WS 2006/07

WS 2006/07
Do 10-12, G25
Prof. Dr. R. Borgmeier
HS: Elizabethan Love Poetry
I. General
Brooks-Davies, Douglas (Ed.). Silver Poets of the Sixteenth Century: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Henry
Howard, Sir Walter Ralegh, Sir Philip Sidney, Mary Sidney, Michael Drayton and Sir John
Davies. London: Dent, 1994.
FH ang Ax 3.10
DiGangi, Mario. "'Love Is Not (Heterosexual) Love': Historicizing Sexuality in Elizabethan
Poetry". In: Patrick Cheney & Anne Lake Prescott (Eds.). Approaches to Teaching Shorter
Elizabethan Poetry. New York, NY: Modern Language Association of America; 2000. 173-78.
Ewbank, Inga Stina. “Sincerity and the Sonnet”. In: Essays and Studies, 34 (1981), 19-44.Z64
Fowler, Alastair. Triumphal Forms: Structural Patterns in Elizabethan Poetry. Cambridge, 1970.
F KG 929
Fumerton, Patricia. “’Secret’ Arts: Elizabethan Miniatures and Sonnets”. In: Representations, 15
(1986), 57-97.
Hazard, Mary E. “Absent Presence and Present Absence: Cross-Couple Convention in Elizabethan
Culture”. In: Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 29:1 (1987), 1-27. ZZ 71/250
Headlam Wells, Robin. Elizabethan mythologies: studies in poetry, drama and music.
Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994.
FBB: F KQ 1217
Ingram, William. “Minstrels in Elizabethan London: Who Were They, What Did They Do?”. In:
English Literary Renaissance, 14:1 (1984), 29-54.
Kastan, David Scott. "Impressions of Poetry: The Publication of Elizabethan Lyric Verse". In:
Patrick Cheney & Anne Lake Prescott (Eds.). Approaches to Teaching Shorter Elizabethan
Poetry. New York, NY: Modern Language Association of America; 2000. 156-60.
Kuin, Roger. Chamber Music: Elizabethan Sonnet-sequences and the Pleasure of
Criticism. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1998.
FBB: F KP 1265
Leslie, Michael. “The Dialogue between Bodies and Souls: Pictures and Poesy in the English
Renaissance”. In: Word and Image: A Journal of Verbal Visual Inquiry, 1:1 (1985), 16-30.
Manley, Lawrence. Convention. 1500-1700. Cambridge, Mass., 1980.
F BK 1049
Martz, Louis L. The Poetry of Meditation. New Haven, 1954.
F KP 737
May, Steven W. The Elizabethan Courtier Poets: Their Poems and their Contexts. Columbia: U of
Missouri P, 1991.
Merrix, Robert P. “The Vale of Lillies and the Bower of Bliss: Soft-Core Pornography in
Elizabethan Poetry”. In: Journal of Popular Culture, 19:4 (1986), 3-16.
FBB Ang.
Peterson, Douglas L. The English Lyric from Wyatt to Donne: A Study of the Plain and Eloquent
Styles. Princeton, 1967.
FKP 893
Phillips, Patricia. The Adventurous Muse: Theories of Originality in English Poetics 1650-1760.
Uppsala, 1984.
UB: SS 63/ 4253
Spiller, Michael R. G. The Sonnet Sequence: A Study of Its Strategies (Studies in literary themes
and genres). New York: Twayne, 1997.
FBB: F CP 1253
Thompson, J. The Founding of English Meter. New York, 1962.
F XE 821
Tuve, Rosemond. Elizabethan and Metaphysical Imagery. Chicago, 1947.
F BC 661
Wilson, Scott. “Racked on the Tyrant´s Bed: The Politics of Pleasure and Pain and the Elizabethan
Sonnet Sequences”. In: Textual Practice, 3:2 (1989), 234-249.
