Civil Rights movement - Study Aid

Civil Rights movement - Study Aid
What were the tactics of the Civil Rights movement?
Research the tactics of the Civil Rights movement.
What was meant by the term “direct action”?
Direct action was an important tactic adopted by the Civil Rights movement. It meant …..
Provide some examples of the “direct action” tactics adopted by the movement.
Direct action took several forms. Each one was successful because it attracted media
interest, yet
showed the activists in a good light. The methods that were used were ….
In what ways did Rosa Parks and Bull Connor help the civil rights movement?
Rosa Parks began the Montgomery Bus Boycott. This helped the movement because ….
Bull Connor was the bigoted Birmingham Police Chief. He helped civil rights by …….
How successful was the Civil Rights movement?
Research the success of the Civil Rights movement.
What were the successes of the Civil Rights movement up to 1968?
By 1968 the Civil Rights movement had achieved many of its aims …..
How did Martin Luther King die?
In 1968 ….
Martin Luther King believed in using peaceful and non-violent protest.
Provide an example of what this meant and why it was important.
Doctor King believed that peaceful progress would win because the black protestors
would be seen in a good light. An example of this is …….
How did the nature of the movement change?
By the 1970s the civil rights movement had changed ……
Choose one person and write about their civil rights experiences.