IMMITATION (1-3) Emily Dickenson Time does not go onI tell gay to those that are happy nowYou will be sad – There is no sunYou will believe me soonRobert Frost Some say that the chicken came first Some say the egg Of the two, egg is the worst So I say the chicken came first But if it came from Winnipeg Then it is Canadian, eh I think they created bootleg By the way So, it could have been the egg Robert Frost I saw a man He looked at me He did the can-can He danced like a bee It was very funny Cause he couldn’t dance He looked like a bunny He was in a super, crazy, psychedelic trance FOOD POEM Chicken is so tasty I would rather have it than a pastry I like it fried and rotisserie style For it I would walk a mile I don’t care what came first it or the egg But for this food I am willing to beg 3RD PERSON He opens a book And gives it a look On reading rainbow His name is Lavar With reading you can go far On reading rainbow LOVE POEM My heart speeds up Sweat begins to accumulate I don’t know what to do Oh no She is coming closer Can I barrow a pencil? 5 TERCETS I like chicken Its finger licking good man No lie man It’s so yummy It goes down my throat Into my tummy I eat it For breakfast, lunch and for dinner Even for brunch It’s so good Boneless, skinless, crispy or not But not chicken less So eat it With me and see why Chicken is good SUNDAY MORNING (6-8) On Sunday mourning I drink my Coffee I think about what Is And what isn’t Nasty I like to sit in my rocking chair Because It is comfortable and It Is very sturdy and the smell Taste Like freshly cut grass Like The kind cut on a Sunday mourning, the Dirt And dust that gets stuck in It It being your nose Eww Sunday mourning’s Are very boring There is nothing to do but clean And grab some bacon, lean Wash my car With some soap, a bar Then do the dishes Not one of my wishes Mow the lawn Rather be fishing at a pond Cant do anything Have to clean Or deal with my mom When she is mean I want to play some basketball Or hang out with friends at the mall I hate cleaning I want to stop Gotta clean the floor With a mop