Independent Reading Project for Mr. Pak Due Date - TBA Point Value – 100 pts each. (Projects are worth 20% of your grade. Directions 1. Select an approved novel. See list below for recommendations. 2. Read book on your own time. Students will have to read two books by the end of the fall semester. 3. Complete one of the projects listed below for each book. Projects All projects must demonstrate proof that the student read the book. 1) Create a website dedicated to the book. The website must contain content that proves you read the book. The website must have a summary of the novel, character analysis, theme analysis, reviews of the book, and creative visual content. 2) Draw a 15 page comic book adaptation about the book. The panels must descriptive. 3) Movie adaptation – Imagine you are a movie producer and are going to create a film adaptation of the novel. Write a 150 – 200 word summary of the novel. Write a detailed paragraph summary of each major character explaining their character traits and their conflicts. For each character, cast an actor to play that part and why that character fits that role. Finally, create a movie poster for the proposed film. 4) Create a highly creative plot arc for the novel. The plot arc should be creative and artistic. It needs to diagram the plot of the story in GREAT detail. 5) Podcast – Create a 10-15 minute audio or video podcast where you talk about the book. In the podcast summarize and give your opinion of the novel. Discuss the themes. For this project students can work together if they are reading the same book. 6) Book-talk – In front of the class give a 5-10 minute presentation about the novel where the student summarizes the plot, talks about the conflict and themes, and then gives a thorough review of the book. 7) Be the teacher! Pretend you are the teacher and create a teaching unit on the novel. You must create the following: - Write a two page (or 500 words) summary of the novel. - Make a list of thirty vocabulary words with definitions - Create thirty comprehension review questions with answers. - Create three short quizzes with answers - Create a 50 question test with answers - Create notes for literature terms where you give examples of metaphor, simile, imagery, and the elements of plot 8) Book report – Write an old fashion book report. Write a three page (750 words) summary of the book. It also must have a one page analysis of the theme and a two page review. Finally you must turn the book into a poem. The poem must rhyme and must be at least 75 lines and written in stanzas. The poem must use figurative language. 9) Other – If a student has an idea for a project, he or she can talk to me and pitch their idea. If I deem it acceptable, it can replace any of the above suggestions. *All projects must be neat and proof read. Typing is not mandatory but recommended. Do not fold papers. Nothing should have tears or marks in it. It should look like considerable time, effort, and care was put into completing the project. Recommended Fiction Books for 7th/8th Grade Independent Reading Projects (students DO NOT need to select a book from this list) *Nonfiction is not included in this list, but students are allowed to read nonfiction. Mr. Pak still must approve the selection. *All books must be approved by Mr. Pak The Giver - Lois Lowry Number the Stars – Lois Lowry To Kill a Mockingbird – Harper Lee The Book Thief – Markus Zusak A Wrinkle in Time – Madeleine L’Engle The Diary of a Young Girl – Anne Frank Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret – Judy Blume Lord of the Flies – William Golding The Chocolate War – Robert Cormier A Separate Piece – John Knowles Watership Down – Richard Adams Old Man and the Sea – Earnest Hemmingway Of Mice and Men – John Steinbeck The Pearl – John Steinbeck Fahrenheit 451 – Ray Bradbury The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn The Fault in Our Stars – John Green Something Wicked This Way Comes – Ray Bradbury Looking For Alaska – John Green The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – Douglas Adams Thirteen Reason Why – Jay Asher The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time – Mark Haddon The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian – Sherman Alexie The Call of the Wild – Jack London Dune – Frank Herbert My Sister’s Keeper – Jodi Picoult Treasure Island – Robert Louis Stevenon It’s Kind of a Funny Story – Ned Vizzini The House on Mango Street – Sandra Cisneros The Truth About Forever – Sarah Dessen Before I Fall – Lauren Oliver Unwind – Neal Shusterman Wintergirls – Lauris Halse Anderson Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland All Quiet on the Western Front – Erich Maria Remarque Around the World in Eighty Days – Jules Verne Brave New World – Aldous Huxley Catch-22 – Joseph Heller The Count of Monte Cristo – Alexandre Dumas A Farewell to Arms – Ernest Hemingway Gulliver’s Travels – Jonathan Swift I, Robot – Isaac Asimov The Invisible Man – H.G. Wells Ivanhoe – Water, Sir Scott The Red Badge of Courage – Stephen Crane Robinson Crusoe – Daniel Defoe The Time Machine – H.G. Wells Speak – Laurie Halse Anderson Slam – Walter Dean Myers Fallen Angels – Walter Dean Myers Monster - Walter Dean Myers Battle of Jericho – Sharon M. Draper Fat Kid Rules the World – K.L. Going The Dark Days of Hamburger Halpin – Josh Berk Mockingjay – Suzanne Collins Nothing but the Truth – Avi Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry – Mildred D. Taylor A Day No Pigs Would Die – Robert Netwon Peck Hatchet – Gary Paulsen My Side of the Mountain – Jean Craighead George Stargirl – Jerry Spinielli Divergent (series) by Veronica Roth Shiloh – Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Shiver – Maggie Stiefvater The Wednesday Wars – Gary D Schmidt The Devil’s Arithmetic – Jane Yolen Pretty Little Liars – Sara Shepard Tangerine – Edward Bloor Night – Elie Wiesel The Lovely Bones – Alice Sebold Animal Farm – George Orwell Farewell to Manzanar – Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston Mexican Whiteboy – Matt de la Pena The Glass Castle – Jeannette Walls A Long Way Gone – Ishmael Beah The Kite Runner – Khaled Hosseini Shooter – Walter Dean Myers American Born Chinese – Gene Luen Yang And Then There Were None – Agatha Christie Thngs Fall Apart – Chinua Achebe The Gunslinger – Stephen King