOT analysis.

Activity: Business game: Two groups of students are given certain amount of

‘capital’ and man power and the objectives and scope of the business is defined. The groups then should be asked to come up with an appropriate structure to meet the goals of business with the given constraints.

Activity: The students are asked to reflect and write down the scenario that can occur if manager is less sensitive to the cultural differences of work force.

Activity: Administer a personality test to the students and interpret the results in a constructive way

Activity 1: The students are assigned a key task and are asked to play the role of the manager in solving that particular task.

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Influence of TQM

HR approaches

Activity 2: Give write up on a company which has successfully implemented TQM and require the students to elicit the TQM success factors from the context of the company




Learning organization

Team working and empowerment

Management skills


Decision making and problem solving.

Involving staff in decision making

Steps in decision making process

Improving decision quality

Golden rules of decision making

Problem solving

Managers and leaders

Approaches to leadership

The factors that influence leadership style

Leadership models

Performance Management

Clarity of performance objectives

Types of appraisal

Performance monitoring

Summing up the micro and macro environmental issues that influence decision making and importance of planning and need for an appropriate organizational structure.

Summing up work force diversity, different approaches to management, decision making, leadership and performance management

Activity: successful leaders like Lee Iacocca or Jack

Welch, require the students to identify the success factors

Activity: steps

Based on the write up of any

Give different roles of functional department heads to students and give them a scenario where in it requires cross functional communication and guide the students through the decision making





Students to write down in support of golden rules of decision making, based on the context of any organization

Students to come up with the best performance appraisal technique based on their own idea, justifying the merits of the technique they have opted.

Student need to do a PEST and

SWOT analysis on a tobacco company and need to come up with strategies that could help company tide over the threats in the environment, if any.

Activity: Students to come up with suggestions in the areas of leadership, decision making skills and performance management that could help an organization perform better.

Group discussion on the topic

‘Managers are leaders because they have the authority to act’


7.1 AIM

The aim of the assessment strategy is to identify formal practices and procedures for assessing and appraising the performance of participants in order those judgments and decisions can be reached concerning:

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The progression of participants through the programme.

How well participants have met the programme learning outcomes through the combination of the individual module learning outcomes.

The provision of feedback information to participants concerning their performance and how they adhered to the generic assessment criteria and the module-specific assessment criteria.

The underpinning principles which drive the assessment strategies adopted for this programme are the profile of the target participants and the programme itself (its philosophy and associated learning outcomes).


The following is an outline of the various assessment instruments / techniques on the programme:

7.2.1 ASSIGNMENTS (60%)

Written assignments are designed to allow students to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the module, which students must then apply to an issue concerned with that particular subject area in their own organisation, or one with which they are familiar. Students are either required to identify a process, issue or problem which they must describe, analyse and discuss, leading to conclusions and recommendations for a course of action which are backed by clearly reasoned argument. The assignments provide a regular assessment process, which tests the following:

 knowledge

 critical and analytical faculties

 planning skills

 organising ability

 report writing skills

Participants are requested to adhere to precise written instructions laid out in the module document to produce an academic article/essay on a selected area conforming to standards expected of good academic writing.


Final Examination is included in this module. This seeks to determine participants’ individual effectiveness in responding to specific questions under time-constrained invigilated conditions.

Examinations test retained knowledge and understanding and the student's ability to address questions and problems under examination conditions and time constraints.

This process simulates conditions under which managers invariably have to work - assessing what is needed, identifying options, establishing priorities, making decisions and communicating - all under pressure. Examinations also ensure that

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Executive Diploma in Business Management the student has to produce original work, which cannot benefit from outside help.

The examination process is valued by employers as it assures them that students on the program are thoroughly assessed on their own merits and cannot achieve a pass based largely on the work of others.



As part of the assessment of some modules, a presentation (individually) may contribute towards the overall assessment of that module.


Assessment regulations are based on a system valid for all students enrolled in the programme. The CATS scale for marking coursework and examinations valid within the course is given in the following table.


Above 70%


Excellent work which demonstrates that the student:

Possesses an authoritative grasp of the concepts, methodology and content appropriate to the subject and to the assessment

Selects and organises material with consistent success at an exceptionally high stage

Is able to display originality and personal insight and is capable of expressing their argument clearly, concisely and accurately.




< 40%

The student demonstrates:

An above average stage of understanding, organising, interpretation and a clear grasp of methodology suitable focused on the topic

An ability to synthesise material and to construct responses which reveal insight and may offer originality

A grasp of material that enables a coherent response to the assessment task to emerge

An ability to generate work that is accurate and appropriately organised.

The student is able to cover basic subject matter but in a relatively unimaginative and pedestrian manner. Organisation and presentation of material is acceptable but may display some weakness. Limitations in understanding and interpretation and difficulty in linking to relevant material may be evident.

The student’s performance is only just acceptable in most respects revealing some inadequacies in the grasp of material, weak organising ability and limited communication skills.

The student’s performance is deficient revealing inadequate grasp of material, poor organising ability and poorly developed communication skills.