II. The Individual Authors
1. Thomas Campion
Coren, Pamela. "In the Person of Womankind: Female Persona Poems by Campion, Donne,
Jonson". In: Studies in Philology, 2001 Spring; 98 (2): 225-50.
online access
De Scarpis, Valerio. “The Poetry of Thomas Campion and the Elizabethan Understanding of
Musique Mesuree”. In: Paola Bottalla e.a. (Eds.). Counting and Recounting: Measuring Inner
and Outer Space in the Renaissance. Trieste: La Mongolfiera, 1995. 103-28.
Dunn, Leslie. “The Lyric II, Poetry and Song”. In: Christopher Ricks (Ed.). New History of
Literature II: English Poetry and Prose, 1540-1674. New York: Bedrick, 1987. 107-119.
Friedman, Lawrence S. “Words into Power: Renaissance Expression and Thomas Campion”. In:
English Studies: A Journal of English Language and Literature, 69:2 (1988), 130-145.Z8
Ratcliffe, Stephen. "Words and Music: Campion and the Song Tradition". In: Patrick Cheney &
Anne Lake Prescott (Eds.). Approaches to Teaching Shorter Elizabethan Poetry. New York,
NY: Modern Language Association of America; 2000. 216-19.
Reitenbach, Gail. “’Maydes Are Simple, Some Men Say’: Thomas Campion´s Female Persona
Poems”. In: Anne M. Haselkorn e.a. (Eds.). The Renaissance English Woman in Print:
Counterbalancing the Canon. Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 1990. 80-95.
Weiner, Seth. “Spenser´s Study of English Syllables and its Completion by Thomas Campion”. In:
Spenser Studies: A Renaissance Poetry Annual, 3 (1982), 3-56.
2. Henry Constable
Oliveira e Silva, J. de. “’Plainness and Truth’: The Secular and Spiritual Sonnets of Henry
Constable”. In: University of Hartford Studies in Literature: A Journal of Interdisciplinary
Criticism, 15-16:3-1 (1983-1984), 33-42.
3. Samuel Daniel
Brink, Jean R. “Framing Philosophy: Sidney and Daniel”. In: Mark Lussier e.a. (Eds.). Perspective
as a Problem in the Art, History and Literature of Early Modern England. Lewiston, NY:
Mellen, 1992. 81-93.
Bruzzi, Zara. “’I find Myself Unparadis´d’: The Integrity of Daniel´s Delia”. In: Cahiers
Elisabethains: Late Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 48 (1995), 1-15.
Godshalk, W. L. “Recent Studies in Samuel Daniel (1975-1990)”. In: English Literary
Renaissance, 24:2 (1994), 489-502.
Nelson, Lowry Jr. “The Matter of Rime: Sonnets of Sidney, Daniel and Shakespeare”. In: Maynard
Mack e.a. (Ed.). Poetic Traditions of the English Renaissance. New Haven: Yale UP, 1982.
F KC 1074
Svenson, Lars Hakan. “Silent Art: Rhetorical and Thematic Patterns in Samuel Daniel´s Delia”. In:
LSE, 57 (1980), 389.
4. Michael Drayton
Ross, Heather. “Michael Drayton´s ‘Ideas’ and the ‘Where’ and the ‘Whence’ of Allegory”.
Marlies Kronegger (Ed.). Allegory Old and New in Literature, the Fine Arts, Music and Theatre
and its Continuity in Culture. Dordrecht: Kluwer Acad., 1994. 83-91.
Wentworth, Michael. “’When First I Ended, Then I First Began’: Petrarch´s Triumph in Michael
Drayton´s Idea”. In: David C. Allen e.a. (Eds.). Subjects on the World´s Stage: Essays on
British Literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Newark: U of Delaware P, 1995.
5. William Shakespeare
Blake, Norman F. The Language of Shakespeare. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1989.
FH ang Cs 1.17
Dobson, Michael (Ed.). The Oxford companion to Shakespeare. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2005.
