Performance Evaluation Instructor Name _________________________________________________________ Date & Location _________________________________________________________ Evaluator Name __________________________________________________________ Please answer the following with a YES, NO or N/A (Not Applicable). If additional space is needed for clarification, please use the back of the pages. CLASSROOM _______ Dressed appropriately _______ Set up and prepared on schedule _______ Followed designated procedures for registration _______ Began lecture on time Followed Script: _______ Terminology _______ Content _______ Designated Time Schedule _______ Did NOT include personal opinions _______ Utilized overheads / Power Point effectively _______ Met needs of individual participants _______ Allowed time for Questions & Answers COMMENTS: PRACTICAL APPLICATION Dressed appropriately: _______ Tights or Shorts with Swim Suit _______ Shoes _______ Utilized appropriate music tempo _______ Able to perform demonstrations on the beat of the music _______ Maintained proper posture and alignment 10-03 Showed ALL methods of deck instruction: _______ Impact _______ Chair _______ Non Impact – arm demonstration and/or vocal only _______ Correct speed of movements during demonstration _______ Cues appropriate for participant to follow demonstrations _______ Provided correction / feedback COMMENTS: OVERALL PRESENTATION STYLE _______ Easy to understand and follow _______ Logical progression of thoughts _______ Use of humor _______ Eye contact _______ Voice inflection / volume COMMENTS: 10-03