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Week 1:

In this week of lecture/tutorial the focus will be on the following:

The factors in the external environment which affect business, such as political factors, economic factors, social factors, technological factors, Environmental and

Legal Factors.

Impact of external environment in developing corporate strategy

Learning outcome to be attained

- Relate to managers methods employed in monitoring assessing the environmental variables.

- Explain why managers monitor their environment, and how they are going to get benefited and how that can help achieve organization objectives.

Reading and preparation to be undertaken by the lecturer: a. Read the module material b. Background information on Coca-Cola c. Work out possible solutions to activities or exercises

Indicative reading:

• Robbins, S. P, Management, 2009, Prentice Hall

Week 1:

This week covers the internal environment of business.

Internal environmental factors shaping the organization include customers, both internal and external, suppliers, competitors and other stake holders of a business.

Emphasizing the need of building close relationships with customers and suppliers and distributors, creditors and other stakeholders of a business to achieve the objectives of the firm.

The importance of mission/vision, organizational culture and ethical and moral consideration for business.

Learning outcome to be attained

Identify and list the factors of the internal environment that directly influence organizations

To be able to understand the difference between the micro and macro environmental variables on business.

Reading and preparation to be undertaken by the lecturer: a. Read module material b. A case where in a merger was not successful because of the diverse culture existing in the two merged firms. Require the students to identify the cultural elements that lead to the failure of the company. c. Work out possible solutions to activities or exercises

Indicative reading:

• Robbins, S. P, Management, 2009, Prentice Hall

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Over this week of lecture and tutorial the following topics will be covered

The role of planning, the stages in the planning process and importance of planning in organizations.

SWOT analysis or assessing the strength and weakness of the company against the opportunities and threats in the environment to formulate appropriate business strategies

Operational planning including routine, one-off and contingency plans.

Learning outcomes to be achieved:

- Appreciate the importance of informed responses

- Know the important stakeholders that a business have, and the importance of maintaining close contacts with these stake holder groups.

Reading and preparation to be undertaken by the lecturer:

Read the module material

The profile of a company and its business performance, scope and competitor’s profile for which students are expected to come up with a SWOT analysis

Work out possible solutions to activities or exercises

Indicative reading:

• Robbins, S. P, Management, 2009, Prentice Hall

Over this week of lecture/tutorial the focus will be to help students acquire an understanding of:

The meaning and importance of organizational structure depicting the relationship between vertical and horizontal relationships and how structure differs from it when operate globally.

Different bases of departmentalization and the advantages and disadvantages associated with each.

Types of division of labor viz.; personal, vertical, horizontal and spatial and effective coordination.

International organization structures and ways to enter foreign markets.

Learning outcomes to be attained:

- Recognize and describe and describe an organization from analyzing its organization chart.

- Describe the relationship between division of labor and co-ordination

- Describe the different bases of departmentalization

- Explain how organization structure differ themselves while operate globally

Reading and preparation to be undertaken by the lecturer: a) Read the module material

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Executive Diploma in Business Management b) Prepare a business game where in two groups of students are given certain amount of ‘capital’ and man power and the objectives and scope of the business is defined. The groups then should be asked to come up with an appropriate structure to meet the goals of business with the given constraints. c) Work out possible solutions to activities or exercises

Indicative reading:

• Robbins, S. P, Management, 2009, Prentice Hall


Week 5 will cover the work force diversity and this is intended to help students acquire an in depth understanding of the intricacies of managing a diverse work and it includes the following:

Composition of an organizations workforce, the bases of work force diversity and management of the diverse workforce effectively.

Steps in human resource management including recruitment and selection, induction, training and performance management.

The learning outcomes for this week are

- Explain human profile resource management

- Understand the importance of diversity for an organization

- Describe advantages and disadvantages of diversity

Reading and preparation to be undertaken by the lecturer:

Read the module material

Work out possible solutions to activities or exercises

Indicative reading:

• Robbins, S. P, Management, 2009, Prentice Hall


In this week students will be introduced to the concept of personality and international management. The lecture and tutorial will cover:

Defining personality, and theories of personalities viz., trait theories and humanist theories

International management and ethnocentric, polycentric and geocentric orientations of management.

Learning outcomes to be attained:

- To appreciate the determinants of personality apart from social back ground and culture.

- The international organizations and their attitude towards the management of their operations.

Reading and preparation to be undertaken by the lecturer: a) Personality test a) Read the module material b) Work out possible solutions to activities or exercises

Indicative reading:

• Robbins, S. P, Management, 2009, Prentice Hall

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Executive Diploma in Business Management


In this week the lecture and tutorial will cover topics related to the approaches to management.

Roles of managers in modern organizations and rising expectation of positive contribution from managers

The influence of Total Quality Management, the important elements of TQM and

TQM success factors

Contribution of Human relations, scientific, systems and contingency approaches to the field of business management

The impact of external environment factors on organizations.

