

9/24/13 – Green – X-block short schedule

English 2

Period 2 Agenda:


Students will be able to:

Analyze short stories

Literary Term of the Day:

PLOT – the action or sequence of events in a story. Plot is usually a series of related incidents that builds and grows as the story develops.

CLIMAX – the high point, or turning point, in a story—usually the most intense point near the end of a story

CONFLICT – the struggle between opposing forces that moves the plot forward.

Conflict can be internal, occurring within a character, or external, between characters or between a character and an abstraction such as nature or fate.

EXPOSITION – the portion of the play or story that helps the reader to understand the background or situation in which the work is set

FALLING ACTION – in a plot of the story, the action that occurs after the climax.

During the falling action conflicts are resolved and mysteries are solved.

RESOLUTION – comes after the climax and the falling action. Intended to bring story to a satisfactory end; problems solved.

RISING ACTION – the events in a story that move the plot forward. Rising action involves conflict

Do Now (Journal):

Does Goodman Brown live out a happy life? What could have made his life better?

Who is at fault?

Goal: responses should be 5-10 sentences

In Class:

 “Young Goodman Brown”

Track characters and plot


Fill in bubbles, Reread ending of YGB

9/24/13 – Green – X-block short schedule

English 2

Period 3 Agenda:


Students will be able to:

Analyze short stories

Literary Term of the Day:

PLOT – the action or sequence of events in a story. Plot is usually a series of related incidents that builds and grows as the story develops.

CLIMAX – the high point, or turning point, in a story—usually the most intense point near the end of a story

CONFLICT – the struggle between opposing forces that moves the plot forward.

Conflict can be internal, occurring within a character, or external, between characters or between a character and an abstraction such as nature or fate.

EXPOSITION – the portion of the play or story that helps the reader to understand the background or situation in which the work is set

FALLING ACTION – in a plot of the story, the action that occurs after the climax.

During the falling action conflicts are resolved and mysteries are solved.

RESOLUTION – comes after the climax and the falling action. Intended to bring story to a satisfactory end; problems solved.

RISING ACTION – the events in a story that move the plot forward. Rising action involves conflict

Do Now (Journal):

Does Goodman Brown live out a happy life? What could have made his life better?

Who is at fault?

Goal: responses should be 5-10 sentences

In Class:

 “Young Goodman Brown”

Track characters and plot


Fill in bubbles, Reread ending of YGB

9/24/13 – Green – X-block short schedule

English 2

Period 4 Agenda


Students will be able to:

Analyze short stories

Literary Term of the Day:

PLOT – the action or sequence of events in a story. Plot is usually a series of related incidents that builds and grows as the story develops.

CLIMAX – the high point, or turning point, in a story—usually the most intense point near the end of a story

CONFLICT – the struggle between opposing forces that moves the plot forward.

Conflict can be internal, occurring within a character, or external, between characters or between a character and an abstraction such as nature or fate.

EXPOSITION – the portion of the play or story that helps the reader to understand the background or situation in which the work is set

FALLING ACTION – in a plot of the story, the action that occurs after the climax.

During the falling action conflicts are resolved and mysteries are solved.

RESOLUTION – comes after the climax and the falling action. Intended to bring story to a satisfactory end; problems solved.

RISING ACTION – the events in a story that move the plot forward. Rising action involves conflict

Do Now (Journal):

Does Goodman Brown live out a happy life? What could have made his life better?

Goal: responses should be 5-10 sentences

In Class:

 “Young Goodman Brown”

Track characters and plot


Handout, page 2

9/24/13 – Green – X-block short schedule

American Literature

Period 6 Agenda:


Students will be able to:

Analyze personal beliefs relative to work of literature

SAT Word of the Day:

 felon (noun) - A person guilty or capable of crime.

 use the term in an original sentence; make sure context is clear

SAT Question of the Day: writing practice

Do Now (Journal):

How successful would your high school career be if you had to live at school in dorms?

Goal: responses should be 5-10 sentences

In Class:

Discuss Catcher quotes


Catcher – 3 quotes

9/24/13 – Green – X-block short schedule

American Literature

Period 7/8 Agenda:


Students will be able to:

Analyze personal beliefs relative to work of literature

SAT Word of the Day:

 felon (noun) - A person guilty or capable of crime.

 use the term in an original sentence; make sure context is clear

SAT Question of the Day: writing practice

Do Now (Journal):

How successful would your high school career be if you had to live at the school in the dorms?

Goal: responses should be 5-10 sentences

In Class:

Discuss Catcher quotes


Read Catcher – chapters 7&8
