Welcome to Mrs. Dziwura’s P.R.O.B.E. Social Studies class! Website (updated daily) gcps-cindydziwura.onmycalendar.com E-mail: cindy_dziwura@gwinnett.k12.ga.us Teaching Experience: is my 22nd year of teaching; my 15th year of teaching gifted I taught 9 years in Dekalb County I am in my 13th year of teaching at Hull I also serve as the S.S. Department Chair This Expectation of Students: Utilize agenda every day All vocabulary quizzes are open note SPELLING COUNTS!!!! (for vocabulary, countries, and capitals) Bring I.N. (Interactive Notebook) to class every day Be organized Work must be of high quality Effort is key to being successful in class Review work done in class nightly! When absent, always check with me to see what was missed along with checking my website S.S. Curriculum: – Eastern World by Holt (accessed on-line or check a textbook out from me) Curriculum sequence: SW Asia, Africa, Asia On-line support: Eclass has entire textbook 7th Grade S.S. PROMOTION REQUIREMENT: passing 4 out 5 classes – LA & MA are required Text Interactive Notebook (I.N.) Should be organized exactly as Mrs. Dziwura’s notebook Notebook is graded on the day of the test – I look for the pages in the notebook that pertain to that test Grades Make sure you are checking your parent portal account Grades are updated at midnight after a teacher enters them that day Please let me know if you believe there was a grade input wrong (i.e 8% instead of 88%) Political Map Tests: Students will be tested over the physical features and the capitals and countries of SW Asia, Africa, and Asia when these units are studied Helpful websites… www.maps101.com (username: Gwinnett, password: media) www.studystack.com www.ilike2learn.com Lizardpoint (you will need to Google the website) National Current Events League Administered in November, January February, and March No preparation except for watching the national news on various websites, television channels and the radio I love to show the students student news through www.cnn.com/studentnews and www.channelone.com in class (or they can view at home)