Learning outcomes to be attained:

Understand the different approaches to management as it evolved

Identify the roles of managers

Recognize the influence of TQM

Reading and preparation to be undertaken by the lecturer: a) To be ready with material on any company which has successfully implemented

TQM and require the students to elicit the TQM success factors from the context of the company b) Read the module material; c) Work out possible solutions to activities or exercises

Indicative reading:

• Robbins, S. P, Management, 2009, Prentice Hall


The focus of eighth week tutorial and lecture will be to help students understand the concept of learning organization. The related topic to be covered in the week includes;

The characteristics of learning organizations, grouped under the heading strategy, structures, access to information technology, looking out an learning opportunities

Team working and environment, management of authority, kinds of authority viz., knowledge, position and personality

Managerial skills as envisioned by Mintzberg and Fayol and leadership skills.

Learning outcomes to be attained:

- Understand the learning organization

- Appreciate team working, managerial skills and leadership skills

Reading and preparation to be undertaken by the lecturer: a) Write up of any successful leaders like Lee Iacocca or Jack Welch b) Read the module material; c) Work out possible solutions to activities or exercises

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Executive Diploma in Business Management

Indicative reading:

• Robbins, S. P, Management, 2009, Prentice Hall


The relevant topics for the week are

Decision making and problem solving, involvement of employees in decision making, and the decision making authority

Role of structured thinking in organizations and its ability to instill discipline when making decisions.

Learning outcomes for the week:

- Relate to the current decision making and problem solving processes of management.

- Comprehend how decision making process is used in a work related context.

Reading and preparation to be undertaken by the lecturer: a) Prepare cues for a role play where in different roles of functional department heads are assigned to students b) Read the module material; c) Work out possible solutions to activities or exercises

Indicative reading:

• Robbins, S. P, Management, 2009, Prentice Hall


Over this week of lecture the focus will be to help students acquire an insight into decision effectiveness and will also cover related topics

The seven golden rules of decision making that could improve competence in decision making.

Creation of choices, improving creativity in decision making and identifying and eliminating barriers to good decision making.

Problem solving and important stages of problem solving.

Learning outcomes of the week:

- Understand the application of the problem soling process

- Effective and informed decision making

Reading and preparation to be undertaken by the lecturer: a) Read the module material b) Write up in support of golden rules of decision making, based on the context of any organization c) Work out possible solutions to activities or exercises

Indicative reading:

• Robbins, S. P, Management, 2009, Prentice Hall

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Week 6:

This week of lecture and tutorial covers one of the most discussed issues in management, i.e. leadership which plays a significant role in the fortune of companies.

Distinguishing between management and leadership, and why managers are increasingly expected to lead.

A range of approaches to leadership, the factors that may influence leadership style and the situational leadership model.

Trait theories, style theories, contingency theories, transactional theories and transformational theories of leadership

Learning outcomes of the week:

- Differentiate between managing and leading and why managers are increasingly expected to lead

- Variables that influence leadership style

Reading and preparation to be undertaken by the lecturer: a) Prepare points on the topic of Group discussion ‘Managers are leaders because they have the authority to act ’ b) Read the module material c) Work out possible solutions to activities or exercises

Indicative reading:

• Robbins, S. P, Management, 2009, Prentice Hall


Over this week of lecture the focus will be to help students acquire information on:

Systems for managing performance of employees, and importance of clarity of objectives.

Setting and negotiating performance objectives, performance monitoring, conducting evaluation and different types of appraisals.

Learning outcomes of the week:

- Explain the importance of performance objectives and agree on performance objectives

- Determine the level of accountability and responsibility


- Provide appropriate support to team members by rewarding and recognizing contribution, giving constructive feed back and monitoring and reviewing performance.

Reading and preparation to be undertaken by the lecturer: a) A comparison chart depicting different appraisal techniques. b) Read the module material c) Work out possible solutions to activities or exercises

Indicative reading:

• Robbins, S. P, Management, 2009, Prentice Hall


This week sum up the first six weeks of the lecture and tutorial and directs the focus of students on:

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How managers should direct their response, leaning on their skills, based on internal and external analysis.

The significance of planning and prompt decision making and advantages of having an apt organizational structure.

Tactful management of work force diversity, and bases and approaches to dealing with work force diversity.

Learning outcome:

Students must be able to integrate the various elements they have studied for the first six weeks and approach business issues in its whole and parts and should demonstrate practical understanding of the issues they have learned.

Reading and preparation to be undertaken by the lecturer: a) Prepare a PEST and SWOT analysis on any tobacco company b) Mind map for topics covering week 1 to week 6 c) Read the module material; covering first six week

Indicative reading:

• Robbins, S. P, Management, 2009, Prentice Hall


This week sum up the last six weeks of the lecture and tutorial and directs the focus of topics on:

The strategic management process, steps in strategy formulation, and importance of innovation and change for a business to be successful.

Different approaches to management, the influence of TQM in management and the concept of learning organization.

Effective decision making and problem solving and improving creativity in decision making.

Approaches to leadership, leadership styles and performance management in organizations.

Learning outcomes for the week:

Students need to assimilate and integrate the understanding they gained from the discussion of above and reflect independently on business issues.

Reading and preparation to be undertaken by the lecturer: a) Mind map for topics covering week 7 to week 12 b) Read the module material; covering week 7 to week 12

Indicative reading:

• Robbins, S. P, Management, 2009, Prentice Hall

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