IEP Goals: Functional Communication Objectives

IEP GOALS - Functional Communication
Annual Goal:
The student will protest/reject/refuse an item/action/person in 4 out of 5 opportunities as
measured by structured observation.
Potential Objectives:
#1 Avert gaze.
#2 Turn head.
#3 Exhibit negative facial expression (frown).
#4 Push item/person away in a socially appropriate way.
#5 Sign/gesture/point to picture of "no" or "stop".
#6 Say "no" or "stop".
#7 Increase length of utterance to protest/refuse.
#8 Give reason for refusal.
Annual Goal:
The student will request attention/assistance in 4 out of 5 opportunities as measured by
structured observation.
Potential Objectives
#1 Make/maintain eye contact.
#2 Wait for a pause in conversation before attempting to gain attention.
#3 Gain attention in a socially appropriate manner.
#4 Use verb/noun phrase (want play).
#5 Increase vocabulary (spoken or signed).
#6 Increase length of utterance.
#7 Increase number of signs in combination.
#8 Use sentence (I want to play with you).
#9 Use polite phrases, e.g., thank you, excuse me.
#10 State reason for need of attention.
#11 Wait appropriately for others' attention/assistance.
#12 Respond when name is called.
#13 Indicate what type of assistance is needed.
#14 Accept appropriate level of assistance.
Annual Goal:
The student will label objects, people or activities and indicate choice by picture/words/sign at 4
out of 5 opportunities as measured by structured observation.
Potential Objectives:
#1 Say one word utterance ("finished").
#2 Repeat stereotyped phrase ("all gone").
#3 Use increased length of utterance to comment on events or topic.
#4 Focus gaze/point/reach toward chosen object.
#5 Point eye/gaze at picture representing choice.
#6 Indicate affirmation or negation to questions.
#7 Name objects.
#8 Name people.
#9 Name activities.
#10 Indicate choice.
#11 Produce phrase/word indicating choice.
#12 Produce sentence indicating choice.
Annual Goal:
The student will give information by using words/pictures/sign on 4 out of 5 opportunities as
measured by structured observation.
Potential Objectives
#1 Indicate first name.
#2 Indicate full name.
#3 Indicate age.
#4 Indicate birthday.
#5 Indicate phone number.
#6 Provide additional information as requested.
#7 Leave message on an answering machine or voicemail.
#8 Answer general information questions.
#9 Indicate a lack of knowledge appropriately.
#10 Express personal feelings in a socially acceptable manner.
#11 Compliment appropriately.
#12 Express appreciation appropriately.
#13 Apologize appropriately.
#14 Console another.
Annual Goal:
The student will seek/respond to information/questions 4 out of 5 opportunities as
measured by structured observation.
Potential Objectives:
#1 Use sign/words/augmentative communication to ask questions.
#2 Use one word utterance with correct inflection to ask a question.
#3 Use phrase or sentence with correct inflection to ask question.
#4 Wait for response.
#5 Respond appropriately with yes/no to question.
#6 Respond to "wh" questions.
#7 Seek out appropriate reference/person.
#8 Request clarification
#9. Follow simple commands
#10. Follow 1 part directions.
#11 Follow __ part directions.
#12 Paraphrase oral message.
Annual Goal:
The student will initiate and maintain interactive communication 4 out of 5
opportunities as measured by structured observation.
Potential Objective:
#1 Remain in proximity of other.
#2 Make/maintain eye contact with other.
#3 Listen and respond alternately with other in conversation.
#4 Use words/sign to answer and ask follow-up questions.
#5 Ask/answer/comment and stay on topic.
#6 Appropriately initiate and close interaction.
#7 Verbalize about people, objects and events not present.
#8 Engage in verbal turn-taking on specific topic.
#9 Recognize when a conversation is terminated.
#10 Finish/close a conversation.
#11 Identify appropriate and inappropriate times to talk.
#12 Use volume/rate appropriate to situation.
#13 Identify appropriate and inappropriate words/topics.
#14 Greet others and respond to greeting.
#15 Bid or respond to farewell.
#16 Use appropriate tone and facial expression.
#17 Use age appropriate speech and language.
#18 Maintain appropriate social distance.
#19 Wait for pause in conversation before speaking.
#20 Limit perseverative speech.
#21 Relate a sequence of events.
#22 Describe an experience or process.
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