UB: FH ang Cs 2.34
Droste, Flip G. "Linguistic Thinking; or the Poet, His Beloved and the Outsider". Journal of
Literary Semantics, 2003; 32 (1): 1-18.
Ferry, Anne. The ‘Inward’ Language: Sonnets of Wyatt, Sidney, Shakespeare, Donne. Chicago: U
of Chicago P, 1983.
Ferry, Anne. "The Sense of Rhyme: Sidney and Shakespeare". In: Literary Imagination: The
Review of the Association of Literary Scholars and Critics, 2002 Spring; 4 (2): 163-89.
Fineman, Joel. Shakespeare´s Perjured Eye: The Invention of Poetic Subjectivity in the Sonnets.
Berkeley: U of California P, 1986.
Franz, Wilhelm. Shakespeare´s Blankvers: Mit Nachträgen zu des Verfassers ShakespeareGrammatik. Tübingen: Verlag des Englischen Seminars, 1932.
KS 836
Innes, Paul. Shakespeare and the English Renaissance Sonnet: Verses of Feigning Love.
Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998.
[F KP 1253]
Kuin, Roger. “The Gaps and the Whites: Indeterminacy and Undecideability in the Sonnet
Sequences of Sidney, Spenser and Shakespeare”. In: Spenser Studies: A Renaissance Poetry
Annual, 8 (1987), 251-285.
Nelson, Lowry Jr. “The Matter of Rime: Sonnets of Sidney, Daniel and Shakespeare”. In: Maynard
Mack e.a. (Ed.). Poetic Traditions of the English Renaissance. New Haven: Yale UP, 1982.
F KC 1074
Robinson, Peter. "Pretended Speech Acts in Shakespeare's Sonnets". In: Essays in Criticism: A
Quarterly Journal of Literary Criticism, 2001 July; 51 (3): 283-307.
FBB: Z 60
Sarkar, Malabika. “The Magic of Shakespeare´s Sonnets”. In: Renaissance Studies: Journal of the
Society for Renaissance Studies, 12:2 (1998), 251-260.
Schabert, Ina (Ed.). Shakespeare-Handbuch: die Zeit, der Mensch, das Werk, die Nachwelt.
Stuttgart: Kröner, 1992.
KS 865
Scott, Alison V. "Hoarding the Treasure and Squandering the Truth: Giving and Possessing in
Shakespeare's Sonnets to the Young Man". In: Studies in Philology, 2004 Summer; 101 (3):
online access
Weiner, Andrew D. “Sidney/ Spenser/ Shakespeare: Influence/ Intertextuality/ Intention”. In: Jay
Clayton e.a. (Ed.). Influence and Intertextuality in Literary History. Madison: U of Wisconsin
P, 1991. 245-70.
Wells, Stanley (Ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge
UP, 1987.
Wright, George T. Shakespeare´s Metrical Art. Berkeley: U of California P, 1988.
FH ang Cs 1.33
6. Sir Philip Sidney
Baker, Moira P. “’The Uncanny Stranger on Display’: The Female Body in Sixteenth- and
Seventeenth-Century Love Poetry”. In: South Atlantic Review, 56:2 (1991), 7-25.
Bates, Catherine. "Astrophil and the Manic Wit of the Abject Male". SEL: Studies in English
Literature, 1500-1900, 2001 Winter; 41 (1): 1-24.
Z 109
Bawcutt, Priscilla. “A Crux in Astrophil and Stella, Sonnet 21”. In: Notes and Queries, (227):5
(1982), 406-408.
Z 90
Bowers, Rick. “Sidney´s Astrophil and Stella, 82”. In: Explicator, 51:3 (1993), 141-43.
Z 92
Brink, Jean R. “Framing Philosophy: Sidney and Daniel”. In: Mark Lussier e.a. (Eds.). Perspective
as a Problem in the Art, History and Literature of Early Modern England. Lewiston, NY:
Mellen, 1992. 81-93.
