Inappropriate Language Discipline

Inappropriate Language
I am being disciplined today for using words that have offended, insulted, or
embarrassed other people. I must realize that schools must have rules against using
inappropriate words so that students will feel safe and secure while they are learning.
Respect means to be considerate of others. Using words that are offensive or put
others down is not being respectful. If we say something to hurt someone, then we are not
being respectful. In fact, some inappropriate language is considered verbal assault, and is
a form of abuse. It is hard for people to learn if they are afraid someone might verbally
abuse them and get away with it. They might also be afraid that the verbal assault will
turn into a physical assault.
Sometimes we use bad words to get our friends to think we are "bad" or grown-up.
Some students think this behavior impresses others. Actually, it makes them look
immature and shows they lack self-control. Sometimes we use inappropriate words
because of peer pressure. This means that we use bad words because of our friends. If our
friends say bad things it may cause us to do the same. Again, This just shows that we
have no self-respect or self-control, and that we are not very mature. Most people do not
like to hear words that are offensive or hurtful. Often, friends do not want to be around
you if you embarrass or offend them by what you say.
Sometimes you can stop using inappropriate or abusive language by thinking about
how other people will feel. How would you feel if someone said the same thing to you?
Part of becoming mature is having the self-control to be careful about what you say to
others. If you think people will be unhappy with, or offended by, what you are planning
to say, then do not say it at all. Learn to express yourself in an acceptable and mature