Book Summary

SAGE Reading
Book Summary
Due: April 22, 2015
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Once you have read The Hound of the Baskervilles complete a plot summary
Flow/Tree Map describing each element of the narrative plot (exposition, rising
action, climax, falling action and resolution). Be sure to give examples of each
(50 points - that’s 10 points per element. Think a paragraph for each element :-)
Exposition includes the setting and the background of the story. It should give the
reader a starting place for understanding the storyline.
Rising Action is anything which moves the storyline forward toward the climax.
Think about important things that happened as you read the story. You’ll need at least three
examples to get full credit.
Climax is the time in the story when changes, big changes occur. Usually it’s the
big fight between the “good guy and the bad guy” or when the ship sinks.
Falling Action occurs after the climax, the heroes get to go home, or the villagers
come out of hiding after the dust settles.
Resolution is the final wrap up of the story. “They lived happily ever after”.
In addition to the summary please find 5 examples of the author’s use of figurative
language (similes, metaphors, personification, idioms – Your choice). (15 points)
1. Write the complete sentence in which the figurative language is found. (5pts)
2. Label the kind of figurative language. (5pts)
3. Explain how it is being used. (5pts)
Summary Checklist
Plot Flow/Tree Map
Rising Action
Falling Action
Figurative Language
Five examples
a. sentence
b. label
c. explanation