“The Importance of Recycling” Public Service Announcement You will write a 30-second Public Service Announcement (PSA) that can air on a local access cable channel or radio station, be shown to the school, or posted on the UMS website. A PSA is a short, non-commercial announcement that provides information to the public. A successful PSA meets the following objectives: Gets the viewer's/listener’s attention Convinces the audience that they can make a difference Makes every word and image count Uses emotions to compel your audience Clearly calls the viewer to action Always try to answer the obvious questions of who, what, when, where, why and how. Your PSA will include the following vocabulary: natural resource, renewable resource, nonrenewable resource, recycling Write/Google Docs 1-2 paragraphs (30 seconds) about the importance of recycling, using these vocab words. Include an illustration/drawing/image…up to you! Please use this paper for a rough draft of ideas. Your final PSA will be on page ___ of your INB. (unless on google docs)