Test over “Christmas Carol” ______1. When does the action in Act 1 take place? a. Christmas Day B Christmas Eve c. New Years Day d. New Years Eve _______2. “Old Joe looked over each item carefully to appraise its value, so he would know what to pay the undertaker, the charwoman and Mrs. Dilber.” What does appraise mean? a. see how much it’s worth b.see how much it weighs c.see how large it was d.see who he could give it to _______3. Scrooge said to Bob Cratchit, “Christmas is like a poor excuse for picking a man’s pocket.” This is an example of which of the following: a. onomatopoeia b. metaphor c. simile d. personification ______4. Mr. Fezziwig spent but a few pounds of his mortal money on a party What kind of money is mortal money? a. money that will live forever b. money that will soon be gone c. money that should be used for other things d. money that belonged to someone else. _____5. Which statement best explains why Scrooge purchased a turkey for the Cratchits? a. He wanted an invitation to their house b. He felt sorry for the errand boy c. He was tired of their constant complaining d. He wanted them to have a wonderful Christmas. _____6. Which statement from the story is an opinion of Scrooge’s? a. Every idiot who goes about saying “Merry Christmas” should be boiled with his own pudding. b. Mr. Marley has been dead these seven years. He died seven years to this day. c. Take your leave of my office while I am still smiling. d. Do you sprinkle your kindness on any particular people or on all people? _____7. Who is Marley? a. Scrooge’s nephew b. Scrooge’s brother c. Scrooge’s partner d. Scrooge’s assistant _____8. What did you learn about Scrooge’s character from Marley in the first scene of Act. 1 ? a. He was a good friend to Marley b. He often gives money to beggars. c. He is a solitary miser d. He likes dark winter days. ______9. “The turkey would have snapped the boys’ legs off like sticks of ceiling wax.” This is an example of what literary term? a. hyperbole b. metaphor c. onomatopoeia d. personification _____10. What did you learn about Scrooge as a boy during the visit from the Ghost of Christmas Past? a. He was alone and lonely as a boy b. He was a favorite of the schoolmaster. c. He cared only about money even then d. He was apprenticed as a young boy. _____11. The author’s purpose for writing this story was a. To inform the reader about the terrible conditions of the poor b. To entertain the reader with a good feeling Christmas story c. To persuade the reader to give to the poor d. To describe the rich and the poor a long time ago. _____12. Which sentence below is an accurate comparison/contrast of Scrooge and his nephew Fred? a. Scrooge and Fred are not closely related, but they co-owners of the counting house business. b. Scrooge and Fred are closely related, but they have none of the same personality traits. c. Scrooge and Fred are closely related, but they never want to eat Christmas dinner together. d. Scrooge and Fred are closely related, and they really love to spend time with each other. _____13.The major conflict in this story is which of the following? a. Scrooge vs. Marley b. Scrooge vs. Scrooge c. Scrooge vs. Christmas d. Scrooge vs. Fred _____14. The Cratchits did not have enough food for their family. Scrooge purchased a large turkey on Christmas day for them. This is an example of what text structure? a. cause and effect b. problem and solution c. comparison and contrast d. sequence ________15. “Scrooge is a solitary oyster.” This sentence is an example of what type of figurative language? a. metaphor b. simile c. analogy d. hyperbole ________16. In Act 2, What does Scrooge’s desire to talk with his niece and nephew reveal? a. Scrooge regrets how he has treated them and wants to make amends. b. Scrooge wants to tell them to have turkey for Christmas Day c. Scrooge wants to tell them to help Tiny Tim. d. Scrooge will tell them about the Spirits. _________17. What does the word audible mean as used in this passage? “Make me audible. I want my nephew to be able to hear me.” a. invisible b. able to walk c. able to be heard d. visible __________18. What does the word destitute mean as used in this passage? “We should make some slight provision for the destitute because without our help they will have no Christmas food or gifts.” a. rich b. greedy c. affluent d. poor __________19. What was the main problem in this story? a. Scrooge misses his old friend, Marley. b. Scrooge has no living relatives to spend Christmas with. c. Scrooge is selfish and greedy and needs to change. d. Scrooge gives away all his money and becomes poor. __________20. Because Scrooge died, people came in and stole his belongings. This is an example of what kind of text structure? a. Problem and Solution b. Cause and Effect c. Comparison and Contrast d. Description __________21. What does the word midnight mean? a. At 1:00 a.m. b. In the middle of the night c. At 12:00 p.m. d In the middle of the late evening ___________22 Scrooge became obsessed with money more than his fiancé. She broke up with him. This is an example of what text structure. a. sequence b. cause and effect c. problem and solution d. comparison and contrast _____________23 Scrooge stated to the Portly Man, “I’m much obliged to you. I thank you fifty times.” This is an example of what literary term? a. analogy b. personification c. hyperbole d. metaphor ____________24. Marley visited Scrooge, the Ghost of Christmas Past scared Scrooge, the Ghost of Christmas Present made Scrooge see into his nephew’s house, and the Ghost of Christmas Future made Scrooge change his way.” The above paragraph is an example of what text structure? a. descriptive b. problem and solution c. cause and effect d. sequence _______________25 “I am quite a baby.” This is an example of what figurative language? a. personification b. metaphor c. onomatopoeia d. simile _______________26 “I present to you Ebenezer Scrooge… England’s most tightfisted hand at the grindstone. Scrooge! A squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner.” The above paragraph is an example of what text structure? a. compare and contrast b. problem and solution c. description d. sequence ________________27 Which paragraph best summarizes the story? a. Bob Cratchit always had trouble supporting his family. Finally, Mr. Scrooge gave him a raise to help him out. b. Jacob Marley was a miser when he was alive. His job was to change Scrooge before he died. c. Fred and Scrooge were related. Fred always wanted Scrooge to come to Christmas dinner. Finally, Scrooge had a change of heart and came. d. Ebenezer Scrooge was a miser and hated anything to do with Christmas. He was visited by three ghosts, and he changed into a very generous person.