West Indies - Salem Community Schools

West Indies
Research Guide
Team Members
To really understand your island and appreciate the similarities and differences between the West Indies and
Connecticut you need to look at many aspects of your island. The following topics were selected to guide you in your
research. Everyone will complete their own packet but you may want to select two people to look for specific
information in the following areas.
Island Researched
Mapping Our Island &
People of the Island
Whole Team
Whole Team
Island Nature &
Island Economy &
Arts &
Think about: How is this similar or different from Connecticut?
page 2
Mapping Our Island-Introduction: Whole Team
Where is your island located? How
big it in square miles? What islands
are near your island?
Does your island have mountains or Does your island have beaches or
volcanoes? What waters or rivers are deserts/ jungles or forests? Describe
on/near your island? Describe them. them.
Think about: How is this similar or different from Connecticut?
page 3
People of The Island-Introduction: Whole Team
What is the capital of your island?
What are the major cities? Show
them on your map.
How many people live on your
island? Where do most of the people
live? What language do they speak?
Think about: How is this similar or different from Connecticut?
Does your island have roads,
harbors, airports, large buildings or
develop-ments? Show them on your
page 4
Island Nature-Environmentalist:
What trees, plants or flowers grow
naturally on your island?
What animals, birds, reptiles or
insects are found?
Think about: How is this similar or different from Connecticut?
Are there any environmental issues
on your island?
page 5
The Island Climate-Environmentalist:
Does your island have seasons? What How much does it rain on your
are the usual temperatures?
island? What kind of storms are
Think about: How is this similar or different from Connecticut?
Are there other interesting weather
page 6
Island Economy-Business Specialist:
What is the money or currency of the What do they export or import (sell
country called?
or buy form other countries) ?
Think about: How is this similar or different from Connecticut?
How does tourism help your island?
page 7
Island Resources-Business Specialist:
Are there farmers? What crops do
they grow or animals do they raise?
Are there natural resources?
Think about: How is this similar or different from Connecticut?
Are there fishermen? What kind of
fish do they catch?
page 8
Island Organizations-Civic Specialist:
What are the schools like?
What sports do they play or watch?
Think about: How is this similar or different from Connecticut?
What are the major religions?
page 9
Arts & Entertainment-Entertainment Specialist:
Are there any special holidays?
What is the music or dance like?
Think about: How is this similar or different from Connecticut?
What are the arts and crafts like?
page 10
Island History -Historian:
Who lived on your island before it
was discovered by explorers? What
were they like, how did they live?
What European explorers later
arrived on your island? What year
was it?
Think about: How is this similar or different from Connecticut?
What did the discoverers bring to
your island? What did they take from
your island?
page 11