Name:_____________________________ 10th Grade Literature and Composition Syllabus ECHS 2013-2014 Mr. John Pope Contact Information Phone: (912) 754-6404 Email: Rebel Creed: I am proud to be a student of Effingham County High School. I promise to conduct myself always as a lady or gentleman and as a good citizen of my school, community, state, and nation. I shall strive never to commit an act that may disappoint my family, friends, and school. Course Description and Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS): Instruction and assessment in English/Language Arts classrooms will require students to write frequently. They will also be reading more texts that are informational in nature as opposed to literary in nature. Students will read with pen in hand to record their reactions to the content and to record evidence for use in responding to writing prompts. Students will engage in fewer “traditional” grammar, vocabulary, and spelling activities because instruction in these areas will be embedded in study of texts being read rather than as separate activities. For example, vocabulary lists will be developed based on texts read and personal vocabulary journals that the students create. CCGPS Units of Study for 10th grade Literature/Composition: August-October Unit 1: “Moral Courage and Endurance” Extended text and focus: Cry, The Beloved Country by Alan Paton October-December Unit 2: “The Importance of Place in Life and Literature” Extended text and focus: Ecology of a Cracker Childhood by Janisse Ray January-March Unit 3: “The Many Faces of the Hero” Extended text and focus: Life of Pi by Yann Martel March-May Unit 4: “Expanding Spaces: Seeing Beyond Horizons and Limitations” Extended text and focus: Travel essay compilation Textbook/Novels Policy: A class set of textbooks will be available for students to use in class. They are NOT required to take this book home. It is recommended (not required) that students purchase a copy of the novels for their individual use. There will be a lot of annotating, note taking, highlighting, and homework that requires the use of the text in all of the units. Recommended (not required) Novels to Purchase: Cry, The Beloved Country by Alan Paton (ISBN # - 978-0-7432-6217-0) Ecology of a Cracker Childhood by Janisse Ray (ISBN # - 978-1-57131-247-1) Life of Pi by Yann Martel (ISBN # - 978-0-547-84841-9) Classroom Policies: Each student is expected to: Enter classroom on time and quietly begin the Bell Ringer activity every day. Bring all materials necessary for active learning, including pens, pencils, notebook, paper, and a positive attitude. Respect the teacher, self, other students and their property, and all school policies. Participate and pay attention in class. Complete all assigned work. Keep our classroom neat! Students will NOT be permitted to eat or drink in my class! Bottled water is the ONLY exception. Wait to be dismissed at the end of class! I dismiss you, not the bell! Cheating and Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated. Students will receive an automatic zero for the assignment and will NOT be able to make it up. If the cheating is habitual, students will be referred to the discipline office for further action. Since the school will be on a seven-period day with only 50 minutes per class period, students MUST use the restroom between classes. There is not enough time during instructional time unless it is an extreme emergency. Please use your time wisely and use the facilities between classes. Students who require frequent restroom access due to a medical condition must have a note on file with the school nurse. Grading: Grades are calculated according to the policy set forth by the Effingham County Board of Education. All students are required to take a State End-of-Course Test, which will comprise 20% of the student’s final grade average. The remaining 80% of his/her grade will be the student’s class average. For the English Department, class averages will be calculated as follows: Exams – includes essays, projects and reports……….….………….…….45% Classwork………………………………………………………...….……20% Homework ……………………………………………………………......10% Quizzes……………..……………………………………………………..25% Assignment Make-up Policy: The student is responsible for work missed due to an absence from class. If the absence is excused, any work due on the day the student was absent must be submitted within three days of the student’s return. Points will be deducted for work not turned in. Tests and/or long-term assignments that were assigned prior to the student’s absence will be made up the first day the student returns to class. If the student is absent the day before a test/quiz, the student will take the assessment on the regularly scheduled day with the rest of the class. Tests will be announced well in advance. Make-up work should be discussed before or after school only, not during my class! If/when you are absent, you should call one of your RELIABLE classmates to find out what you have missed AND check the make-up work folder for you particular class period. Classmate: ____________________________ Phone Number: _____________ Attendance Make-up Policy (Saturday School): Students who miss seven (7) unexcused or excused days of class will be asked to make up the time in Saturday School for the next occurring absence. Late Work Policy: I will NOT be accepting any late assignments for full credit this year! If a student is in school and does not turn in an assignment, he/she will only have one (1) additional day to turn it in, with 70 being the highest possible grade. In the cases of unexcused absences or suspensions, students will be encouraged to complete all missed work but will not be able to receive full credit. In these cases, students will have three (3) days to turn in the assignment. Work will not be accepted beyond three days after an absence. The student will receive a zero for the assignment if it is not turned in within the allotted three days. Tutoring: Tutoring is available every Wednesday afternoon from 3:45 to 4:30, or by appointment. In either case, a student must notify me when he/she plans to attend by filling out a signup sheet Remind 101: This website is a safe way for me to keep in contact with students and their parents after school and send reminders about homework assignments, upcoming projects, and class announcements. If you have an e-mail address or can receive text messages, you can start receiving reminders with a special code. More information will go home during the first week of school. Notebooks In order for you to be organized, your notebook should be divided into the following eight sections: 1. Bell Ringers 2. Vocabulary 3. Literature Notes/Classwork 4. Writing Notes/Classwork 5. Homework 6. Readings 7. Graded Papers 8. Extra *Students will be required to keep a notebook for this class and may have periodic notebook checks! This syllabus should be the FIRST item in your notebook! Supply List: 3-ring binder (2 – 3”) 8 notebook dividers with tabs College-ruled notebook paper Blue or black ink pens Mechanical pencils (preferred) RECOMMENDED- a personal copy of the class novels (hard copy or electronic) Wish List: Cough Drops Kleenex Band Aids Hand Sanitizer Please sign the attached form and return indicating that both the student and parent understand the syllabus and classroom policies. I look forward to an exciting, challenging, and “learning-filled” year with your child! Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns! Student Name ______________________ Period _________________ I understand and agree to follow Mr. Pope’s syllabus and classroom policies. I understand that the CCGPS units are rigorous and require student and parent involvement for success. I also understand that the units require a great deal of reading and writing outside of the school day. Lastly, I understand that it is my responsibility to bring all supplies needed for class daily. Student Signature/Date: _______________________________________________ Parent Signature/Date: ________________________________________________