Power and Oppression: Fahrenheit 451

9th Honors
Ms. Ulrich
Power and Oppression: Fahrenheit 451
Examining the Theme of Power
Over the next few weeks, we will be reading Ray Bradbury’s
Fahrenheit 451 and studying the effects of power. In his novel, we
will see several different characters and symbols that are affected
by power or that represent power.
The Essay:
Analyze the theme of power and its effects as seen in
Fahrenheit 451. Who has the power? Is power shifting in the
novel? What can power do to the world? Is it a good or bad force?
These are questions to consider as you write your essay.
 Choose at least 3 characters or symbols from the novel
and explain how the theme of power relates to or affects
 Use direct textual support (paraphrases AND quotes) in
your analysis. QUOTE-WEAVE your support!
 Create a well-organized essay, complete with an
introduction, thesis, body paragraphs with topic
sentences, and a conclusion.
Due Dates:
Outline Due—Monday, Nov 24
Draft Due—Monday, Dec 1
Final Copy Due—Wednesday, Dec 3