Cain, Jeffrey P. “Sidney´s Astrophil and Stella, Sonnet 108”. In: Explicator, 52:1 (1993), 12-16.
Campbell, Marion. “Unending Desire: Sidney´s Reinvention of Petrarchan Form in Astrophil and
Stella”. In: Gary F. Waller e.a. (Eds.). Sir Philip Sidney and the Interpretation of Renaissance
Culture: The Poet in His Time and in Ours: A Collection of Critical and Scholarly Essays.
London; Totowa, NJ: Croom Helm; Barnes & Noble, 1984. 84-94.
Daalder, Joost. “Sidney´s Astrophil and Stella,31”. In: Explicator, 49:3 (1991), 135-36.
Z 92
DeGrazia, Margreta. “Lost Potential in Grammar and Nature: Sidney´s Astrophil and Stella”. In:
SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, 21:1 (1981), 21-35.
Z 109
Dubrow, Heather. Echoes of Desire: English Petrarchism and Its Counterdiscourses. Ithaca:
Cornell UP, 1995.
F KP 1229
Duncan-Jones, Katherine. “Sidney, Stella and Lady Rich”. In: Jan van Dorsten e.a. (Eds.). Sir
Philip Sidney: 1586 and the Creation of a Legend. Leiden: Brill, 1986. 170-192. folder
Farrett, Martin (Ed.). Sidney: The Critical Heritage. London: Routledge, 1996.
K SID 1001
Ferry, Anne. The ‘Inward’ Language: Sonnets of Wyatt, Sidney, Shakespeare, Donne. Chicago: U
of Chicago P, 1983.
Ferry, Anne. "The Sense of Rhyme: Sidney and Shakespeare". In: Literary Imagination: The
Review of the Association of Literary Scholars and Critics, 2002 Spring; 4 (2): 163-89.
Fienberg, Nora. “The Emergence of Stella in Astrophil and Stella”. In: SEL: Studies in English
Literature, 1500-1900, 25:1 (1985), 5-19.
Z 109
Gabor, Katona. “The Lover´s Education: Psychic Development in Sidney´s Astrophel and Stella”.
In: Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies, 1:2 (1995), 3-17.
Galvan, Fernando. “’I Am Not I, Pitie the Tale of Me’: Reading and Writing (in) Astrophil and
Stella”. In: Journal of the Spanish Society for English Renaissance Studies, 4 (1993), 41-62.
Gray, Erik. "Sonnet Kisses: Sidney to Barrett Browning". In: Essays in Criticism: A Quarterly
Journal of Literary Criticism, 2002 Apr; 52 (2): 126-42.
FBB: Z 60
Hager, Alan. “Astrophil´s ‘Tragicomedy of Love ... Performed by Starlight’. In: Dazzling Images:
The Masks of Sir Philip Sidney. Newark: U of Delaware P, 1991. 63-81.
Hanson, Kristin. "Quantitative Meter in English: The Lesson of Sir Philip Sidney". In: English
Language and Linguistics, 2001 May; 5 (1): 41-91.
Heninger, S. K. Jr. Sidney and Spenser: The Poet as Maker. University Park: Pennsylvania State
UP, 1989.
Heninger, S. K. Jr. “Spenser, Sidney and Poetic Form”. In: Studies in Philology, 88:2 (1991), 14052.
Z 20
Hull, Elizabeth M. “All My Deed But Copying Is: The Erotics of Identity in Astrophil and Stella”.
In: Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 38:2 (1996), 175-90.
ZZ 71/250
Hulse, Clark. “Stella´s Wit: Penelope Rich as Reader of Sidney´s Sonnets”. In: Margaret W.
Ferguson e.a. (Eds.). Rewriting the Renaissance: The Discourse of Sexual Difference in Early
Modern Europe. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1986. 272-286.
