Name Date Choose a literary term from the word bank below and write it next to its correct definition. Each word will be used only once. character third person internal conflict conflict fiction characterization external conflict rising action point of view setting climax exposition falling action resolution first person plot short story 1. PLOT all the events which make up the story 2. EXPOSITION 3. SETTING part of PLOT, beginning of story where character and setting are revealed time and place for the action of the story 4. CHARACTER person in the story 5. CHARACTERIZATION creation of characters using any of 6 methods 6. POINT OF VIEW perspective from which a story is told 7. 1ST PERSON story is told by a character within the action (I, me, my) 8. 3RD PERSON story is told by someone outside the action (he, she) 9. RISING ACTION 10. CONFLICT part of PLOT, series of events leading up to the climax, driven by conflict main problems or struggles in a story, drives the rising action 11. INTERNAL CONFLICT struggle within the heart or mind of the character 12. EXTERNAL CONFLICT clash of outside forces 13. FICTION 14. SHORT STORY 15. CLIMAX 16. FALLING ACTION 17. RESOLUTION writing about people and events that are the product of an author’s imagination a work of fiction, intended to be read at one sitting, which produces a single major effect part of PLOT, the most intense and exciting part of a story, the conflict has reached its peak part of PLOT, events following the climax where the tension releases and the story begins to close part of PLOT, ending of a story where loose ends are tied up