Whitman and Dickinson

Name ______________________________________ Date Due________________________________
American Literature
Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson are two of America’s finest poets. With a partner(s), I want you to
find a Whitman and a Dickinson poem that speaks to you. Find poems that touch your heart, your soul,
and your transcendentalist side. Of course, we are all going to want to hear about your poems, so you will
be presenting them to the class.
1) Use old-fashioned hard copy books and search the web to find a favorite Whitman and Dickinson poem.
Pick poems that have at least 10 lines of poetry. You may choose two short poems by one of the poets as
one your choices.
2) Get teacher approval before finalizing your choice of poems. We do not want to hear about the same
poems over and over. Once you have approval, copy and paste the poems into a new document using 12point font, double-spaced. Give me this typed copy no later than _______________________!!!!
(Include the proper heading on the top right hand corner of your paper.)
3) Read biographical information about Whitman and Dickinson. Find an event or events in their lives or in
history that you believe contributed to the creation of the poems you have chosen.
4) Read a critical analysis about the works of Whitman and Dickinson. If possible, find an analysis of the
poems you have chosen.
5) Provide me with a list of your sources using the correct MLA format. You must have at least two hard
copy sources on your works cited list.
6) To complete this assignment, we will have an informal poetry reading day(S) in which you and your
partner(s) share your poem choices with the class. During your poetry reading, you and your partners will
1. Biographical significances you have discovered.
2. Briefly summarize the critical analyses you have read.
3. Read the poems, making note of any poetic/literary techniques, tell us about the poem’s
meaning, and discuss why you chose the poems you are sharing.
EXTRA CREDIT OPTION: Prepare a visual aid to use during your presentation.
1) Choose poems and provide a copy to me by ________________.
2) List of sources
3) Presentation (60%):
1. Biographical significance
2. Summary of critical analysis
3. Reading of poems and discussion of meaning
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Please attach this assignment sheet to your works cited page and turn it in when you do your