F KA 1122
Javitch, Daniel. “The Impure Motives of Elizabethan Poetry”. In: Genre: Forms of Discourse and
Culture, 15:2-3 (1982), 225-238.
Kinney, Arthur F. (Ed.). Essential Articles for the Study of Sir Philip Sidney. Hamden: Archon,
1986. [A Selection of Articles].
Kuin, Roger. “Feint/Frenzy: Madness and the Elizabethan Love Sonnet”. In: Criticism: A
Quarterly for Literature and the Arts, 31:1 (1989), 1-20.
ZZ 71/152
Kuin, Roger. “The Gaps and the Whites: Indeterminacy and Undecideability in the Sonnet
Sequences of Sidney, Spenser and Shakespeare”. In: Spenser Studies: A Renaissance Poetry
Annual, 8 (1987), 251-285.
Laroche, Rebecca. "'O Absent Presence,' Sidney Is Not Here: The Lament for Astrophil and the
Stellar Presence of a Woman Writer". Sidney Journal, 2002; 20 (2): 21-44.
LeVay, John P. “Sidney´s Astrophel and Stella, Sonnet 18”. In: Explicator, 40:3 (1982), 10-12.
MacArthur, Janet H. Critical Contexts of Sidney´s Astrophil and Stella and Spenser´s Amoretti.
Victoria: U of Victoria, 1989.
MacCabe, Richard A. “Conflicts of Platonic Love and Sensual Desire in Astrophil and Stella”. In:
John Scattergood (Ed.). Literature and Learning in Medieval Renaissance England: Essays
Presented to Fitzroy Pyle. DublIn: Irish Academic P, 1984. 103-126.
MacLeod, Christine. “Stella Speaks: The Petrarchan Convention Revisited”. In: Critical Survey,
3:1 (1991), 3-13.
Z 59
Manganaro, Elise Salem. “Songs and Sonnets in Astrophil and Stella: A Reading of Sidney´s
Poetics”. In: Explorations in Renaissance Culture, 15 (1989), 121-136.
Marotti, Arthur F. “’Love Is Not Love’: Elizabethan Sonnet Sequences and the Social Order”. In:
ELH, 49:2 (1982), 396-428.
Z 52
Maus, Katherine Eisaman. “A Womb of His Own: Male Renaissance Poets in the Female Body”.
In: James Grantham Turner (Ed.). Sexuality and Gender in Early Modern Europe: Institutions,
Texts, Images. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1993. 266-88.
F EV 1207
Miller, Jacqueline T. “’What Words May Say’: The Limits of Language in Astrophil and Stella”.
In: Gary F. Waller e.a. (Eds.). Sir Philip Sidney and the Interpretation of Renaissance Culture:
The Poet in His Time and in Ours: A Collection of Critical and Scholarly Essays. London;
Totowa, NJ: Croom Helm; Barnes & Noble, 1984. 95-109.
Minogue, Sally. “A Woman´s Touch: Astrophil, Stella and ‘Queen Vertue´s Court’”. In: ELH,
63:3 (1996), 555-70.
Z 52
Montgomery, Robert L. “Astrophil´s Stella and Stella´s Astrophil”. In: Gary F. Waller e.a. (Eds.).
Sir Philip Sidney and the Interpretation of Renaissance Culture: The Poet in His Time and in
Ours: A Collection of Critical and Scholarly Essays. London; Totowa, NJ: Croom Helm;
Barnes & Noble, 1984. 44-55.
Montgomery, Robert L. “The Poetics of Astrophel”. In: M. J. B. Allen e.a. (Eds.). Sir Philip
Sidney´s Achievements. NY: AMS, 1990.
Nelson, Lowry Jr. “The Matter of Rime: Sonnets of Sidney, Daniel and Shakespeare”. In: Maynard
Mack e.a. (Eds.). Poetic Traditions of the English Renaissance. New Haven: Yale UP, 1982.
