Gravesend Public School Internet Access Policy AIMS OF USING THE INTERNET IN STUDENT LEARNING The use of the Internet in learning should: 1. enhance students’ learning opportunities and outcomes in all key learning areas from kindergarten to year 6; 2. assist students and staff to develop the information and communication skills necessary to use the Internet effectively and appropriately; 3. develop computing and research skills so as to ensure students become technologically aware learners; and 4. reflect community values SAFETY AND PRIVACY Students, staff and community members using Gravesend Public School Internet access will abide by the following conditions of use. They will: 1. not provide identifying data, such as full name, address or other information that describes the personal situation and location of students, staff or community members; 2. consider the conditions under which student and staff photographs are published. Written permission from parents or guardians must be obtained before photographs are published. Identifying data should not be supplied with photographs; 3. exercise particular care and supervision when students are communicating with other people on the Internet as it is very difficult to be absolutely sure that the people are who they claim to be; 4. address privacy issues for students and staff by being aware that email does not guarantee privacy and that DET school and personal webmail can be monitored by the department’s Information Technology Bureau 1 Gravesend Public School Internet Access Policy CODE OF BEHAVIOUR FOR ALL USERS Students, staff and community members using Gravesend Public School Internet access will abide by the following conditions of use. They will: 1. Not attempt to send or receive any material that is regarded as offensive or illegal, in particular material that contains: swearing, is of a sexual nature (nudity, pornography, etc), concerns illegal activities, drugs or drug taking, terrorism, bomb or weapon construction; 2. Use the Internet for substantially research-based and information exchange activities – wikis, blogs e-mails 3. Not engage in activities such as posting abuse, obscene or harassing messages or use the school system for unauthorised private or commercial activities; 4. Not physically damage or otherwise disable the computer software or hardware; 5. Not engage in activities that will bring Gravesend Public School or its community into disrepute. INAPPROPRIATE INTERNET MATERIAL The Departmental server filters material that is accessible through the Internet. Inappropriate material can however present itself. Students, staff and community members using the Gravesend Public School Internet access will abide by the following conditions of use: 1. Immediately report to the Principal any instances of the transmission of inappropriate or offensive material. If staff, students or community members are identified as being at fault then disciplinary procedures should be implemented that are consistent with current school and Department of Education and Training policies; 2. Ensure effective and consistent supervision of student Internet use at school. Computers with Internet access for student use should be situated in locations that allow for supervision; 3. Follow Internet etiquette and the conventions for dealing with breaches of etiquette. Teachers need to teach these and remind students to be thoughtful, courteous, respectful and tolerant of others’ opinions and viewpoints while on-line; 4. Students should not compose e-mail without appropriate staff supervision; 5. Notify the Principal if in doubt concerning any of the above. Reviewed 28th March, 2011 2 Gravesend Public School Internet Access Policy PARENT / GUARDIAN AGREEMENT TO ALLOW STUDENT ACCESS TO INTERNET I understand that the Internet can provide students with valuable learning experiences. I also understand that it gives access to information stored on computers around the world; that the school cannot control what is on these computers; and that a very small part of that information can be illegal, dangerous or offensive. The Department of Education and Training attempts to minimise this by filtering access to such sites. I accept that, while teachers will always exercise their duty of care, protection from exposure to harmful information must depend finally upon responsible use by students. I believe ………………………….. ( name of student ) understands this responsibility, and I hereby give my permission for her / him to access the Internet under the school rules. I understand that students breaking these rules will be subject to appropriate action by the school. This may include loss of Internet access for a period of time. ( Parent or caregiver’s name ) …………………………………. (please print) ( Parent or caregiver’s signature ) ………………………………….. (Date) …………………. 3 Gravesend Public School Internet Access Policy STUDENT INTERNET AGREEMENT Name; _______________________________ I understand that the Internet can be a source of valuable information and must be used according to the rules of this school. Inappropriate use will result in the cancellation of these privileges and action will be taken by the school according to the Student Welfare and Discipline Policy. While accessing the Internet I will: 1. Be courteous and use appropriate language. ( I will not swear, harass or abuse others ); 2. Report abusive behaviour directed at me; 3. Not reveal personal information about others or myself; 4. Respect the privacy of others; 5. Not download copyrighted material ( including games, music, graphics, videos or text); 6. Not post, distribute or use, without permission material created by someone else; 7. Not access sites seen as offensive to teachers and parents; 8. Report any security problem or inappropriate site to my teacher; 9. Not vandalise, disrupt, degrade or harm equipment or data. Signed: _______________________ Date: ________________ 4