Trifles - Lyndhurst School


Trifles Motif and theme development Name_________________________

Examine the following motifs: friendship home disillusionment gender roles belonging

Find TWO (one sentence) quotations to support EACH of the motifs.

Write them down and include page number.

Bullet some ideas about why the quote is significant.

You will have a total of 10 quotes with bullets when you are finished.

Identify themes:

Identify themes based on THREE of the concepts you have chosen.

Remember that themes are STATEMENTS that represent the author’s intent and purpose in using those concepts.

Your paper should look something like this:


“If there’d been years and years of nothing, and then a bird to sing to you, it would be awful – still, after the bird was still.” (Mrs. Hale)

-for many years, Mrs. Wright had no company

-her house was always quiet

-“nothing” suggests that Mrs. W’s life was empty and lonely

-the bird provided companionship

-the quite and emptiness was worse after bird was gone

-it would be extremely difficult for Mrs.W to accept the loss of the


“Oh, I wish I’d come over here once in a while! That was a crime! Who’s going to punish that?” (Mrs. Hale)

-Mrs. Hale feels guilty for not visiting Mrs. Wright

-Mrs. Hale realzes how empty Mrs. Wright’s life was

-Mrs. Hale feels that she could have helped Mrs. Wright by

visiting her and easing her loneliness

-Mrs. Hale feels responsible for the crime that was committed

Theme statement: The desperate actions of individuals suffering from isolation can prevent the progress of society.