F KC 1074
Park, Hyungji. "Contingent Desire: Love and the Paradox of Petrarchanism". In: Feminist Studies
in English Literature, 2002 Winter; 9 (2): 119-44.
Ray, Robert H. “Sidney´s Astrophil and Stella”. In: Explicator, 41:3 (1983), 7-9.
Z 92
Reed, Jon B. “Astrophil and Estella: A Defense of Poesy”. In: SEL: Studies in English Literature,
30:4 (1990), 655-678.
Z 109
Reichert, John. “Do Poets Ever Mean What They Say?”. In: New Literary History: A Journal of
Theory and Interpretation, 8:1 (1981), 53-68.
Z 78
Roberts, Katherine. “Realism in Sidney´s Astrophil and Stella: The Creation of Stella”. In: Sidney
Newsletter and Journal, 12:2 (1993), 30-41.
Roches, Thomas P. Jr. “Astrophil and Stella: A Radical Reading”. In: Spenser Studies: A
Renaissance Poetry Annual, 3 (1982), 139-191.
Roches, Thomas P. Jr. “Autobiographical Elements in Sidney´s Astrophel and Stella”. In: Spenser
Stduies: A Renaissance Poetry Annual, 5 (1985), 209-229.
Roe, John. “Sidney´s Astrophil and Stella, 31”. In: Explicator, 51:4 (1993), 203-204.
Z 92
Steinberg, Theodore L. “Spenser, Sidney and the Myth of Astrophel”. In: Spenser Studies: A
Renaissance Poetry Annual, 11 (1994), 187-201.
Stump, Donald. “Sidney´s Astrophil, Vanishing”. In: Renaissance Papers (1988), 1-13.
Traister, Daniel. “Sidney´s Astrophil and Stella, Sonnet 89”. In: Explicator, 42:2 (1984), 2-3.
Traister, Daniel. “’To Portrait That Which in This World Is Best’: Stella in Perspective”. In:
Studies in Philology, 81:4 (1984), 419-437.
Z 20
Waller, Gary F. “Acts of Reading: The Production of Meaning in Astrophil and Stella”. In: Studies
in the Literary Imagination, 15:1 (1982), 23-35.
K JON 771
Waller, Gary F. “The Rewriting of Petrarch: Sidney and the Languages of Sixteenth-Century
Poetry”. In: Gary F. Waller e.a. (Eds.). Sir Philip Sidney and the Interpretation of Renaissance
Culture: The Poet in His Time and in Ours: A Collection of Critical and Scholarly Essays.
London; Totowa, NJ: Croom Helm; Barnes & Noble, 1984. 69-83.
Warkentin, Germaine. “Sidney and the Supple Muse: Compositional Procedures in Some Sonnets
of Astrophil and Stella”. In: Studies in the Literary Imagination, 15:1 (1982), 37-48.K JON 771
Webster, John. “’The Methode of a Poete’: An Inquiry into Tudor Conceptions of Poetic
Sequence”. In: English Literary Renaissance, 11:1 (1981), 22-43.
Weiner, Andrew D. “Sidney/ Spenser/ Shakespeare: Influence/ Intertextuality/ Intention”. In: Jay
Clayton e.a. (Ed.). Influence and Intertextuality in Literary History. Madison: U of Wisconsin
P, 1991. 245-70.
Wilson, Scott. “Elizabethan Subjectivity and Sonnet Sequences”. In: Dissertation Abstracts
International, 53:2 (1992), 510A DAI No.: BRDX95928.
im UB/Sachkatalog
7. Edmund Spenser
Bieman, Elizabeth. “’Sometimes I ... mask in myrth lyke to a Comedy’: Spenser´s Amoretti”. In:
Spenser Studies: A Renaissance Poetry Annual, 4 (1983), 143-169.
