E.O. Smith High School Application for Class Officer I, ______________________________________ wish to run for_________________ of the Class of ______________ Name of Position fill in the year * In order to run for Senior Class President, you must have served as a class officer* Section I: Administrative Information Name ______________________________________ Email Address ______________________________________ Section II: Sponsorship Statement of Faculty Sponsorship for ___________________________ Name of Applicant To become a candidate for the Class Officer, a faculty member or administrator must sponsor you. They should know you and be willing to speak on your behalf. Please select a sponsor and have them sign below. Sponsor Name (Print): __________________________________ Sponsor Name (Sign): __________________________________ Section III: Personal Statement In your own words, please provide a statement explaining why you believe you would be a good class officer. You must EMAIL your personal statement to your advisor. This statement should be no more than 100 words. (This above paragraph is 37 words) Section III: Video Speech (Optional) You may choose to record a video speech. You can either film your speech in school by contacting Ms. Frederick (video production room) or by using your own device (video camera or cell phone) with video recording. The video speech should last no more than 1 minute. You must EMAIL your video speech to your advisor. All speeches must be appropriate and are subject to administrative review. Speeches must not exceed 40 seconds. Section IV: Petition A petition that must be signed by at least 25 different members of your class must be turned in with the rest of the application materials. Section V: Signatures I understand that if elected as class officer, I agree to represent my class to the best of my ability. Furthermore, I understand that completing this form does not guarantee election as a class officer, and that information presented here is accurate. I intend to participate in the election process with dignity, integrity and diligence. I will also follow the specific guidelines set forth by my advisors as to the dates and duties regarding the position. I understand that if I do not comply with all of the guidelines, I will not be placed on the ballot. Student Signature Date I have read the information provided by my son/daughter on this form and can verify that it is true, accurate, and complete in its presentation. Parent Signature Date Please be advised that failure to submit any part of the application will disqualify you from the election. If you have any questions or concerns, please see your advisor. DEADLINE: September 18, 2015 The application must be completed and handed in person to your class advisors. No late applications will be accepted. Remember personal statements and video speeches should be emailed to your advisor. Checklist for Application _____ Statement _____ Sponsorship _____ Petition _____ Signatures _____ Video (Optional) Advisor Use Only Completed Application turned in on __________ Received by _____________ E.O. SMITH HIGH SCHOOL Regional District #19 Petition for Class Officers Twenty-five different members of my class have signed this petition. SIGNATURES 1. ___________________________ 14. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________ 15. ___________________________ 3. ___________________________ 16. ___________________________ 4. ___________________________ 17. ___________________________ 5. ___________________________ 18. ___________________________ 6. ___________________________ 19. ___________________________ 7. ___________________________ 20. ___________________________ 8. ___________________________ 21. ___________________________ 9. ___________________________ 22. ___________________________ 10. ___________________________ 23. ___________________________ 11. ___________________________ 24. ___________________________ 12. ___________________________ 25. ___________________________ 13. ___________________________