The Things They Carried

The Things They Carried
Monday: “The Man I Killed” “Ambush”
Tuesday: “Notes” “Speaking of Courage.”
Create a Google Doc 12 TTTC Nov. 20 Your Name
Take notes to discuss the following tasks:
Notice the New Reading Schedule
Writing Exercise:
Explain how “The Man I Killed” and “Ambush”are related to the idea of
“truth in a war story.”
Consider how “Notes” expands the way we read “Speaking of Courage.” How does
the last paragraph of “Notes” demonstrate O’Brien’s struggle to find the “truth”
about the Vietnam War?
Wednesday November 20th
Read “In the Field,” “Good Form,” and “Field Trip”
Thursday November 21st
Read “The Ghost Soldiers” (pp. 189-218)
Friday November 22nd
Read “Night Life” and “The Lives of the Dead”
Exam Monday November 25th