Braden, Gordon. "Pride, Humility, and the Petrarchan Happy Ending". In: Spenser Studies: A
Renaissance Poetry Annual, 2003; 18: 123-42.
Campana, Joseph. "On Not Defending Poetry: Spenser, Suffering, and the Energy of
Affect". PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 2005 Jan; 120
(1): 33-48.
online access
Davis, Steve. The Feminine Reclaimed: The Idea of Woman in Spenser, Shakespeare and Milton.
Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 1986.
Davis, Walter. "Spenser and the History of Allegory". In: English Literary Renaissance, 2002
Winter; 32 (1): 152-67.
online access
Dundas, Judith. “’The Heaven´s Ornament’: Spenser´s Tribute to Sidney”. In: Etudes Anglaises,
42:2 (1989), 129-139.
Getty, Laura J. "Circumventing Petrarch: Subreading Ovid's Tristia in Spenser's Amoretti".
Philological Quarterly, 2000 Summer; 79 (3): 293-314.
Heninger, S. K. Jr. Sidney and Spenser: The Poet as Maker. University Park: Pennsylvania State
UP, 1989.
Heninger, S. K. Jr. “Spenser, Sidney and Poetic Form”. In: Studies in Philology, 88:2 (1991), 14052.
Z 20
Klein, Lisa M. “’Let Us Love, Dear Love, Lyke As We Ought’: Protestant Marriage and the
Revision of Spenser´s Amoretti”. In: Spenser Studies: A Renaissance Poetry Annual, 10 (1992),
Kuin, Roger. “The Gaps and the Whites: Indeterminacy and Undecideability in the Sonnet
Sequences of Sidney, Spenser and Shakespeare”. In: Spenser Studies: A Renaissance Poetry
Annual, 8 (1987), 251-285.
Loewenstein, Joseph. “A Note on the Structure of Spenser´s Amoretti: Viper Thoughts”. In:
Spenser Studies: A Renaissance Poetry Annual, 8 (1987), 311-323.
Lyne, Raphael. "Grille's Moral Dialogue: Spenser and Plutarch". In: Spenser Studies: A
Renaissance Poetry Annual, 2004; 19: 159-76.
MacArthur, Janet H. Critical Contexts of Sidney´s Astrophil and Stella and Spenser´s Amoretti.
Victoria: U of Victoria, 1989.
MacLure, Millar. “Spenser”. In: Christopher Ricks (Ed.). New History of Literature II: English
Poetry and Prose, 1540-1674. NY: Bedrick, 1987. 37-56.
Nuttall, A. D. "Spenser and Elizabethan Alienation". In: Essays in Criticism: A Quarterly Journal
of Literary Criticism, 2005 July; 55 (3): 209-25.
FBB: Z 60
Steinberg, Theodore L. “Spenser, Sidney and the Myth of Astrophel”. In: Spenser Studies: A
Renaissance Poetry Annual, 11 (1994), 187-201.
Tung, Mason. “Spenser´s ‘Emblematic Imagery’: A Study of Emblematics”. In: Spenser Studies: A
Renaissance Poetry Annual, 5 (1985), 185-207.
Weiner, Andrew D. “Sidney/ Spenser/ Shakespeare: Influence/ Intertextuality/ Intention”. In: Jay
Clayton e.a. (Ed.). Influence and Intertextuality in Literary History. Madison: U of Wisconsin
P, 1991. 245-70.
8. The Earl of Surrey
Caldwell, Ellen C. “Recent Studies in Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey”. In: English Literary
Renaissance, 19:3 (1989), 389-401.
Thomson, Patricia. “Wyatt and Surrey”. In: Christopher Ricks (Ed.). New History of Literature II:
English Poetry and Prose, 1540-1674. NY: Bedrick, 1987. 1-20.
Zitner, S. P. “Truth and Mourning in a Sonnet by Surrey”. In: ELH, 50:3 (1983), 509-529.
