Indiana University Northwest at Gary American History 106 M/W; T/Th Sprin 2005 Dr. Barbara Dobschuetz 1-773-465-2794 Website: AMERICAN HISTORY SURVEY 1890BPRESENT Intro: For many of you this may be the last history course or American History course you take. With that in mind, we will try and cover a few themes that I hope will be memorable and informative. This will be a social history approach to the survey of essentially late 19th and 20th century American history. By social history, I mean I will be looking at history from the Abottom-up.@ While I will talk about major political events and social and economic trends, we will be looking at history from the experience of a wide variety of individuals and how those trends and events shaped their lives. Some major themes will included how we define American national identity, the paradox of American diversity and unity, and the role of the individual in American culture and politics. We will also look at movements within this period such as the civil rights movement, feminism, labor, social reform, and religious movements. The textbook, The American Journey edited by David Goldfield will be a guide B or a backdrop to other sources including: film, literature, first person narratives, and photography which I will bring into the class and which will inform our discussions on Thursdays. Assignments and Grading: Mid Term B 1 Hour Final: Film Review Due on the last day of class 1 Hour Exam on Exam Day 2 Book Reviews 3 pages or 500 wds (20pts each) Class Attendance and participation Total 50 points 50 50 40 points 10 200 You will be required to hand in 2 book reviews but there will be 6 books as assigned reading for discussion. You can choose which 2 you will hand in as a book review. You will be graded on 2 reviews no exception. All Assignments must be handed in and exams taken to pass the course. One Film review will make up the second half of your final exam. The review will be handed in on the last day of class. The four films explore some topic in American History, you will choose one to review. In a 750 word essay you will explore a series of questions that will be handed out later in the semester. The film choices are as follows: Good Morning Vietnam CFilm about the Viet Nam War Lone Star Bthe film about the Texas Border and the three racial communities and their history that make up this community. The Long Walk Home Ba story about African American and white women’s transformation during the civil rights era. 1 The Best Years of Our Lives – a classic film about GI’s returning and adjustment following WWII Readings: John Faragher, Out of Many Fourth Edition (Prentice Hall:2005) (Optional) Tony Horowitz, Confederates in the Attic (Vintage Departures) Studs Terkel, My American Century B selected chapters Plunkitt of Tammany Hall Martin Luther King, Why we Can=t Wait Jimmy Carter, An Hour Before Daylight C. Vann Woodward, The Strange Career of Jim Crow Class Lecture / Discussion 1. Lecture January 10 -12 Introduction : Reconstruction/ New South Chapter 17 - Faragher 2. Lecture January 17-19 Immigration Chapter 19 - Faragher ***January 19: Discussion and Book Review: Plunkett of Tamany Hal 3. Lecture January 24-26 Populism and Politics of Post-Bellum America Chapter 20 - Faragher 4. Lecture January 31-February 2 Progressive Era Chapter 21 - Faragher ***February 2 Discussion and Book Review: Confederates in the Attic 5. Lecture February 7-9 Imperialism Chapter 22 B Faragher 6. Lecture February 14-16 WWI Chapter 22 - Faragher ****MID TERM One hour exam in class February 16 2 7. Lecture February 21-23 1920s Toward Modern America Chapter 23 - Faragher February 23: Discussion and Book Review: Strange Career of Jim Crow 8. Lecture February 28-March 2 1930s New Deal and Depression Era Chapter 24 - Faragher 9. Lecture March 7-9 WWII 1939-45 Chapter 25 - Faragher March 9: Discussion and Book Review Jimmy Carter: An Hour Before Daylight 10. Lecture March 21-23 The 1950s The Confident Years Chapter 26- Faragher March 23: Discussion My American Century 11. Lecture March 28-30 Civil Rights Movement Chapter 28 - Faragher March 30: Discussion and Book Review: Why we Can=t Wait 12. Lecture April 4-6 1960s Cultural Revolution Chapter 29 - Faragher 13. Lecture: April 11-13 Rise of the Women=s Movement ***April 13 : Discussion Betty Freidan handout: 14. Lecture April 18-20: 1970: Rise of the Religious and Political Right. Chapter 31 - Faragher 3 15. April 25-27: Final Film Project Due and Presentation in Class. 16. May 2-4 Final Exam 4