Name: per: 1 2 3 4 5 6 THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: BLOOD, HEART AND CIRCULATION This heart has been injected such that the circulatory system of the heart is shown. The muscle and epithelial tissue is not being shown. SVHS ADVANCED BIOLOGY ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY SPRING SEMESTER 2013-2014 SVHS ADVANCED BIOLOGY 2013-2014 CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM UNIT OUTCOMES A) B) C) D) E) C) Be able to describe the physical characteristics, the functions, and the formed components of human blood Be able to describe the structure and function of a red blood cell, including hemoglobin Be able to describe the basic steps of blood formation (homeopoesis) Be able to name the major structures of the heart and surrounding the heart. Describe their functions Be able to describe how the conduction system of the heart creates a rhythmic contraction. Be able to trace the flow of blood through the heart starting with the vena cava’s and finishing with the aorta. Explain phases of heart beat and the term “cardiac output”. D) Be able to describe what each portion of an EKG represents in terms of the cardiac cycle. (EKG lab) E) Be able to explain how the heart rate is controlled. F. Be able to tell the differences in structure and function of veins and arteries. SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES: Wed 4/9 C Discussion: Characteristics of blood Lab: Blood packet HW D.R. # 14.1 Thurs 4/10 A Discussion: Homeopoesis: formation of blood components Lab: Components of Blood: packet Microscope lab: normal blood and blood diseases HW: D.R. # 14.2 Mon 4/ 14 A Discussion: Lab: Homework: Location of heart and surrounding structures Blood Pressure and Stethoscope lab Read Ch 15.1, Work on lab packet, DR #15.1 Wed 4/16 C Discussion: Lab: Homework: Conduction system of the heart and EKGs Packet: Functions of heart structures, EKG lab Read 15.2, complete EKG lab- web research section Thurs 4/17 A Lab: Homework: Heart dissection. Read 15.3, do D.R. # 15.2, complete heart structure’s function *Mon 4/21 C Discussion: Homework: Cardiac Output and control of heart rate. (Pages 409-415) D.R. # 15.3, Complete EKG web search. Read Ch 16.1, 16.2 *Tues 4/22 A Discussion: Lab: Homework Vessels and physiology of blood flow. Pgs. 420-427 Heart dissection last day/ Blood vessel observation lab DR #16.1 Complete all work in lab packet *Wed 4/23 A Test: Cardiovascular System + Cardio Lab Packet due Mon 4/28 Immune System SVHS ADVANCED BIOLOGY OBSERVATION OF PIG HEART Using the directions provided in this lab packet dissect the pig's heart. Identify the structures that are listed below. From your text pages 400-405, identify the function of each of the structures and fill the information in on the appropriate space. Each team of two will then bring their heart and their lab sheet to the front table for an oral quiz. You and your partner will be asked to demonstrate the proper pathway that blood takes through the heart, naming the structures as you progress. You will also be asked to describe how the heart creates this onedirectional flow. Structure in Pig Heart Left & Right Ventricle Left and Right Atria Ascending Aorta & Pulmonary Trunk Superior Vena Cava & Inferior Vena Cava Pulmonary Veins Pericardium Coronary Veins and Arteries Papillary Muscle(s) Ligamentum Arteriosum Coronary Sinus Myocardium The Structure's Function Tricuspid Valve Bicuspid Valve Chordae Tendineae Pulmonary Semi Lunar Valve Aortic Semi Lunar Valve Right or Left Coronary Artery Openings Location of SA Node Location of AV Node Location of Bundle of His Location of Purkinje Fibers In the space below describe how the heart maintains a one-directional flow of blood which leads to and from the lungs and then to the body and back to the heart once again. Explain which areas contain oxygenated blood and which areas contain deoxygenated blood. Explain how the coronary circulation provides the heart muscle (myocardium) with necessary nutrients and removes waste products. SVHS ADVANCED BIOLOGY ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY OF THE HEART 1) Google “EKG” 2) Label each of the segments on the diagram shown below. 3) List each segment below and explain what happens in the heart during each segment. EKG Baseline Beginning of Heart Beat P Wave P-Q Interval QRS Complex What occurs to heart during this time and significance Duration in seconds S-T Segment T Wave Utilize the WEB for the following section. Type of EKG EKG of person suffering from extreme chest pains (Angina) EKG of a person who has had a heart attack. Coronary Disease Ventricular Fibrillation Atrial Fibrillation Premature Beats Diagram of EKG. Explanation of how EKG is different from normal EKG. OBSERVATION OF VESSELS Read pages Ch 16, pgs 421-425 of the Human Body textbook. Fill in the table below concerning information about the various types of vessels found in the human cardiovascular system. Arteries Veins Capillaries Structure of the wall making up the vessel Function of the vessel Name that refers to smaller vessels of same type. None Diagram of vessel wall. In the space below describe how blood is returned to the heart through the venous system after gas exchange occurs in the capillary Observe the slides of "artery, vein, and capillary. Diagram a section of the wall of the vein and artery. Label the parts discussed in the textbook. Next diagram the entire capillary as shown on the slide. Finally diagram an atherosclerotic artery showing a comparison of the opening or lumen. Artery Vein Capillary In the space below discuss what causes atherosclerosis, how it damages the blood vessel, and what changes it causes in the physiology of the blood flow. Research information in classroom or library resources. Atherosclerosis SVHS ADVANCED BIOLOGY CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: HEART SELF STUDY SHEET 1) Be able to describe the location of the heart and its surrounding structures. 2) Be able to describe the structural make-up of the heart’s wall. 3) Be able to name and give a function for the structures of the heart as studied in lab. 4) Be able to describe the hearts blood supply and the result of this circulation being obstructed. 5) Be able to trace the flow of blood through the heart. (Lab) 6) Be able to describe how a one directional flow is achieved. (Lab) 7) Describe the role of the SA node, AV node, bundle of His, and the Purkinje fibers in creating a rhythmic contraction of the heart. 8) Describe what is represented by the P, QRS, and T waves of an EKG. Be able to recognize an abnormal EKG and explain what the print out represents. (Lab) 9) Describe the cardiac cycle which includes the systole and diastole of the atria and ventricles. 10) Be able to explain what the sounds are that you hear through a stethoscope when listening to the heart. 11) Explain what the cardiac output means and how it relates to stroke volume. 12) Describe the basic structure of arteries and veins including the difference between the two. 13) Explain the structure and function of capillaries. 14) Explain how blood is returned to the heart through the veins of the body. 15) Describe the factors that affect arterial blood pressure: cardiac output, blood volume, and peripheral resistance. 16) Be able to explain how blood pressure is measured.