Z 52
9. Thomas Wyatt
Braden, Gordon. "Wyatt and Petrarch: Italian Fashion at the Court of Henry VIII". In: Annali
d'Italianistica, 2004; 22: 237-65.
Caldwell, Ellen C. “Recent Studies in Sir Thomas Wyatt (1970-1987)”. In: English Literary
Renaissance, 19:2 (1989), 226-246.
Cary, Cecile Williamson. “Sexual Identity in ‘They Flee from Me’ and Other Poems by Sir
Thomas Wyatt”. In: Assays: Critical Approaches to Medieval and Renaissance Texts, 4 (1987),
Cheong, Seok Kweon. “Politics, Love and Poetry of Sir Thomas Wyatt”. In: The Journal of
English Language and Literature, 39:3 (1993), 477-492.
Dasenbrock, Reed Way. “Wyatt´s Transformation of Petrarch”. In: Comparative Literature, 40:2
(1988), 122-133.
ZZ 65/ 605
Estrin, Barbara. “Becoming the Other/ The Other Becoming in Wyatt´s Poetry”. In: ELH, 51:3
(1984), 431-445.
Z 52
Estrin, Barbara. “Wyatt´s Unlikely Likenesses: Or, Has the Lady Read Petrarch?”. In: Peter C.
Hermann (Ed.). Rethinking the Henrician Era: Essays on Early Tudor Texts and Contexts.
Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1994. 219-239.
Ferry, Anne. The ‘Inward’ Language: Sonnets of Wyatt, Sidney, Shakespeare, Donne. Chicago: U
of Chicago P, 1983.
Foley, Stephen Merriam. Sir Thomas Wyatt. Boston: Twayne, 1990.
Glaser, Joe. “Wyatt, Petrarch and the Uses of Mistranslation”. In: College Literature, 11:3 (1984),
Greene, Roland. “Petrarchism among the Discourses of Imperialism”. In: Karen Ordahl
Kuppermann (Ed.). America in European Consciousness, 1493-1750. Chapel Hill: U of North
Carolina P, 1995.130-165.
Harvey, Gordon. “’Ys Yt Possible?’: Wyatt on Trust”. In: Hellas: A Journal of Poetry and the
Humanities, 7:2 (1996), 107-121.
Kay, Dennis. “Wyatt and Chaucer: ‘They Flee From Me’ Revisited”. In: Huntington Library
Quarterly: A Journal for the History and Interpretation of English and American Civilization,
47:3 (1984), 211-225.
Z 230
Klein, Lisa M. “The Petrarchism of Sir Thomas Wyatt Reconsidered”. In: David G. Allen e.a.
(Eds.). The Work of Dissimilitude: Essays from the Sixth Citadel Conference on Medieval and
Renaissance Literature. Newark; London: U of Delaware P; Associated UP, 1992. 131-47.
Major, Virginia Banke. “Love and Legalisms in the Poetry of Sir Thomas Wyatt”. In: Essays in
Literature, 11:2 (1984), 177-186.
Odabashian, Barbara. “Thomas Wyatt and the Rethoric of Change”. In: Mario Di Cesare (Ed.).
Reconsidering the Renaissance: Papers from the Twenty-First Annual Conference.
Binghampton: Medieval & Renaissance Texts and Studies, 1992. 287-300.
Panja, Shormishtha. “Ranging and Returning: The Mood-Voice Dichotomy in Wyatt”. In: English
Literary Renaissance, 18:3 (1988), 347-368.
Pivato, Joseph. “Wyatt, Tudor Translator of Petrarca: Italian Plain Style”. In: Canadian Review of
Comparative Literature (Revue Canadienne de Litterature Comparee), 8:2 (1981), 239-255.
Schwartz, Louis. “’But as for Me Helas, I May No More’: Petrarchan Imitation and Courtly
Sociability in Wyatt´s ‘Who So List to Hounte’. In: The Comparatist: Journal of the Southern
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