Catcher in the Rye Unit Test.doc

English 9 Catcher in the Rye Unit Test
100 Points Possible
-Catcher in the Rye Unit Test-
PART I: Quotation Identification (10 x 3 points each = 30 possible points)
Directions: Decide who said the words at the right and right the correct letter into the space on the left.
1) _____ Mr. Antolini
“How ‘bout writing a composition for me, for
English?” Just as long as it’s descriptive as hell… Just don’t
do it too good, is all…So I mean don’t stick all the commas in
the right place.”
2) _____ Ackley
“You did get kicked out! You did!…You did! Oh
Holden!…You did. You did… Daddy’ll kill you!
3) _____ Stradlater
“Holden!…It’s marvelous to see you! It’s been ages.”
4) _____ Sunny
Do you have any qualms about leaving Pencey?
Do you feel no concern for your future, boy?.. You will, boy.
You will when it’s too late. I’d like to put some sense in that
head of yours, boy. I’m trying to help you, if I can.
5) _____ Mrs. Morrow
“Hey, listen…You know those ducks in that
lagoon right near Central Park South? That little lake? By any
chance, do you happen to know where they go, the ducks,
when it gets all frozen over? Do you happen to know, by any
6) _____ Phoebe
“I have a feeling that you’re riding for some kind of
terrible, terrible fall. But, I don’t honestly know
what kind…Are you listening to me?…It may be the kind
where, at the age of thirty, you sit in some bar hating
everybody who comes in looking as if he might have played
football in college. Then again, you may pick up just enough
education to hate people who say, ‘It’s the difference between
you and I.’”
7) _____ Holden
“What the heck did you tell that crazy Maurice you
wanted a girl for, then? If you just had a goddam operation on
your goddam wuddayacallit. Huh?
8) _____ Mr. Spencer
“Well he [Ernest Morrow] is a very sensitive boy.
He’s really never been a terribly good mixer with
other boys. Perhaps he takes things a little more
seriously than he should at his age.”
9) _____ Sally Hayes
It’s ten bucks, chief. I tole ya that. Ten bucks for a
throw, fifteen bucks till noon. I tole ya that.”
10) ______ Maurice
“Listen. I gotta get up and go to Mass in the
morning, for Chrissake. You guys start hollering
and fighting in the middle of the goddam—What
the hell was the fight about, anyhow?…No, but for Chrissake,
I can’t just tell somebody they can sleep in his goddam bed if
they want to.”
-2PART II: Theme Writing (5 responses x 4 points each = 20 possible points)
Directions: Follow the directions below and respond in writing please.
1) Provide a good, complete definition of a Theme:
2) Write one solid theme for J.D. Salinger’s book, The Catcher in the Rye:
J.D. Salinger’s book, The Catcher in the Rye, gives us the message that: _____________________________
3) Provide three pieces of evidence (i.e., scenes, moments, or words) from the story that support your
i. _____________________________________________________________________________
ii. _____________________________________________________________________________
PART III: Character/Plot Matching (20 responses x 1.5 points each = 30 possible points)
Directions: Read the description on the right. Decide who it describes and write the correct letter on the line next
to the character that is described.
1) _____ Holden Caulfield
A) What Holden wants to grow up to be
2) _____ Mr. Thurmer
B) The pimply Pencey Prep student who Holden
turns to for support (Nobody likes him)
3) _____ Jane Gallagher
C) We never find out whether he is a pervert who
tries to molest Holden or just a good friend of the
Caulfield family
4) _____ Allie Caulfield
D) A cab driver who tells Holden that Mother
Nature takes care of us, so there is no need to
5) _____ Old Luce
E) This Pencey Prep student is “yearbook” good-looking
6) _____ D.B. Caulfield
F) The History teacher who reads Holden’s failed
History Exam out loud to him
7) _____ Mr. Spencer
G) He is about “as sensitive as a toilet seat”
8) _____ Mr. Antolini
H) He used to like to write poems on his baseball
glove to read while he stood in the outfield during
baseball games
9) _____ Ackley
I) Holden has breakfast with them and discusses
Romeo and Juliet
10) _____ Stradlater
J) Holden can’t stand this type of people, but he
seems to find them everywhere he goes
11) _____ Maurice
K) One of Holden’s favorite writers; he wrote the
short story, “The Secret Goldfish”
12) _____ Horowitz
L) Holden meets this old classmate at the Wicker
Bar; he seems way too mature for Holden
13) _____ Mrs. Morrow
M) This elevator operator punches Holden in the
belly and steals money from Holden for sex
that he never had
14) _____ Phoebe
N) Holden’s little sister
15) _____ Holden’s Parents
O) Holden gets really jealous when Stradlater goes
on a date with her
16) _____ Sally Hayes
P) The headmaster of Pencey Prep.; Holden thinks
he is a phony too
17) _____ The Nuns
Q) Holden thinks this older women is attractive; he
also convinces her that her son is one of the
most popular people at Pencey Prep.
18) _____ Ernest Morrow
R) Every time Holden has problems in a school,
they move him to another school
19) _____ Phonies
S) She wants to go ice skating because she likes the
way she looks in a skirt
20) _____ The Catcher in the Rye
T) A terribly depressed, mixed-up teenager who is
looking for someone to talk to
-4PART III: Vocabulary (10 responses x 2 points each = 20 possible points)
Directions: Look at the clues given below and think about the familiar parts of vocabulary words that you have
learned. Try to figure out a meaning for the words I have given you and write those meanings in the spaces provided.
1) If I told you that “acro” refers to heights, then what does the word, acrophobia, mean?
2) If I told you that “ology” means the study of, then what does the word, morphology mean?
3) If I told you that “cide” means to kill, then what does the word, matricide, mean?
4) If I told you that “typical” means common, then what does the word, atypical, mean?
5) If I told you that “carni” means meat, then what does the word, carnivore, mean?
Directions: Answer the following questions by writing the answers in the spaces provided.
6) The word, pedantic, means: _________________________________________________________
7) The word, subservient, is what part of speech? __________________________________________
8) Use the word, plethora, correctly in a sentence. __________________________________________
9) What is a good synonym for the word, nettle? __________________________________________
10) Use the word, brandish, correctly in a sentence. ________________________________________
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