Title: The Island Author: Gary Paulsen Genre: Adventure # of Pages

Title: The Island
Author: Gary Paulsen
Genre: Adventure
# of Pages: 202
This book is about a fourteen year old boy named Wil Neuton. He and his family had to move to
a town named Pinewood. His dad found a better job, so they had to move. He loves to ride his bicycle. He
used to get up at 6 am. On morning, he decided to go outside and ride his bike. While he was riding his
bike, he saw a little island. He stopped and turned around. He found an old boat. He left his bike and went
to the island with the boat. When he was in the island, he felt comfortable. He said it was better than his
own house. He and his family have been having some little problems and that’s why he said he doesn’t
feel comfortable in his house. This island is going to change his life because he also starts to have some
big problems with his family and he also meets Susan, a young girl which Wil starts to fall in love with.
This is written in the third person point of view.
Wil is fourteen years old. He found an island which is going to make him have some problems
with his family. Some of the problems are that he leaves his house without telling his parents because he
wants to go to the island. He says that he feels more comfortable in the island then his own house. His
parents told him that if he does that again, he was not going to go to the island any more, but he doesn’t
listen to them. He always ignores them. Some of his goals are make a house the island, he wants his
family to go live with him to the island, he want the island to be in the world map, and he also wants to
discover all the things the island has. The island also affects him because he meets a girl named Susan. He
starts to fall in love with her, and he has to spend some time with her, but he wants to be in the island at
the same time, so sometimes he frustrates.
“You think something you are going to do is going to affect your life, but at the end it is the best
thing you could do.”
“Think before you act.”
“You always have to listen to people, and then you can make a comment about what they said.”
I read a book named EL GUERO written by the same author of this book. The genre was the
same. It was about Mexican boy who had white skin. His family had a problem. He wanted to help them
but no one in Mexico wanted to help him because he was white. It was a really good book.
The picture that is in the book is good. Wil is fourteen years old, and the boy in the pictures looks
like a boy that is fourteen years old. Also you can see the island. This book is about an island too. He also
used a boat to go to the island, and the boat is in the picture too.
I would like to recommend this book because everything that happens in the book is really
excited. Some of the things that happen here happen in the real life too.
Eliseo Chavez
English 9
Per. #3
Mrs. Lindenstein