

What is the importance of Sidney to literary criticism?

What is the importance of his article to literary criticism?

Write about Sidney‘s life?

What does Sidney describe in his article?

1He describes the ancient poetry.

2He describes the importance of poetry in society.

3He describes the mimetic nature of poetry.

4He describes the ethical nature of poetry.

5 He defended poetry against the allegations of the ancients like Plato.

What is the form of Sidney’s defence?

Sidney's defense of poetry is structured as a trial; its form thematizes the larger issue of the poet's relationship to political power, a situation that points not only to Plato's Republic but also to the court context for which

Sidney wrote.

What are the sections of the defence?

The Defence is divided into the seven sections. Exordium, narration, proposition, partition, confirmation, refutation, and peroration.

What kind of language Sidney used in his defence?

What does Sidney think of Drama and tragedy?

The Critical Periods (Ages):

The ancient classical Age of the Greeks and Romans. (Plato and Aristotle )

The Middle Ages

The Renaissances Age (Sir Philip Sidney)

The Neo- Classical Age 18 th Centuries

(Alexander Pope, Dryden)

The Romantic Age 19 th Century

The Victorian Age

Modern Age 20 th Century

What are the principles (ideas) of Neo-


What are the parts of Neoclassical period?

Neoclassical period can be divided into three parts:

1The restoration age (Milton, Dryden)


2The Augustan Age (1700-1750) Pope

3The Age of Johnson (1750-1798)\


Neo classicism came as a reaction against the views of the Renaissances


How does classicism see Man?

Compare between the Renaissances ideas and the neoclassical ideas?

Neo-Classical Period: The Neo-Classical period, covering the 140 years or so after the Restoration

(1660); arose as a reaction of the uncontrolled energy and humanism of the Renaissance. The Neo-Classical writers followed the traditions and had a great respect for correctness in life and art, so they respected order, decorum and the established rules. Art was valued for its praise of reason and its control of emotion and the imagination. They regarded man as the primary source of poetic subject matter, so they used irony and satire in their poetry. “Rape of the Lock”, a mock epic by

Alexander Pope, is a fine example of Neo- classical poetry, written in witty and perfect couplets, it ridiculed the pettiness of humanity. This Neo-classical sensibility also appears in the 20th century as in Auden’s “The

Unknown Citizen” with its irony, restraint and wit.

What is the name of Dryden’s essay that is important to literary criticism?

What is this essay mainly about?

He is writing about:

1Whether the ancients are superior to the moderns.

2Whether the English Drama is more superior to the French Drama.

What is the form of the essay?

He presents a sophisticated debate between four Restoration gentlemen as they float down the Thames on a barge. He presents the essay on a form of a dialogue between four friends who are disputing the relative merits of ancient and Modern drama, of English and French theatrical practice.

How does Lisideius define a play?

How does Dryden represent the four speakers in his essay?

1Crites starts the debate with his support of the Ancients.

2Eugenius, in response, attempts to turn

Crites’ points against him. Progress in science has been matched by progress in the arts. The Moderns have improved upon the older dramatists

3The second topic of debate is introduced by Lisideius. He accepts the success of the earlier English stage. The French are strict observers of the “Unities”; they have rejected that peculiar English hybrid, the tragicomedy; they have modernized and simplified their plots to give them a familiar credibility; and

they have engaged in a more searching exploration of human passion.

4Neander replies, and summarizes,

Dryden’s behalf. He acknowledges the superior “decorum” of French drama, but then qualifies his approval by allowing French plays only the lifeless beauty of a statue but the English stage is more vital, more exciting.
